New Freshmen At Summoner High 15 Thoughts For The Future

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As Kaden and party made busy to celebrate their new accommodations. Jessica had gone to make sure all the extra furniture they needed would be moved in at by the end of the night.

Kaden was glad everything was settled and was looking forward to the next day when already started. As a new Freshmen, the first-quarter independent study was not allowed. He along with the rest of his friends would have to take the introductory cla.s.s like the rest.

For his new found friend that had become bound together by their Elite t.i.tle, each had their own bag of emotions to figure out. Ash and Hinata grew very close to one another as they were the only two girls in the group, well now three. Vice Dean was a senior staff member that had a different role to play so she was harder to make friends with.

It was hard for Hinata to admit that Miss Vice Dean was by far the most perfect being that she had ever met. Jessica was just good at everything and could adjust to any situation that was thrown her way. If not for her one flaw of losing arguments with Ash. She was simply too perfect.

Hinata had no idea how to compete against the girl when all the cards were stacked against her. Ash support was one thing that kept the flame alive. Kaden's outright dismissal of the engagement also helped. He treated Jessica like a long lost little Sister. Even if that girl looked like a twenty-year-old vixen.

For Ash life was just grand so far she was having a blast. Meeting Kaden and her cousin again were just Icing on the cake. She had not spent as much time with Kaden as Jessica had but she had met the boy off and on a dozen time when they were little.

Ash loved all the technology the station had access to. She was never allowed at home to have any. Ash mom was strict and old fas.h.i.+on as she saw it. Here Ash could let loose for once and not worry about her mother correcting her for not being ladylike. Getting to live in her cousin's love nest and brake up all Jessica plans was also a big bonus.

The random thoughts of Bisma about his new found friends kept being overwritten with his desire to watch the basketball game in the "Big Screen Room" He had always been a simple kid. He liked sports. He liked watching them. He loved playing them. Bisma favorite thing was learning more about the pro players that were his idols. As for the funny antics of those around I'm he was cool with it as it never hurt him or his pa.s.sion.

Tom was not sure if he could fit in with the group he found himself in. Things kind of happen a little too fast. He was used to taking his time to make decisions. Something he seemed to have lost the minutes his grimoire had chose him. He had no clue what the other member of his team's mythos was. He knew pitifully little about any of them.

Tom only knew that the richest person in the world was now his roommate. He thought his family was rich but he now felt like a poor boy. The other thing that he knew was Kaden's background was beyond simple as he let others believe. Tom figure Kaden himself was just as lost as he was.

Jason was overall happy with how things turn out. He had just come back with Bruce to check out the dorms. Kaden's place was hundreds of times better. He now felt that his new room was too big now.

Jason was one of the few kids that also knew the history of Kaden's family. He wanted to talk to Kaden in private the moment they met at the docks on earth. The pacing of the day just went by too fast for him to say anything. He, besides Ash, was one of the only freshmen not surprised by Beelzebub entrance on stage.

Jason saw how shocked and horrified Kaden was when he saw the cat. It was defiantly not fake. Kaden's family chose to not teach him about summoners. It was not that odd a thing to do. Jason was just shocked that such a prodigious family would not try to rise their heir better.

Since birth, Jason had been shown the other world and his family put big stock in him becoming strong to take over. So Kaden's circ.u.mstances felt just weird to Jason. He even felt some pity for Kaden since he knew the Rockereffer family was a pain to deal with. The small crush he had formed on Ash die the minute he heard her call Jessica cousin.

Bruce was conflicted between feeling super jealous of everybody especially Kaden and being happy to find a group to fit into. His guidance counselor from the Rockefeller Foundation told him that it was important for his growth to find a group of friends to work with.

At last, the jealousy was a hard emotion to shake. Every time he looked at Kaden seemed to have everything just fall into his lap. The unfairness of it almost made Bruce have an aneurysm. He was also the only one that came from a normal family.

Bruce would be d.a.m.n if anybody ever forced him to call them Lowborn. He was particularly sour of that label and purest like the kids he around did not help. Tom was the only of the bunch beside him that had a normal mother.

Bruce could not deny that he felt Kaden was a good person as well as a fun guy to be around. He had noticed that Kaden was severely lacking in information about all the events that had happened to him so far. Bruce himself felt the same way. That's why he was also excited about the next day. Just maybe both Kaden and he would find some answers.

Jessica was excited that she was able to make so many new friends her own age. Even if it was only when they were in the penthouse. She kind of wish she could have just been a student instead of the job her father forced on her. She really just wanted to act like the fourteen-year-old girl she was and not the Vice Dean.

Jessica quickly went to where she had bought the previous furniture. She had no problems blowing her three months worth of savings to finish the rest of the penthouse. She made sure everybody got a bed, desk, tv, and chase. She also made sure that the furniture matched the rest of the home decor. Just in case they had new roommates in the future she went ahead and furnished the three empty rooms as well.

The average size team with backups was after all around nine members. Ten was ideal but Nine was the magic number. Kaden had to at lease recurrent two new members from the normal freshmen body. That was done normally before fall set in.

Yes, the station simulated the four seasons of the year. The weather was programmed by the administrative staff and gave out in advance to the different school that called the station home. They also programmed in random chances to keep things interesting.

95% of the food on the station was grown or raised on the station itself. The other 5% came from the staffs summoned worlds. That five percent made up delicates that were rarely eaten. It was important to have a working regulated weather system on the station to keep all the plant and animals healthy. Needless to say, it was important for all the humans on board as well.

Besides the farming facilities that took up 35% of the station, another 15% was reserved for industries. They made all the consumable goods and machinery used in-house. The remaining 50% of the station was left for the four schools.

Every school had large training fields set aside beside the main campus and dorms. The training fields varied from woodlands, jungles, deserts, to tropical islands. Each training field was ma.s.sive in size. They took up the majority of the school's grounds.

An underground rail system could take emergency crews to any part of the station in a matter of minutes. There were even some parts of the station that not even the imitation staff knew existed. It was just that big.

Far away from Edensburg campus on a different section of the station hidden from all that did not know about it was a room. It was filled with different kinds of terminals and had displays showing different places of the station.

One, in particular, had an image of a boy with all his know information. It gave his birthdate. His parents birth dates for that matter. It showed his grimoire and detail information about his mythos and inherited skill.

Around this station stood a group of people all dressed in black. Their faces covered in a faceless white mask. It had no opening for the eyes nose or mouth.

"Why has the target been moved. Who authorized this." Ask the tallest of the figures in a m.u.f.fled male voice.

"It just came down a minute ago via the Rockefeller Foundation. They moved the target to the Lee Penthouse its outside our service capabilities and too dangerous for any of our operatives to approach." Said a short figure with a m.u.f.fled female voice.

"He was born from Lowborns how the h.e.l.l did he get authorize to live with the princess." a different figure said in a bland genderless voice.

"No matter we will just have to adapt to the changes." said the tall one.

"What about the uncrowned prince? We must be very careful around him. She will burn the whole station to the ground if he hurt." Said the last person of the group.

"Yes good point I plan to make it home after this op not die at the hands of a madwoman." said the short female.

"Shhh, never say such a thing out loud. You never know that person method." the last one said in a panic.

New Freshmen At Summoner High 15 Thoughts For The Future

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New Freshmen At Summoner High 15 Thoughts For The Future summary

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