New Freshmen At Summoner High 10 Ceremonies And Cats

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It did not take the group long to reach the auditorium that would be used for the schools opening ceremony. The room was big, very big. Kaden figured they could fit four full-size basketball courts in it, no problem.

White walls and floors were all he could make out. The was went up a good two stories in white before gla.s.s panels could be seen. Kaden guessed that behind those tall gla.s.s windows were seats for an audience. The square room lacked a ceiling and was left to the open sky. Kaden could see clouds in the blue sky. He could barely make out the land ma.s.s behind it.

A stage had been set up in the middle of the room. It was elevated about three feet and had a podium at the center close to the front. Students had started to gather around the stage. School staff could be seen directing the teenagers to their a.s.signed spots. The students were divided by grade and organized by alphabetical order. The elites of each cla.s.s sitting in the first row in front of their grade.

As for the Elite order in sitting the first chair was for the group's leaders and the rest sat where they wished. They did not even have to sit next to each other as long as they sat in the first row. Jet was more than happy to drop off the elite freshmen without explaining anything. It was the team leader of the soph.o.m.ore cla.s.s name Will Abidine that help them out.

Before long all the students were all arranged and ready for the ceremony to begin. The staff standing in front of the stage facing the student body all had stern faces. A look that brooked no tolerance for any funny business.

When the hour finally arrived the school played its own song signaling that the ceremony had started. As it played Kaden watch as a werecat with wiry hair made its way to the podium. (No way that's Mr. Beelzebub) thought modified. Kadens Gigi had a werecat that looked just like the one on stage.

A scary thought pa.s.sed through his mind. Is his Gigi being someone important to the school? He loved his Gigi but he really just wanted to live a simple life studying. He did not want to treck through the woods to hunt for food. Nor fight off dozens upon dozens of summoned monster all just to train his martial art reflexes. No walking on hot coals or sleeping on needles while strapped with five-time his body weight worth of leg and arm weights. Kaden just wanted a simple high school life.

The cat he hoped was not Mr. Beelzebub surprised him as it suddenly transmorphed into a man. He was tall and skinny like a skeleton. He had a devilishly handsome face. Black hair with yellow cat eyes. His long tail seems to stay as it swished back and forth behind his back. His hair seems to want to form two horns on the top of his head. He also had a goatee and pointy ears that stuck out the side of his head. He was in a three-piece pinstriped gray suit. It had black pinstripes.

"Haha, My entrance works every time. Glad to see everybody is present. I'm your school Dean and a Grandmaster Summoner of the 9th order. King of the fifth plane and one of the seven heavenly princes." He said as he paused in dramatic fas.h.i.+on. Kaden could not help think (don't you say that name, don't dare say it,) over and over again in his head.

"I'm known throughout the seven heavens and as the one with the biggest appet.i.te." The cat man continued. (Are you trolling me now, Beelzebub) Kaden thought as the man had a grin on his face and was looking directly at Kaden. (See if you ever get another treat from me you d.a.m.n mean cat.) Kaden thought and grinned back at the man as he crossed his arms and nodded at him.

Beelzebub knew his joke was up as he watched his young master grinning at him. It reminded him how Mai would look when she decided on a new game he would have to play. It was enough to make s.h.i.+ver and get back to the main topic on hand. If not he might have tried to tease Kaden for hours with no end.

"Hm, Well, You all call just call me the Great, Powerful, All-knowing, Super handsome, Beelzebub or the best Dean in the multiverse for short." Beelzebub finally finished his introduction to which Kaden could not help but embarra.s.sed by. He was glad n.o.body knew of their connection.

Kaden was going to write a long letter home filled with questions that he wanted answers to. His mom, dad and everybody else he knew been keeping too many secrets from him. He felt they were belittling his intelligence.

"As the best Dean in the Multiverse Its gladded my heart to see such a fine student body. Over the course, I hope you all grow and learn more about what it means to be a summoner. We have great power. Powers that others could only dream of and with that we need to learn control. Here at Edensburg, we will teach you the best we have to offer. No matter if you are label as an elite or the dullest Cryan in the box. As long as you are willing to pay for it you can learn anything this school has to offer. So be sure to read your grades course handbooks for all the pricing guilds therein. I'm sure many of you are ready to spend so I'll stop here and only say Welcome to Edensburg the best school in the Multiverse." Beelzebub said then under his breath he added almost nonaudible. "If you have enough money for it."

Kaden could not help feeling that something was wrong with the "Deans" welcoming speech. Pay, Pricing and Spend were the words that shot up his red flag meter. Kaden felt that something about Edensburg was just not right.

Kaden then remembers why Jet told them not to lose their Elite coin. 75% discount looked like it would be something that Kaden would be using a lot.

A new person took the strange after Beelzebub transformed back to his cat form and quickly disappeared from sight. The lady now on stage could be said to be the epitome of any young man's fantasy She wore a mini skirt with a single b.u.t.ton blazer that could not hold in her chest. Long legs covered in black leggings and purple pumps. Her silver hair was pulled back into a long ponytail. Purple frame blocked the view of seeing her flawless face. Her bright green eyes held a serious look.

"I'm Vice Dean Jessica Rockefeller and acting leader of the school, 99% of any issue you might face while attending Edensburg will be handled by me and my staff. Sir Beelezbub will only be handling cases that we can not remedy. So you hussies out there that got wet from seeing that man can forget about meeting him in person." She stated in a flat tone that begged for someone to make a comment back. In Jessica mind, she was the only one that could be Beelzebub queen.

"Haha, She as straight forward as aways. By the way, Mai wanted me to tell you that bossy girl up there on stage is your fianceé." A little werecat whispered into Kaden's ear as he made himself comfortable on top of the boys head.

"Bee, what are you blabbering about that lady way too old for me," Kaden said not letting any emotion out. He would not give the crazy cat the satisfaction.

"She only fourteen my man. It just that her family owns like half the school and she took the graduation test the minute she arrived here so she could take over as the Vice Dean. Her family had issues letting someone like me be unsupervised and thought it is a good test for the la.s.s." Bee explained.

Kaden was feeling a headache coming from this and wish he came from a normal family. It was already awkward with so little girls around but knowing his future wife was already picked out for him and that she was such a stunner did not help. He just hoped n.o.body but his family would find out about the arrangement. Before he could think up countermeasures to ensure himself a normal carefree school life Jessica shattered his dreams.

"I would now like to announce this year's freshmen cla.s.s Team Leader and my fianceé." She said in her monotone emotionless way.

"Bee why do I feel she not happy about this arrangement?" Kaden asked before hearing his own name being called.

"Kaden Please come to the stage," Jessica said with a smile. That one smile melted the hearts of all the boys present instantly turning them into Kaden's enemies. Kaden could only unwilling getup and shake his head as he made his slow progression to the stage. It was like the station's gravity was focused on him and every step felt so heavy.

Bee magically vanished as all eyes seem to turn to face the poor boy. He, of course, did not bother to get off Kaden's head. Bee just made himself invisible as he snickered to himself talking about how fun this year was going to be.

New Freshmen At Summoner High 10 Ceremonies And Cats

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New Freshmen At Summoner High 10 Ceremonies And Cats summary

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