Saving The Future 36 Satellite Launched

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Aariv threw each stone one by one, each had a slightly different angle of throw. He then sat down as he knew that it would take some time to get the results.

He played with Aslan for a while, Black also sat down, continuously looking at the sky. Black was shocked by the ability of his highness to throw rocks with so much power.

Aariv didn't have anything else to do, so he decided to talk to black.

"So, how's life treating you? I mean, what's the job?" he asked with interest.

"Your highness, my job is to watch overview for now. Before this, I used to monitor various state officials." Black truthfully replied.

"You got any family? What's your story man?" Aariv asked while bringing out his water pouch.

"Yes, only one. I got a mother, my father died when I was very small and my mother had to work to survive and you know the society doesn't allow women to work. Those days were very tough but then one day Acharya Kautilya came to the house and said that he will teach me. This happened even before his majesty became the emperor. Actually, I saw his majesty many times in the camp where we were taught and trained to become spies and's.

I was getting paid to study, so I accepted the offer, but my mother was a bit skeptical about it at first but I persuaded her.

All the rest is history." Black told his story.

"How is your mother?" Aariv asked with concern.

"Well, she has grown old now, she stays in bed. I made a royal physician check her up, but he said that she has some heart problem.

There was no medicine for it, so he advised me to do big havan (Offering prayers to G.o.d in front of fire). I did as he said but still the condition didn't get any better." Black replied.

Aariv thought a bit and decided to bring Black and his mother with him on his journey to Himalaya. He was going to conquer and make an empire, he needed able men to work for him.

Aariv looked at Black's face and said firmly "In a month, I will be leaving for a 13-year-long journey. I Will be conquer many kingdoms in my way, I want you to join me because I'll be needing someone I can trust and if Kautilya trusted you, then I should too.

My mother will also be going with us, so she is going to need another woman besides her, I can heal your mother and you can bring her along.

You don't have to be nameless anymore as you will not be serving as a spy. You will be serving as my second in command."

Black was overwhelmed by all those words, he was very interested in going with his Highness on the journey but, he was also worried about his mother, however, when he heard that his mother could be healed he decided that no matter what he would follow his Highness.

Black stool up and bowed in front of Aariv and said "I will be honored to follow you, your highness"

Aarav nodded and was about to speak, but then he had Aslan growling, looking at the sky.

He also looked at the sky and saw Two streaks of light, he understood that his stones were falling. He had memorized the position and the angle of each stone, so he knew which stone was coming down.

Soon, three more streaks of light fell, he was getting desperate as the number of falling rocks reached 12.

But then they stopped falling.

He waited for another hour but saw nothing, so he concluded that the three remaining stones were able to reach the s.p.a.ce.

He was very happy that his experiment succeeded and now knew that he could throw the satellite by his hand.

"It's time to go back, my experiment was a success" Aariv said.

Black just nodded and picked up all the stuff on the ground and brought the horses.

Aariv picked Aslan and put him in the baby carrier and mounted the horse.

It was 3 in the morning, he rushed back to the city gate. There wasn't any guard on the outer side of the gate as it was dangerous in the night.

The guard at the top of the gate saw that someone was approaching, and when an

Aarav and Black came near the gate the guard them and shouted to open the door.

"Where will you go now?" Aariv asked black after entering the city.

"To the palace. I have to stay close to you all the time, that's my job" Black replied.


They both reached the palace, he wasn't feeling sleepy, so he decided to work on the outer sh.e.l.l of the satellite which would protect it while going up.

He decided to make it conical, which would create less drag. The satellite was going to be a lot faster than other conventional satellites launched with launched vehicle. He need to make the outer sh.e.l.l strong enough.

Initially, he wanted to make it from t.i.tanium but the location from where he could harvest t.i.tanium was very far away, on the other hand he could make it from aeros.p.a.ce grade aluminum and it was also one of the most abundant metal on earth.

Aluminum could be extracted from bauxite and it's location was not far away.

If he went by himself and ran at full speed then it was possible to do the whole gig in one day.


After 4 hours.

He readied himself to go out. He couldn't bring Aslan with him, so he decided to leave him with Black. Jojo was coming with him as it could fly and keep up with his speed.

He took horse and went towards the city gate and after crossing gate he left it near the guard house.

From there he walked a little further, he saw that n.o.body was there. He kicked the ground and took the giant leap, he kept on doing that towards the target direction.

He was easily going at a speed of 250 km/hr, Jojo was able to keep up with him as it had top speed of 390 km/h.

His destination was 200 kilometers away and it took him 40 minutes to reach.

When he reached the place he saw the ground covered in red sand. He knew that he was in the right place and just needed to dig a little.

He upholstered his sword and swung it with a lot of strength towards the ground.

The swing was so powerful that it made a 20-meter deep and 10 meter wide crack in the ground. He jumped into the crack and started collecting rocks.

After 1 hour of collecting he stopped. He looked at the huge pile of rocks and said to Juno. "Time to work, separate aluminum from these stones and turn them into ingots," he said.

"Okayyyyy" she said with bored voice.

Aariv saw sand-like substance coming out of the rocks and getting a.s.sembly into rectangular ingots.

The whole process lasted 20 minutes. He got 80 kilos of aluminum in the end. He put them all in a large bag and then made his way back to the city.

Aariv wanted to send the satellite before night as he would be leaving for the siege with his father the next day.

It took him 50 minutes to return to the city, he took back the horse and made his way to the palace.


In his room.

He was using levitation, pyrokinesis and hydrokiesis at the same time to make the aluminum stronger but still pure aluminum was still a weak material, so he needed to add other metals to increase its durability.

After 3 hours of hard work he had the raw material ready. He asked Juno to make the sh.e.l.l with her abilities.


5 in the evening, he was back at the rocky hill. He had brought his holocom with him as he needed it to configure the satellite.

The satellites would go to the geostationary orbit and then synchronize itself with the direction of the earth's rotation.





He readied himself and then threw the satellite with just the right amount of strength.

He had already programmed it to set itself up by following the signals from his holocom.

3 hours later, he received the confirmation message from the satellite that it had successfully set itself in the orbit.

Aariv then went back to the palace, to the king's bedroom and configured the holocom.

Now everything was done, and he could finally focus on his exploration mission, starting from tomorrow.

"Juno, I want you to watch any show you can find about the lost city of Dwarka" he said to Juno while walking to the dining hall.

"Woah, did the sun rise from west, today?" She said sarcastically.

Aariv rolled his eyes and said, "It's for research purposes"

Juno chuckled, "hehe... well, you can count on me for this job"
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