The Scion's Jack Of All Trades Wife 28 Train Kiss 2

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Putting her sketch pad aside, Li Nuxie closed and opened her hands while staring at the book. It was the sequel to Katherine Neville's The Eight. The book was t.i.tled 'The Fire'. She read the first book when she went overseas for her MBA.

She saw it in a bookstore and bought it on whim. It collected dust in her bookshelf for three months before her feather duster rubbed against it. When she read it, she fell in love instantly. It was her favorite book of all time.

The book focused on the techniques of chess. And although Li Nuxie doesn't play chess, she was fascinated with it and how others play it.

She kept wringing her hands. How would she approach the guy? She nibbled on her lips as she rested her chin against her hand. She glanced at her watch. Four hours to go before the train reach City S. Although she can buy it as soon as she reached the city, she wanted to read the book now.

She drew in a long breath, plastering a smile on her face.

"Do you want to know how fast I read?"

The man looked up, his charcoal eyes peered at her, eyebrow raised.

How shameless can she be? But whatever, she needed to read that book.

"I can finish it in thirty minutes."

The man smirked. "So do I. If you stopped talking to me," the man once again buried his head on the book.

Li Nuxie felt the hair behind her neck rose. Why the man has perfect vocal cords? This is unfair!

"I can give you a very detailed book review?" she continued.

The man continued reading, treating her like an air. She pursed her lips, thinking how she can convince the man.

The man raised his head when silence enveloped the cabin. The woman was biting her lips, eyes downcast. "Giving up so soon? I thought you want to read this book?" The man threw her a glance, raising the book in front of her face, tempting her.

She blew out her cheeks. "Okay, what do you want?" She braced herself for an outrageous answer.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm sure you can give it to me."

She squared her shoulders, indicating him to proceed with his request.

"Just a kiss," the man said. His dark eyes became darker.

She almost fell from her seat when she realized the man's request. She gazed at the man's lips unconsciously then back to the book.

Why does it look like she was duping the man in front of her? Hallelujah! She just won the lottery.

Li Nuxie's lips and throat became dry at the thought. This is her first kiss in twenty-nine years! With that, she licked her lips. It was a normal reaction for a thirsty woman.

However, it was beyond normal for Xu Wei. He groaned when he felt that a certain part of his body went hard at the sight of the woman licking her lips. He leaned forward, placing his arms on his thighs, strategically covering his hardness.

He squeezed his eyes shut.

Li Nuxie who practically remained ignorant on matters of men in real life, went still as she watched the man in front her. Beads of sweat were visible on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" She extended her hand to reach for his shoulders but stopped when he spoke.

"Don't touch me," the voice almost sounded like a whisper.

"Okay. But do you need meds? I have some here," she pulled her travelling bag nearer. She barely opened it when his hand grasped hers. She caught her breath, glancing at her hand which was almost covered by the man's hand.

"I'm fine. I'm just suffering from ---human nature," Xu Wei explained. How old was this woman in front of him? Was she really not aware of what she did to him?

The woman's eyes were clear as ice. She was not pretending, Xu Wei thought. As expected of the people from Town G.

"So, can I get my kiss now?"

"Huh?" Li Nuxie felt the heat spreading from her ears towards her face as soon as realization hit her. The man's eyes bore into her, twinkling with antic.i.p.ation. "C-Can I back out?" she stuttered before her eyes looked downwards.

The man curled his lips. "Are you a coward, then?"

Li Nuxie's eyes narrowed into slits. "Who is a coward?" She raised her chin and looked straight at the man's eyebrows.

The man chuckled. "Well, I'm going to get my share now."

She didn't blink that's why Li Nuxie saw the man's face slowly descending towards her, with a teasing smile hovering on his lips. With only an inch away from her lips, the man breathed out, sending s.h.i.+vers to her spine.

"We're going to stay like this until we reach the City S if you don't look into my eyes," the man whispered, his voice was like a magnet, pulling her towards him.

That put Li Nuxie into a daze. She stared back at the man's eyes. The man raised the corner of her lips before crossing the s.p.a.ce that separate her from him. She drew back as soon as she felt his lips covering hers.

But the man's hands grasped both of her arms gently, making sure she cannot go away from him.

Li Nuxie's eyes went closed; her hands were clenched in her lap. This is it? This is how a kiss should feel like? She cannot help but felt disappointed. She doesn't want a conservative kiss for her first kiss. She wanted French!

Then, the man's lips started moving. His teeth were nibbling her lower lip that Li Nuxie cannot help but moan. The truth was she was protesting. She involuntarily opened her mouth giving access to the man's tongue.

Li Nuxie almost fainted when the man did that. She squirmed under his grasp but the man kept her locked. This was not how the book described the French kiss!

The man's tongue explored the crevices of Li Nuxie's mouth. Wait, what did she eat for lunch? OMG. She should have brushed her teeth first!

She cannot breath. She punched the man's shoulder. The man freed her lips. She thought it was finished already. But he just dropped a bomb.

"Breathe through your nose," he told her before capturing her lips again.

d.a.m.n this man! Can he wait for her to catch her breath first before resuming the kissing session? Oh well, she liked it. Ho ho ho.

Li Nuxie was a fast learner. After two tries, she finally knew how to breathe through her nose while kissing. She was leaning against the man's chest. Both of them were catching their breaths.

She wondered how many calories she burnt already.

She raised her head and looked at the man's chin. "Can I read the book now?"

"You can't," the man said, his voice was still hoa.r.s.e.

"What? You should honor your words," Li Nuxie put a s.p.a.ce for herself away from him.

"Then, stop staring at my lips."

Li Nuxie dropped her jaw. She opened her mouth but the words were caught in her throat. After a while, she spoke. "Excuse me? I am not looking at your lips. I'm looking at your chin!"

"Practically the same," the man retorted.

Li Nuxie rolled her eyes before extending her hand.

Xu Wei chuckled. The woman in front of him was interesting. The things she could do for a mere book.

"Are you always like this?" he asked, giving her the book.

Li Nuxie raised an eyebrow. "You mean kiss random guys for the sake of books?"

Xu Wei lifted his shoulders in a shrug.

"It's my first time to do this. I'm curious about your lips and how it tastes like, hence the kiss," she said.

Xu Wei smirked. "And how did I taste like?"

Li Nuxie leaned on her seat. "Like sin," she said before burying her head on the book.

For the first time, a random woman left the First Young Master Xu with nothing to say.

The Scion's Jack Of All Trades Wife 28 Train Kiss 2

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The Scion's Jack Of All Trades Wife 28 Train Kiss 2 summary

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