Vengeful Hero 16 Screaming Eagle

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Coming inside they saw the place bustling with people, it was indeed a gathering spot of the young generation of the big shot families. The cost of the clothes and accessories on the body of these people was worth more than the annual salary of Alex, anywhere you look you can see an Audemars Piguet, Blancpain or a Rolex on their wrists, on the other hand, the total cost of all the clothes on Alex was not more than 200 dollars.

As soon as both of them entered the eyes of all the young masters s.h.i.+fted towards Susan. Susan was wearing a blue coloured floral pattern pantsuit with silver earrings and high heels. As she walked her long waist-length wavy hairs flew and it looked simply breathtaking. No young master was able to take their eyes of Susan and looked at her like fools. Susan was not at all surprised by this situation but to her surprise, like other times when she got gazes mixed with jealousy and admiration today there was no jealousy but soon she found out the reason to that as well. All the young ladies in the club were too busy checking out Alex that they didn't mind the attention Susan was getting. Although Alex was not dressed like these young masters and wore just a black t-s.h.i.+rt with blue jeans but the clothes fitted his body perfectly. His well-maintained body with that completely innocent face and those grey mesmerising eyes made it hard for the ladies to look away.

Seeing that all the ladies were checking out Alex, Susan grew jealous and taking Alex's arm in hers she hurriedly went towards the stairs. Girls were like that they like it when people check them out and appreciate them but when their man gets the same treatment they tend to turn possessive. Seeing their G.o.ddess going hand in hand with another man who wore nothing but rags in their eyes suddenly a lot of hostile eyes turned towards Alex's back and he felt chills ran down his spine. On the other hand, noticing the same situation the ladies sighed with a sense of loss, they were not like these young masters to go and create trouble for someone.

'Frosty Palace' was a night club c.u.m restaurant on the ground floor was a night club for the people to party hard, while on the second floor was a restaurant with an ambient environment. Tables were set and you can enjoy your meals without much of a disturbance. Going one floor up you have the floor with large rooms very much likely for office dinners where you can enjoy with your colleagues without getting or disturbing others.

Susan has already received a text from Fred about the room where the welcoming party was to be held. Soon both of them arrived in front of the room and knocked.

"Come in" Fred's impatient voice came from inside.

As both of them entered they found only Fred inside the room waiting impatiently.

Hearing the door open Fred was about to jump in joy but soon seeing Alex coming with Fred his smile froze. Today he was absolutely sure that he will have Susan warm his bed but Alex was a new variable in his plan, still maintaining a smile on his face he welcomed them.

"You are finally here didn't I tell you that the time was 7:30 now it's past 8'o clock," Fred said to Susan in a half complaining manner.

"Sir, I was just waiting for Alex to arrive so that we can both come up together but it seems you didn't invite him" Susan replied exposing Fred's intention directly without any reservations.

"Didn't invite? Me? how can that be maybe I just forgot in the work but how come he is here?" Fred righteously replied after all he was a very 'efficient worker'

"Well I told him about the time and place" seeing Fred's despicable righteousness Susan was annoyed

"You are already close enough to exchange numbers on your first day?" prying more into their relation Fred asked

"We have known each other before today sir"

"Oh! well since we all are here let's order some food order as much as you like today's meal is on me" patting his chest Fred declared, after all, today was the D-day for him. Today he will get Susan by hook or crook.

"What about others sir surely there should be others in our team right?" Seeing that n.o.body was paying attention to him Alex finally tried to get in the conversation.

"Well there are two other guys but they were not able to make it today, you can meet them tomorrow" Fred replied which was obviously a lie, those to guys were his minions now that he planned to bed Susan how can he call them. He just told them what to say tomorrow if anyone asked why they weren't there.
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Soon the waitress came to take their order. While Alex was going through the menu Susan took out her phone and sent a message and soon Alex's phone showed a notification, it was a message from Susan. Alex looked at her but seeing her engrossed in the menu as if nothing happened he read her message.

'Order the costliest meal and suck Fred dry'

The first half of the message was nothing but the second half was a bit ambiguous 'suck Fred dry' seriously can't she be a bit less metaphoric.

Alex looked at Susan and seeing her winking at him he can only accept the girl's idea but why was she so against Fred he had to ask her later. Going through the menu once again Alex found what to order and turned towards the waitress

"Can I have one Lobster Frittata, one plate of one headed abalone and beef braciole" Alex tried his hard to maintain a smile but for someone as thin-skinned as Alex it was hard to avoid the piercing gaze of Fred.

"Sir the one headed abalone is not currently available how about the two headed abalone?" The waitress replied politely, this order alone was nearly ten thousand dollars and there are two more guests to go, today was her lucky day.

"Well if that's the case sure" not trying to haggle over such a small matter Alex replied.

"Maam what would you like to order?"

"Well for me it's a baby eel and some soup of your recommendation please" Susan ordered calmly as if it was regular for her to do so. Alex thought that Susan was quite thick-skinned to order such an expensive dish without any hesitation.

"Sure ma'am and what would you like to order sir?"

By now the insides of Fred were churning him to death the overall cost of the meal has already exceeded his imagination but since he has already said that it was his treat he can only put up a smiling face.

"Well I am not feeling well for some days so for me just soup which the lady ordered" Fred ordered bitterly.

"Yes sir, and what about wine sir?"

As soon as the waitress opened her mouth Fred almost vomited blood, if the wine was also ordered he might just die here.

"Well I don't know much about wines so why don't we just skip that". Feeling sorry for Fred, Alex tried to brush off the matter.

For the first time, Fred may have loved a man right now Alex was like an angel? to him. He was about to agree with Alex when suddenly Susan chimed in.

"How can this be? You don't want to give face to team leader Fred? He said that today's party was from him and we should enjoy it to our heart's content. If you don't want then let me order" turning towards the waitress" Do you have the 'Screaming Eagle 1994'? I have so much about it but never got to taste it"

"Yes" now the waitress was so excited that she might even jump at any moment kiss Fred as it was obvious from his face that he was going to settle the bill.

"Then we will order that and for dessert, we will order later" Susan ordered excitingly.

By this time the insides of Fred were screaming and he was on the verge of collapsing, if after all this he failed to bed Susan, he might as well just castrate himself.

Vengeful Hero 16 Screaming Eagle

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