The Witch's Rebirth 6 She Was Wronged?

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Mother was never after love. Then it occurred to me to wonder why she had been betrothed to the devil in the first place. I mean she didn't love him. He didn't woo her. The gear in my head started churning and then I knew. Grandma was behind this tragedy, and mother had just been a p.a.w.n until she finally wanted her revenge. She did tell me that she had her reasons.

"No, it was like that at all. The vault is my super sweet sixteen present. I'm sure you've watched the show."

"What show?" they asked together.

"Never mind, I can't believe that you live in this century"

"We do, we can use the computer." They said still glaring.

"Her friend's kids got fancy cars and a party. I'm not about to complain about one nice thing she did for me. Rupert got a real kick out of this so everything's good. It also is a great investment I mean the market has turned around and they've been offers. Not that I am selling."

"So serious, I wonder if they got the wrong baby from the hospital. Your mother was a wonderful free spirit and you are her complete opposite." Aunt Morgan said with a heavy sigh.

"Good days, she was the life of a party always having fun and happy. I mean it's how she met your father, you know. I do think if they hadn't rushed they would have been happy together. Not that they aren't happy apart. Still, I really think you'll enjoy parties too if you give it a chance. There's a Rave in Broken heart tonight. You should go." Aunt Selene tone was Sunday morning casual.

"Sorry, I love to but I've had plans," I said trying to be nice and polite.

"Then cancel. Novels portray immortals as torment and looking forever love. It was nothing like that you know that there is always more." Aunt Belladonna said as she waved her hand.

"Love is overrated," I said meaning it.

A napkin appears before me, I paused. Then I grabbed it but said nothing, lesson number one in surviving in the Armini home is keeping a good poker face.

"Love is not overrated. That's rather absurd. Don't let your mother mistake cause you your happiness."Aunt Morgan said with a smirk.

"Right," I mumbled.

For a normal person, love was till death do us part but we aren't like that as love fades like all other good things until it was but a memory. I knew that if it wasn't a true mate I wasn't going to trouble myself with the pain and suffering in my future.

The door screeched as David the butler opened the door. I couldn't help but cringe at the horrible noise making me drop my cup as I tried unsuccessfully to cover my ears that were very sensitive.

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