Profound Dragon Warlord Chapter 344 Earth Character One

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This time, Shen Longxuan and Luo Hua City Mistress increased their pace. When they walked out of the mines, they realised that everyone was looking at them, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Fan Shaolong sat in the middle of the crowd, with an angry look on his face, while Li Nan and Qin Longhu stood behind him, coldly staring at Shen Longxuan. The others also looked like they were watching a good show.

"Big Brother Shen, something doesn't seem right?"

"I can see that. Did you do something wrong?"

Xiaoliang suddenly remembered that Li Nan had given him a thousand Middle-Grade Spirit Stone. Now that he saw Li Nan standing behind him and thought about the rules of mining, his face immediately turned pale.

"Shen Longxuan, you two know your crimes?" Fan Shaolong shouted.

Shen Longxuan thought that he did not do anything wrong, this person in charge was most likely here to cause trouble for him again. Earlier, he had already found someone in the mine to kill him, and now he was doing the same thing again.

Shen Longxuan said angrily: "Master, I think it is my fault that I have been working hard every day to mine ores for the sect. Now that you found someone to kill me in the mine and now you're trying to threaten me, I wonder what benefits do you get from targeting me? "

spoke in a righteous manner, he was overbearing, and facing his accusations, Fan Shaolong almost lowered his head and admitted his wrongs, but then he immediately remembered that he was the one who had the authority to blame Shen Longxuan, as Shen Longxuan had a handle, even if he did not die this time, he would at least let him be shameless.

Thus, he shouted: "You still dare to quibble? What qualifications do you, a small uninitiated disciple, have to criticize a one star disciple? Let me ask you, did you sell the ores you gathered privately?"

"You know better than to quibble, but I can tell you that I didn't sell any ores, so don't try to frame me!" Shen Longxuan replied angrily.

Fan Shaolong laughed coldly, waved his hand behind him, and said: "Li Nan, tell everyone, how many ores did Shen Longxuan sell to you?"

"Answer me, a total of twenty pieces of Grade Three Spirit Stones. I gave him a thousand Middle-Grade Spirit Stone s, and the Spirit Stones are here!" Li Nan took out the twenty ores from yesterday and handed them over to Fan Shaolong.

The latter snorted and said: "Shen Longxuan, you still have more to say, we took the spoils of war, and you are the only one here who can mine a Grade 3 ore, you will not admit it, right?"

"I lent this ore to him, and did not charge him money. Furthermore, we have already promised that we will return it to him when he has the ability. Li Nan, in other words, is that true?"

Shen Longxuan said loudly. He was really angry, but Li Nan actually tried to frame him, he was too ungrateful.

"Shen Longxuan, you fart, you obviously took one thousand Spirit Stone, why do you not dare to admit it, and ask your Brother Xiaoliang, did I lie?" Li Nan's att.i.tude became unyielding.

All day long, he was suppressed by Shen Longxuan and everything was taken by him. He was the one who first started training using the Spirit Pressure, and the one who completed the mission on the first day of mining was also him.

Why was it that no matter where Shen Longxuan went, he would always be the center of attention? But he, Li Nan, could not do it, so he was not convinced.

Everyone, including Shen Longxuan, turned to look at Xiaoliang. This little fellow's face was terrifyingly white.

"Big Brother Shen, I did not do it on purpose. These thousand Spirit Stone were forcibly stuffed in front of me, and I was even told not to let you know. I never thought that this guy would actually bite back.

Xiaoliang's words could not be clearer, Shen Longxuan immediately understood the sequence of events, but it was already too late, and now it could be said that he was caught red-handed, he had nothing to say.

"I, Shen Longxuan, will remember this. I have suffered for my stupidity, I hope that you do not regret it in the future!"

Shen Longxuan no longer spoke. He knew that the more he spoke, the happier he would be. This was obviously a trap and he had already planned for it long ago, including Xiaoliang who was a part of it.

No matter how he refuted it, it was useless. This kind of sc.u.mbag would not forgive him if he got what he wanted. Fortunately, he didn't say anything further. What was he supposed to do?

"Hahaha, what a joke. You clearly went against the rules and made it seem like you were feeling wronged. Keep your act and don't use it on me.

"Tell him, what if he violates the rules?" Fan Shaolong said with a look of arrogance and complacency.

Li Nan immediately stood out and said loudly: "If you violate the rules, all mission ores and points should be confiscated, and then locked up in the Earth Prison for a month, as an example to others!"

"Shen Longxuan, did you hear that? This is not me making things difficult for you. Everything has to be done according to the rules. Everyone, listen up. This is the last time.

Men, take them to the dungeon, and put them in cell number one. " Fan Shaolong waved his hand, and someone immediately went forward, pressing Shen Longxuan and Xiaoliang down as they walked towards the dungeon.

"Big Brother Shen, I was the one who harmed you this time. Don't worry, I will get my family members to save us. That one star disciple who framed us will be punished."

"Xiaoliang, I don't blame you, they had all planned this out well, and even without you, they would have still locked me up, so don't blame yourselves, learning from it that the human heart is sinister is your greatest gain!"

As the two of them spoke, they were brought to a barrier enchantment that was filled with yellow sand, and in each of their hands, they saw a big seal with the word "Earth" carved on it. Looking at the barrier enchantment, it immediately revealed a door, and Shen Longxuan and his companion were pushed inside.

After entering the enchantment, there was a long pa.s.sage in front of them. A prison head came forward to receive them, and this person was actually a three star disciple wearing earthen yellow clothes. His appearance was fierce, and there was a scar on his face, making him look even more sinister and terrifying.

"Earth character number one. Interesting, who did you offend?" The person said coldly.

Hearing that, Xiaoliang immediately felt that something was amiss, and immediately asked: "Big … Master, is the first cell in Earth City really that scary? "

This person did not answer and instead brought the two of them to the end of the corridor. There was a huge iron door with blood-red words written on it, "Earth character # 1!"

They all looked extremely cautious.

"You'll know once you go in, but I can tell you that these people are all extremely vicious, so you should pray for good fortune!" The head of the prison opened the cell door. After the two entered, they closed the door with a bang and left without a single stop.

As the jailer, he had seen too many insidious, cunning deaths, so he had no interest whatsoever in what had happened to Shen Longxuan and Yue Yang.

After Shen Longxuan entered the door, he did not discover the terrifying scene he had imagined. It was merely an ordinary desert, he knew that these were all illusions.

"Big Brother Shen, there are people ahead. Let's go and ask them what happened here." Xiaoliang asked doubtfully.

When the two of them walked up to the person, they realized that he was already dead. There were no signs of life on his body, only skin and bones.

He stretched out his hands and glared, as if trying to grab something before he died.

"You two brats, do you really think I'm a dead person?" This person's sudden "revival" made the two of them feel awkward and even more shocked.

He said, "I'm sorry for disturbing you unintentionally, but I hope senior does not mind. We have been imprisoned here for a month, and we hope to find out if there is anything special about this place."

"Mm. Kid, your words are very pleasant to listen to, but it does not guarantee your survival. Your cultivation is basically sentenced to death here." The old man said coldly.

Profound Dragon Warlord Chapter 344 Earth Character One

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Profound Dragon Warlord Chapter 344 Earth Character One summary

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