Under Update Of Timeline 5 The Beast Village

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Douglas Burg is riding at the back of his new acquaintance and is running like the speed of the wind.

The werewolf is wondering why Douglas didn't ask his name and said: "I'm Mark Toothbane, one of the members of a territorial patrol of our clan".

He said while gasping air.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to ask, I'm Douglas Burg, Son of Matthias Burg, a mage at the academy.", Douglas explained to him

"Oh! so that explains why! by the way, we're near the village, you will be blocked, other clan people. I talk to them and you keep quiet", Mark said to him

"Okay like right now?", Douglas said with a worried expression as he saw many more Lycans appearing one by one, greeting him with a terrifying howl.

Mark then greeted them one by one as he then stopped and said: "get down now, we're gonna walk from here on."

Douglas then saw the village with wood walls and towering the whole village with wood spikes.

They are quite civilized people with their own village.

"Stop!" said the one who is guarding the walls

"Mark who is this person?", the guard asked.

"An acquaintance of mine", Mark said

"What's his business?", the guard asked again.

"Joining the tournament", Mark replied

"Hmm, Can we trust him?", the guard asked

"Yes, He is a friend of Isabella", Mark said

"Hahahaha! or maybe another suitor that's wis.h.i.+ng for our princess to marry, you have strong guts in there buddy!", the guard said then laughed.

"Oh! then do come in! but he is your responsibility Mark, If he causes a ruckus he's dead as a stick, you know the consequences."

He then blinked his eyes then laughed.
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He opened the gate and there he saw many kids playing on the outskirts of the village.

He then realized that they have an estimated five hundred numbers!

They can easily slaughter the castle but instead, they live here peacefully.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, there has a pact with their ancestors and the Druids with King Arthur Wallace to support each other in times of crisis.

With their help, the kingdom is protected throughout these years.

He then observed that these people are healthy and strong, they can match the strength of the werebears of the druids.

They have their own school and the young ones are trained on how to hunt animals.

As he's walking with Mark, he learned that they are kind people.

They have hunting and raising livestock as their food source and Tanning the pelts for their clothes.

Mark patted Douglas' shoulders as he said "relax mate, no one's gonna hurt you here as long as I'm here"

"Is that so?", Douglas said with a trembling voice.

When they visited the tavern they saw men have an arm wrestle, with their muscles bulging that literally shows their vigor, the other bulky man smashed the hand of his rival to the table then sank their hands-on it-destroying the table.

The woman in the counter yelled "you're gonna pay for that!", then the two paid the table and they were thrown by the bouncers outside.

The two then find a vacant seat at the left side close to the counter.

"What's your order Mark?" A middle-aged girl that has blond hair with purple lips questioned as she wipes a big cup.

"Uhm grilled steak with spices and ale of grape juice Franciska", Mark said with a solemn voice.

As they ordered a cup of fresh grape juice and steak for two, Mark and Douglas chatted.

"How did you know Isabella?", Mark asked in a whispering manner.

Douglas scratch his head as he says "Uhm well she saved me when we're still young"

"Huh, she saved you?! from what?" Mark questioned.

"From a giant wolf!", Douglas explained.

"And why are you questioning me?", Douglas wondered.

"Because I'm her younger brother!", Mark said in a low voice.

Mark then shut his mouth when he's about to shout.

"Shhhhhhhhhh!!! I'm the second prince okay so I'm pretty known here."

"So let's get to the point okay! I want you to win the fight for me so that no one will marry her other than yourself."

"Aren't you happy? I'm rooting for you."

"Isabella is always talking about a man that will find her in the woods five years from now, So I'm just lucky to found you or you're lucky because I'm the one who found you."

"I don't know what will happen to you if you accidentally found someone stronger than me, but I know you're gonna slash em down right?"

"I don't know, Douglas paused and said "maybe"

"Maybe? be confident bro! I know your skills because I experienced it firsthand."

"You can easily slap their face if you want."

"By the way, the tournament will start tomorrow so let's find an inn for you to rest first.", Mark said to him

They walked to a street where there have few people and then they found an inn with a duck sign at the outside of its door. Mark found an inn for Douglas to sleep by the night and he told Douglas that he will tell Isabella of his arrival.

He then left hurriedly to tell her the news.

Douglas paid for the upper room located at the leftmost side and stayed in the room to rest.

He placed his rucksack at the table and removed his boots and rubbed his eyes.

He brandished his sword to make it sharper because it's dulled recently by the fight.

"I hope I'm gonna see her tomorrow", He hopefully said as he continued to brandish the sword.

After finis.h.i.+ng, he rests early to prepare for the tomorrow and slept silently as time pa.s.ses by.

As he slept, he dreamed that he lost to the fight and then when he is crawling, Isabella stood at the audience seat then left with the winner.

It felt real when his blood is flowing to the ground and as the pain is extremely worsening, his heart is broken and is more painful than his fleshly wounds.

He woke up in fright then rubbed his eyes that have tears.

"I'm crying?" he said while feeling his heartbeat that is so fast.

He then watched the room as he saw the sunlight reflecting the walls.

"Oh it's morning!?" he jumped from his bed and take on his boots and buckled his sword on his waist then he carried his rucksack.

After walking downstairs, he rubbed his head and stretched his hands up, he saw a familiar figure that is wearing a hood and has golden eyes.

Beside her is, of course, the one he met recently, Mark Toothbane!!!!

"Guess who's with me, Douglas!", Mark said

Douglas nearly shouts but it's not the place to do it.

He grabbed her hands and they went upstairs.

Mark then watched as they hugged together and cough loudly.


"Oh I'm sorry I nearly forgot that you are a princess", Douglas apologized and saw her agonizing face as if it was in pain.

"Why did you come here! I said I don't want you to find me. What will happen if you will die at their hands!? Do you know how strong they are?", Isabella said while weeping.

"If I will perish then that means that we're not meant for each other", Douglas said confidently.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but we're gonna be late for the compet.i.tion", Mark said hesitantly

"Let's go Isabella or father will notice your disappearance", Mark said to her

The two then said goodbye to each other as Douglas wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"I will be fine, I even defeated your brother", Douglas said and Isabella was shocked

"You defeated him! how?", she asked

"You're gonna find out soon", Douglas whispered in her ears.

Isabella is at lost to find out that one of the strongest Lycan is defeated by him alone.

Isabella's fear is rekindled by hope when she hears it but still worrying for his loved one.

They then left with goodbyes as Douglas also went separate ways with them.

At the center of the village where the arena is built, it is made of ironwood and at the entrance is where they register their names.

Douglas then registered his name and there are a hundred partic.i.p.ants.

He registered his screen name as John Wolffang.

"I hope they won't find me out! it's better to be cautious this time", he said inwardly

He entered the arena that smells blood.

It was a large area that can fit five hundred people.

The announcer then called their attention.

"Good morning warriors, today we celebrate the twentieth birth anniversary of our princess."

"It's the right time to choose her husband to be! According to our clan's tradition, We will fight with honor and courage, to be chosen is to win but to lose is to be brave."

"All will fight until there's only one standing."

"That's all folks and let the fun begin!!!"

Under Update Of Timeline 5 The Beast Village

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