Dragon Ball: Altered Time 40 Reishi Revolver

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"If I were rain, that joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch, could I join two hearts as well!"



"Hooray, it's finally Lunch time yahoo!!"

"Orihime you do know that it's only Lunch time and not New Years"

"Only Lunch!? Tatsuki Lunch is the reason girls come to school! So what did you bring to eat then Tatsuki!"

"Well I brought in some pasta to eat!"

Meanwhile extra characters where thinking:

"How can Orihime even eat like that, it's so unreal!"

"Cause she's a b.o.o.bs' machine I mean look at them melons, sister!"

"Orihime can I eat with you?"

"Sure Chizuru come on in!"

"But Orihime I'm not hungry for food rather I'm hungry for you, your body" Chizuru said this while lifting Orihime's chin up about to lunge in for a kiss.

"Back off Chizuru, go eat in the girls locker room or something and stop trying to corrupt Orihime you annoyance!"

"Too bad Tatsuki you also have a nice body and a pretty face yet you act like a boy and dress like one I guess that's why you never got a boyfriend!"

"Shut up, Chizuru you little c.r.a.p"


Orihime suddenly got out of her seat and wentnear the window before saying, "I smell Ichigo, it seems he's on the third floor as well!"

Tatsuki seeing this replied, "What are you a bloodhound? Come on Orihime I know you like him but this is the third floor!"

"Tat..Tatsuki shush stop embarra.s.sing me and I know Ichigo is here!"


While this was going on the Mod Soul in Ichigo suddenly popped up in the window of the third floor shocking Tatsuki and Orihime instantly as well as the others.


"How... How'd you do that Ichigo explain!"

Mod replied, "Well you saw me and what do you mean How? I clearly jumped into the cla.s.sroom!"

When Tatsuki heard this her expression was "!!!" And then Mod said, "Am I cool or what!"

Everyone thought:

"What... What the How did he!"

"Clearly he climbed it all the way here!!"

"He... He climbed three floors what freak is this!!"

Meanwhile Mod thought, 'Hahahaa their in awe of me and my awesomeness clearly I'm awesome, man look at me I'm a lady killer, not to mention my toned martial artist body that's ripped!!"

'Also the girls in this cla.s.sroom are all fit as h.e.l.l, not a single ugly in the cla.s.s man this feels amazing!'

Orihime saw him in his thought and thought he was here for her and she began to blush before calling out to him, "Ichi, Ichigo-Kun"

When Mod heard her all he thought was, 'paradise, I'm in paradise' as his eyes turned into love hearts as he gazed upon Orihime's lovely coconuts, they were a sight to behold.



"Well h.e.l.lo pretty lady how are you, Hime-Chan" while he said this he kissed her hand,

However before he could do something else Tatsuki grabbed him and said, "Ichigo have you lost your mind or what!"

She then tried to grab him to her failure before Mod said, "Well Tatsuki your also quite cute and you have such a pretty face I swear you should dress up more!!" When he said this everyone was shocked.


Meanwhile Back to Ichigo:

While Ichigo was hunting rogue Hollows disturbing the process of Konso, he felt something bad was happening with the Gikongan and so he used Multi-Form and formed a avatar of his to head to school and take back his body.


Soon his avatar was formed and it headed towards Karakura High, and it saw the Gikongan was flirting with Tatsuki and Orihime, this got Ichigo annoyed and to Combat this he quickly leaped back into his body, and due to his superior Reis.h.i.+ regained control of his body.

And because he didn't want anyone to know of what the Gikongan did he used his Hypnosis on everyone except Tatsuki and Orihime and made them turn a blind eye between the threes matters.

With his Hypnosis courtesy of the Kame School Xianren, everyone except Tatsuki and Orihime had completely forgotten everything that had just happened and also payed no heed to the three paying attention only to what they themselves were doing.

Soon the debacle had gone back to normal with Tatsuki gaining more of a crush on Ichigo and his bond with Orihime randomly increased.


Back to the Fighting:

While Mod was messing about Ichigo had found a caterpillar like Hollow in a park with children nearby especially his sister.

And to combat this he tried a new technique of his, you see he concentrated all his Reis.h.i.+ upon his right index finger and what it did was essentially create a death beam filled with Reis.h.i.+ in it and Ichigo named the move:

"Reis.h.i.+ Revolver!!"

And he decided to use the move upon the caterpillar like Hollow, and with a bang, "~~?Reis.h.i.+... Revolver Unleas.h.!.+"




While the Spirit Pistol was shot it cut through the air causing distortions and "Bang" it disintegrated the Hollow entirely. It seemed that this move was truly powerful.

Dragon Ball: Altered Time 40 Reishi Revolver

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