Summers Stories 24 Socialize

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As Mikael flipped through the pages of the newspaper, he glanced up at Iris Azalea who was seated across from him at the dinette table.

Mikael cleared his throat.

No reaction.

He cleared his throat once more, even more obnoxiously than before.

"Did you catch a cold?" Iris Azalea glared.

"Nope, was just trying to get your attention is all." Mikael chuckled.

"Mm." Iris Azalea muttered.

"I.A.," he began.

"What is it now?"

"Yees.h.!.+" Mikael exclaimed.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" He cried.

"anyway..." He continued.

"I think it's time we discussed something quite important." Mikael's tone suddenly s.h.i.+fting.

Iris Azalea c.o.c.ked her head.


"Well, it's just..." He chuckled nervously.

"I know you were raised for the most part in isolation..." He narrowed his eyes.

"Alas, that couldn't really be helped," he paused.

"But!" He clapped his hands together.

"You're twenty now, don't you think you should..." He chuckled nervously.

"Oh, you know..."

"M-make some friends...?" He questioned.

The room was silent for a moment.

"No." Iris Azalea said.

So blunt...! Mikael thought to himself.

"I.A.!" He shouted, slamming his hands on the table.

"Give me one good reason why you shouldn't go out and socialize!" He cried.

Iris Azalea looked at him.



"W-what is...?" Mikael mumbled.

"People." She said.

"Okay, well..." Mikael thought for a moment.

"What if you hung out with people you're familiar with?" He smiled.

"Who?" She tilted her head.

"You know, like Rick's friends!" He grinned.


"Eh!?" Mikael cried.

"W-why not!?" He demanded.

"They're his friends, not mine..." She whispered, looking down.

"Well, I'm sure Rick wouldn't mind letting you hang out with them!" He said.

"It's too weird..." She narrowed her eyes.

Suddenly, Mikael's phone began to ring.

"Ah..." Mikael said, picking it up.

As he picked up the phone, Iris Azalea got up.

"Hey, Ri-"

"Where do you think you're going!?" He scolded.

"Sit!" He ordered.

"Ugh!" Iris Azalea groaned.

"Sorry about that, what's up kiddo?" Mikael asked.

"Jeez," Rick began.

"I think that's the liveliest I've ever heard her." He chuckled.

Mikael laughed.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Nah, not much I just wanted to call to check up on the two of you," Rick responded.

"Oh, well in that case...!" Mikael turned to Iris Azalea with a cheeky grin.

"Don't you dare...!" Iris Azalea cried, reaching across the table trying to grab the phone from Mikael.

"Uh, is everything ok over there...?" Rick asked.

"Y-yea!" Mikael responded, busy pus.h.i.+ng Iris Azalea away."

"S-should I call back...?" Rick whispered, chuckling nervously.

"No!" Mikael exclaimed.

"Rick!" He cried.

"Iris Azalea wants to know if your friends are available to go out tonig-"

Before he could finish, Iris Azalea grabbed the phone, promptly ending the call.

"Oi!" Mikael cried.

Iris Azalea handed him the phone, huffing as she left the room.

"Goodness..." Mikael sighed.

"So much for that..." He mumbled.

Summers Stories 24 Socialize

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