Douluo Dalu - The Story Of Sheng Feilong Chapter 159

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Published at 18th of April 2019 08:45:32 PM Chapter 159

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Sheng Feilong smiled light and retracted his Soul Bone and spiritual pressure, while Huang Jialong took the time to calm down again . A few moments later, Sheng Feilong shot him a smug look . "So, do you believe me now? It's an artificially created Skull Soul Bone of a Three-Eyed Golden Lion . "

Huang Jialong smiled wry and shook his head, though not meeting Sheng Feilong's eyes and gazed past the latter . "No, I fully believe you; It's definitely the real deal . This spiritual pressure was ridiculous; Even if it's a Three-Eyed Golden Lion, why is it so strong?"

"Ha, ha, you wanna know? Well, it has to do with my-" Sheng Feilong was about to continue with a smile on his face, but froze when a voice suddenly interrupted him from behind . "So you're blabbering out your secrets again?"

Sheng Feilong hurriedly turned around with a shocked look, but got a hold of himself when he saw the familiar person in front of him . "Master, you surprised me . . . "

"Surprised you? Well, aren't you relaxed . It's as if you weren't just about to talk about one of your most important secrets . " She Meixiao sarcastically remarked, sternly looking at Sheng Feilong . "You're way too carefree in regards to things like these . You're not vigilant in the least and there isn't even a sound isolating barrier in place . What were you thinking?"

Sheng Feilong just stood there for a moment before awkwardly scratching the back of his head . "I'm sorry, Master . . . " Again, She Meixiao only sterny looked at him with a frown on her face . "You're sorry? Do you think that is enough? Did you even think about the consequences?"

This time, Sheng Feilong remained quiet, but She Meixiao didn't stop there . "I didn't even actively tried to hide; I only suppressed my Soul Power . Yet, you didn't even notice me until I was literally speaking to you . Any ordinary person could have spied on you and get all of those neat little secrets out of you without trouble . "

She sighed, then put on a calmer expression . "At least Jialong noticed me when I stopped in front of the door, but even that isn't enough . Listen, in a world where strength is as important as in ours, your own secrets and powers are the things you need to keep closest to you, lest someone uses them against you . "

Huang Jialong nodded, while Sheng Feilong looked at She Meixiao and once again apologized . This time, She Meixiao's expression became somewhat softer towards both of them . "Nothing is more terrifying than an opponent that knows everything about you . They would never come to fight you unless they're certain they can beat you and if, by then, you don't have an ace up your sleeve that they don't know about, how could you possibly win?"

Sheng Feilong could only nod his head in agreement after She Meixiao finished . He clearly understood the importance about keeping secrets, but he's always been rather talk-active when it came to people he likes or trusts . "Yes, Master, I understand . I'll be more careful from now on . I won't make the same mistake again . . . "

She Meixiao smiled lightly, the tense atmosphere vanis.h.i.+ng as she spoke with a lighter tone . "Good . Remember when we first met? You told me a couple of lies so I wouldn't get too suspicious while still hiding the important bits . If you have to tell someone your secrets in the future, do it like that; Just tell them enough to not get them be suspicious of you . "

Huang Jialong and Sheng Feillong nodded once more, while She Meixiao took a look at the time . "Well, it's already late . You two have been talking enough for now; Let's call it a day and go to bed . We have to get the train early tomorrow . "

After her two disciples answered her, She Meixiao turned around and went to her own room . Heading her words, Sheng Feilong and Huang Jialong also called it a day and everyone returned to their respective rooms .

The night slipped past uneventfully and the next morning came fast . When She Meixiao mentioned, that they had to get the train early in the morning, she meant it; She got Sheng Feilong and Huang Jialong from their rooms even before sunrise and they had to travel through the city for nearly half an hour to reach the station .

Then, when sunrise slowly came, the train was already ready to be boarded . Luckily, Sheng Feilong and the others were Soul Master and had powerful physical bodies, therefore, the slight lack of sleep didn't trouble them at all . During the train ride, all of them simply meditated and cultivated a little to get rid of the sleepiness and exhaustion .

Riding the train to their destination, they entered a small town, just a bit bigger than an average countryside village and promptly began marching towards the outskirts where a farm surrounded by fields stood . This was naturally the next base of Daedalus they had to visit .

