Don't Go Breaking My Heart 27 Breakthrough Ii

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When he heard Kevin say that, he felt his heart stop. Would that day really come? Although he had pushed her away, it never occurred to him that she could fall for someone else. In his moment of confusion, he dashed out of the house. He had to see her.

He ran all the way to her salon. He checked the time, and it was 2am. He didn't know if she was still awake. He called her anyway. The phone almost slipped out of his hands due to his nervousness.

*RingRing* *RingRing*

On the third ring, she picked it up. She didn't say anything. He also didn't say anything.

Claudia was still up when she received his call. She was nervous also. She thought he might have dialed wrongly, so she decided not to say anything.

"Winnie," he finally summed up the courage to say.


"Did I wake you?"


"Can you come out for a bit?"

"Where are you?"

"In front of your salon."

"Stay right there. I'm on my way."

"I'm waiting for you."

She smiled when she heard him say that. He was waiting for her. She hurried to dress and made her way out on Pinkie.

While waiting for her, Justin tried to zero out his mind. For once, he just wanted to be impulsive with her. It wasn't long before Claudia arrived.

She came off pinkie and stood in front of him. They just looked at each other. Claudia stretched out her hand to grab his, and unlocked the door with the other. She then dragged him along to the staff room. Conveniently, there was a queen sized bed.

She had fully furnished a room in the salon where she and the staffs could take a break. She wanted them to work seriously and have a place where they would rest afterwards.

They stood awkwardly in the room facing each other. Justin made the first move. He moved towards her, closing the s.p.a.ce between the two. He lowered his head to meet her lips.

Without thinking twice, Claudia wrapped her arms around his neck and responded to his kiss with pa.s.sion. In the flash of an eye, they were both undressed and on the bed.

"Do you really want this?" He asked in a husky voice. He was giving it his all trying to hold back.

"Yes," she answered resolutely.

"No regrets?"

"No regrets."

Upon getting her approval, he proceeded to explore her world. He made her his and rode her to the clouds multiple times. He didn't wish to stop.

At 6am, Claudia pa.s.sed out from exhaustion after Justin helped clean her up. He had soaked her in the bathtub while he changed the sheets. Claudia really did spend a lot to make her employees feel comfortable, he thought to himself.

He laid her on the bed and cuddled with her as they both shut their eyes to sleep.

At 8am, a call came in for Justin. He was sluggish to pick it up so he missed the call. Looking at the girl in his arms, he froze. He had made her his. The one thing he hadn't wanted to do... it happened just like that. His feelings were conflicted at the moment.

The words Kevin said to him the night before made him lose control of his emotions. He tried to calm himself down. The deed was already done. There was no way he wasn't going to take responsibility.

He finally reached for his phone and listened to the voicemail. His heart jolted immediately. He stood up hurriedly to get cleaned up.

Thankfully it was a Sunday and work didn't start at the salon until 1pm. Without looking back, Justin walked out after leaving a note. He'll be back to her to make everything right.

Don't Go Breaking My Heart 27 Breakthrough Ii

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Don't Go Breaking My Heart 27 Breakthrough Ii summary

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