New Freshmen At Summoner High 17 Classes

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"h.e.l.lo Everyone, I'm Miss Larson and the teacher the Headroom teacher of this cla.s.s," Sabrina said as she took the podium. She was the beauty that captured the hearts of the cla.s.s when she walked it. Girls wanted to be her, the boys just wanted her.

Sabrina had long slender legs that were tightly wrapped in black leggings. Her tight mini skirt did little to hide her excellent backside. Her matching black top was tight where it counted.

Sabrina had a flawless face like most Highborns that Kaden had met in the past. Her bright fiery red hair was the one thing that struck Kaden with awe. Its wavy curly strands seem to bounce the light around her to make her seem dazzling.

Sabrina was just as excited as the kids in front of her. It was her first day as a teacher and she was really happy. Having Mrs. Lee's recommendation letter was a huge boom too. Plus she would be able to teach and spend time with her favorite person.

"I'll do a quick intro to about myself and what I expect from you all and then I'll pa.s.s it on. The first-row student will take the lead then each of you will do the introduction when it's your turn." She said as she points to a skinny kid with a black bob cut hair that covered his eyes and brown skin.

Everybody giggled thinking the boy was asleep but he surprised the cla.s.s when he nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Good, As I said Before I'm Miss Sabrina Larson, and just graduated with my masters in Asian History. My main focus is on the myths that follow that history." Sabrina said a took a pause.

"I'm currently living my dream teaching here at Ebensburg my alma mater. My hope is to see each of you gain access to your grimoire and am excited to see what that brings. Everybody is different and so is the grimoires. Just thinking of the different possibilities you and your books hold is just so exciting. I can't wait to see you all grown up in the future." Sabrina finished as she pointed to the kid with the bob cut. "Your up!" she said.

The boy in question stood up and then bowed to Miss Larson. He then turned to face his cla.s.smates and started his intro. "My Names Hanamus.h.i.+ Hero, From sector twelve of the Jade Empire in the Andromeda system....."

Kaden waited for his turn come and follow what Hinata had said. "h.e.l.lo, everybody my name Kaden P. Flanagan, From Earth in the Milkyway. I hope to learn and grow strong." He then added "I encourage you all to keep striving to improve as well to make it on our team. We still need three more members. The discount is just too good to go to waste."

Most of the students had a shock and confused look on their face when Kaden talked about "The discount". Some were about to ask him questions about it before Sabrina interrupted.

"The Questions for Mr. Flanagan can wait til we finish introductions." She said with a stern voice that belied her sweet smile.

Twenty minutes later the cla.s.s was finish with the introductions. It turned out that the number of students that attended Edensburg was bigger then what Kaden thought. Only the students from the Milkyway were present at his welcoming ceremony. The cla.s.s Kaden now found himself in was the best crop to be found in the entire universe.

Miss Larson quickly handed out an outline for the material they would start studying for the week. She said that they would start off with the basic history of how mankind had spread out through the stars. Its effects on the summoning world as a whole. From there they would cover ancient myths of earth. All humans had come from the earth and it was their common connection with each other.

All in all, Kaden was excited to learn those things as his inner nerd started to blaze with youthful pa.s.sion. He was not the only one excited about topics Miss Larson would cover many of his peers were too. It was a sign to Kaden that he would have no problems making friends with the kids around him.

The second cla.s.s came up fast and to Kaden surprise, none of the students changed. Hinata explained to him why and he just left it be. As new students the school had them set up in groups. Kaden's group being Blue One the leading group of the freshmen of Asian mythos department.

Woodworth Staine was a tall and skinny man with a long beard and curly mustache. His stood like a statue with his hand held behind his back as he lectured the cla.s.s in his likes and dislikes and what he expected of them as his students. Streck was the only way to describe him.

"It's not my job to make sure you show up for my cla.s.s. h.e.l.l, I don't even care if you pa.s.s but I'll not tolerate any disturbances when I'm lecturing and expect you all to be mindful of your surroundings." He had stated in the beginning before he started with his lesson.

The third period was the most fun as Toones McDowell was a very animated and eccentric but fun teacher. He wore a brightly color patchwork jacket. It made him look like a walking rainbow. His blonde hair was in an afro and it was large. He was dark skin and muscular. Kaden wonders why the man's patchwork jacket did not rip with his movements.

"Ok, Cla.s.s I'm glad your all here. As a treat, I'm going to take you all to my world and see if you all can make a contract with one of the many fantastic beasts it holds." Mr. McDowell said as he opened his grimoire. "No need to be afraid the world my grimoire connects to is called Pantheon the place I'm taking you to is very safe. I ask that n.o.body leaves the bazaar area and gather back to me when cla.s.s is about to end." He added as he handed out silver looking bank notes to each of the students.

"These notes are good for each of you to trade for one beast egg. The bazaar has many different stores each selling or trading many items. So if you have anything of value you can trade for stuff there. One thing to know is that they do not except universal credits. So your bank cards are worthless and so I don't expect you to be able to trade for much." Mr. McDowell finished explaining as a bright light engulfed the room.

Pantheon Great Bazaar looked like The Great Market Hall of Buddhapest. Kaden had visited it a couple of times with his family when they went on their vacations. It was one of the best places to find rare books. As Kaden surveyed the surroundings he was glad his Gigi gave him a s.p.a.ce treasure to store his items.

"We'll kids what are you waiting for, get get. Go find yourself a good beasty. Luck is also very important in life so got try it." Mr. McDowell said as he started to head off into the marketplace. Kaden could not help but grin as he grabbed Hinata hand and dragged her off to the nearest book store.

Hinata at Kaden's sudden bold move could not help but blush and berate the American boy in her mind for his unrefined manners. Kaden himself notice what he did and blush back before releasing her hand. "Um, sorry I got excited when I saw the book store and I did not want to go alone." Kaden sheepishly said.

"It's ok, I don't want to be alone either. But I think we could have seen if anybody else wanted to join our group." A bashful Hinata replied.

The book store in question looked old really really old. The name of the shop was in a langue Kaden had never seen but that did not deter the youth. It would not be the first time he snooped in a shop that was foreign to him. He hoped that the old man sitting behind the desk could help him find a primer for the exotic langue. Learning about a foreign langue was Kaden's second favorite hobby.

New Freshmen At Summoner High 17 Classes

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