Once again, Sheng Feilong was confused about the weird habit of Daedalus bases being built underground, mostly beneath inconspicuous buildings in the middle of nowhere, but he didn't question it as the boarded the elevator underneath the stairs inside the house; By now, he was more or less used to the weirdness .

The Branchmaster of this base of Daedalus was also someone with a lot of ambitions, though not as bad as Branchmaster Lu; A middle aged woman with long, black hair and light green eyes, with a piercing gaze and stoic demeanor . Though she was apparently a soft hearted person, which was reflected by the amount of chldren and young adults inside the base; Apparently this Branchmaster took in most of them when they had it tough .

While She Meixiao went through the procedures of the inspection with the Branchmaster, Sheng Feilong and Huang Jialong exchanged pointers and spent time with the members of Daedalus' younger generation .

As the former disciple of Branchmaster Lu, the strongest Daedalus Branchmaster on the Star Luo Continent, Huang Jialong was rather well known any many people wanted to compare themselves with him . Sheng Feilong kept to the back and let Huang Jialong take the spotlight as he didn't want to fight too many people, but even he had to admit that Huang Jialong was worthy of his reputation .

The latter didn't lose a single fight against anyone of his age group and even a Soul Emperor level member, that was a few years older than Huang Jialong, was only able to fight him to a draw, nearly collapsing after the match .

Still, seeing Huang Jialong and Sheng Feilong talk so casually with each other, people naturally got curious . Add that to the fact that he was known to be the disciple of Daedalus' reputable Vice-Leader She and that he came from the Douluo Continent and the amount of people that wanted to spar with Sheng Feilong could be imagined .

He politely turned down most of the challenges, much to the ire of the challengers, but the few people that recognized Sheng Feilong quickly shut the others down . After all, they wouldn't want to see their juniors to get on the bad side of She Feilong, the 15 years old prodigy who effortlessly beat down the strongest Soul Master of the Star Luo Continent's younger generation, Monster Academy's Dragon King Long Yue, during the national tournament .

The hours came and went, with challenges and battles to watch and Sheng Feilong and Huang Jialong were definitely not bored . A long time had already pa.s.sed when a few more members of Daedalus came to the training hall . The were generally the same bunch of people like the rest of the members, but the others seemed to revere them with at least some kind of respect .

Sheng Feilong soon found out, that they were the family members, disciple or even personal disciples of the top executives of this branch and their leader was the personal disciple of the Branchmaster . Huang Jialong and the Branchmaster's disciple knew each other, but were on quite good terms . Moreover, the latter was already in his mid-twenties and naturally didn't challenge any of the them to a duel .

They got into a conversation and Sheng Feilong also chimed in as the others were quite pleasant to talk to . At some point, their talk diverted to talking about their Spirit Essences . Most of them already knew each other's Spirit Essences and Huang Jialong was also quite well known, so he didn't hold much back, while Sheng Feilong only talked about the basics of his Spirit Essences .

Among the group of top executive's a.s.sociates was a rather young child of about 12 or 13 years, who's eyes lit up when Sheng Feilong told them about his fight against Long Yue . Someone had asked about it after getting to know that Sheng Feilong was rather easy to approach, but this young girl was extremely enthusiastic about it .

After a while, she even challenged Sheng Feilong to a duel with a fiery expression, though with her cultivation of a high ranking Spirit Grandmaster, she naturally lost horribly despite Sheng Feilong holding back . However, her Spirit Essence was very interesting; The so called Yellow Spring Spirit Essence .

As its name implies, its said to be related to the Yellow Springs of folklore and a unique Spirit Essence of the water and evil elements . Moreover, the girl could use it as both, the Long Ranged attack type and the Control type .

Sheng Feilong casually asked for her name, to which she fidgeted a bit before replying in a quiet voice . "My name is Xiao Feifei . " At first, Sheng Feilong didn't think much of her name and just committed it to memory, but soon remembered something and smiled lightly .

Of course, Xiao Feifei saw this as him laughing about her name and pouted, but Sheng Feilong quickly explained that her name reminded him of a nickname his cousin gave him when they were children . 'Now that I mention it, it's been a while since I last saw Lijing, Uncle Fengtian and Aunt Mei . . . I'll have to ask father when we return to the Douluo Continent, he'd probably like to visit them as well . '

Douluo Dalu - The Story Of Sheng Feilong Chapter 159

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Douluo Dalu - The Story Of Sheng Feilong Chapter 159 summary

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