Sword Art Online: Red's Path 15 News

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Inside Red's room, Red has just woken up he woke up quite late because they talked about how to defeat the floor boss late at night.

As soon as he just got up he heard Chris' shouting outside of his door while knocking heavily.

"Boss! Boss! *Knock! Knock*"

Red opened the door and looked at Chris who was clearly annoyed so he asked.

"What happened? why are you annoyed so early in the morning?"

Chris sighed then explained "When I woke up ealier I went to out to have a walk and unexpectedly I heard the news that the Guardian's guild had successfully cleared the floor boss."

Red was surprised then nodded "Well good for them, looks like they will be having a lot more player joining them."

Chris nodded in agreement and said in a sad tone "But they lost half of their forces when they fought the floor boss, haaaaay if they only told us those poor players would've not died."

Red knew that Chris always has a soft spot when talking about a person's life so he just let him brood for a moment and said.

"Chris remember that this a survival game and not something you can control. the only thing you can do to help others is to get stronger and clear the floor boss do you understand?"

Chris stayed silent and gave a slight smile "I understand boss"

"That's good, go and call Asuna tell her what happened. we will be going to the 3rd floor today to continue levelling up." Red said while patting Chris' shoulder.

Chris nodded and went to Asuna to tell about Red's order.

An hour later the trio exited the inn and headed towards the teleportation gate leading to the 3rd floor.

(T/N: You can use the teleportation gate to go to higher floors that are conquered or currently trying to conquer if you have sufficient level.)

When they reached the city on the 3rd floor there was a huge line and many adventurers were anxious and excited lining up.

"Looks like there are many players who wants to join the Guardians guild after they successfully defeated the boss" Chris said while looking at the long line.

Asuna nodded and said "I'm thankful that our leader doesn't want to manage all this guild stuff, It really looks tiring."
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Red laughed and walked towards the exit "Let's go and level up, you guys need to reach atleast level 25 if you want to raid the boss with only the three of us."

Chris and Asuna immediately followed behind Red and looked serious, they were p.i.s.sed because they were the ones who were supposed to defeat that boss.

They vowed to level up faster so that the others won't be able to take what they wanted, who wouldn't want to be acknowledged to be the best and have rare weapons and materials?

Sword Art Online: Red's Path 15 News

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