New Freshmen At Summoner High 20 End Of First Day.

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Mr. McDowell looked at his timepiece and frowned at what he saw. "Well, cla.s.s it looks like we went over our allotted time today so you all need to hurry to your next one." He said as a large gateway open up behind him leading back to their cla.s.sroom.

" YES" Kaden shouted as he did a little fist pump drawing everybody's attention. McDowell seems oblivious to his student's outburst as he said "Hurry up and get going, also don't try summoning your creatures till we meet next. if you're caught by others u can make your cla.s.s group lose credits."

Soon the group of kid found themselves in front of a woman who looks like someone stole her favorite candy. The black-haired woman was tall and voluptuous. She would have been a heartthrob for all the boys present if not for the scowl on her perfect face. She was the final obstacle to finis.h.i.+ng the first day of school.

Miss Stratos was not happy that Toones (Mr. McDowell) lost track of time. Not only did the annoying man take away the students free study time he made them late for her cla.s.s. He always found ways to annoy her to no end.

"I will excuse all of you this time on account of Mr. McDowell eccentric behavior but I hope in the future someone in your group can remind him of the time so such tardiness does not repeat itself. Mr. McDowell will more likely repeat his habit of using up your free study block. But from here on out you, each must be responsible for your own person. As a member of our...." Miss Stratos continues on and on about what she and her colleagues expected of the student body. Kaden was never so glad to hear a school bell ring then he was at that moment.

"Dong, dong, dong." an old bra.s.s bell chimed signaling the end of the day. "I expect everyone to have read the first chapter, be ready for a quiz first thing tomorrow. Those of you who find this cla.s.s a bore or have no desire for this fine art can not bother coming tomorrow. Cla.s.s dismissed" Miss Stratos said as she fixed her and walk out the cla.s.sroom.

Her action caused all the boy in the cla.s.s to watch her with drool dripping from their mouths. Kaden was no exception, earning him a jab to his side by Hinata. All the girls beside Hinata could not help but look down to their still-developing chest. They wonder if they too would be able to defy gravity and giggle like jello or if she had used magic. Needless to say, n.o.body thought about missing tomorrow cla.s.s.

"You know the day is not over for you, my man. We have an elite club to attend" said a gray kitten that happens to magically appear on top of Kaden's head. Kaden was not at all surprised at his feline friend's appearance. He had long given up on shaking Beelzebub off his head. The demon cat uses magic and Kaden was powerless to get rid of the critter.

"We all agreed with Lady Jessica yesterday to meet at practice field 1 by 6:30 so we all could eat a quick dinner before we begin." Hinata reminded him.

"And since I'm the club's counselor I decided to hitch a ride with you." Added Bee.

"You know Bee if I give you to Jess she will smother you til the little bit of hair you have fallen out," Kaden said with a smile. He could feel Bee s.h.i.+vering on his head.

"Kaden that not nice you made Sir Beelzebub go invisible." Said Hinata as she giggled at the two.

"Traitor" Bee said before hopping of Kaden's head. He then let Hinata pick him up as she held him in her arms he went fast asleep.

"And he calls me a traitor," mumbled Kaden as he walks out the cla.s.sroom with Hinata following after.

"You know the second he falls asleep like that he will not wake no matter what you do to him. It's one of the reasons Jess could always capture him." Kaden said as he pointed to his pet and childhood friend.

"Hehe, why am I not surprised. Though I can see why Lady Jessica loves petting him. His fur super soft." said Hinata with a big smile.

The cafeteria had meal boxes of all types created so the students and staff could grab a quick bit. Kaden saw all the high-end meals and various snacks he could not help but grin. It looks like he did not have to worry about missing out on his favorite foods. The cafe had it all, the only downside was the pricing. Highway robbery was all Kaden could think but was glad he got a 75% discount now.

The three quickly picked out what they wanted and Kaden covered the bill. He did not want to bother arguing with his glutton cat. Buzzelbee always would wake at the smell of food. Something Kaden knew all too well. Of course, Bee stayed in his kitten form so Kaden had to carry Bees food too.

Luckily the training field was only a two-minute walk from the cafeteria so they had plenty of time to eat which they decided to do outside on the field. it was after all a beautiful day. Hinata said Ash and the other should be eating there too as she drags both boy and cat off to the field.

As the elite club gathered to eat dinner and talk about the future elsewhere on the station someone was in a readable mood. In an unmark location a man was sitting at his desk reading a report. As he read it the angrier he got. Till he could not hold it in anymore He slammed his free fist down. A second later the desk he was sitting at burst apart into thousands of tiny perfectly squire cubes.

"d.a.m.n it how hard is it to kidnap one kid who has no backing. That d.a.m.n cats now involved. He only leaves the boy side to meet up with that women grandchild. But he never is too faraway. What the h.e.l.l does headquarters think we could do. If we make a move the price would be too great but if we don't the whole department going get fired." the man ranted to a plainly dress women. She herself was nothing close to plain.

"If we can't take him why can't we win him over with either money or beauty," She said with a grin that could steal hearts.
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"Hq orders are no contact with target. We can only retrieve and deliver." they don't want anything pointing back to them, they all are such b.a.s.t.a.r.ds." The man replied.

"I see, well I'm off to tell the boys to bring you a new desk." She said as she seductively walk out of the room. Other than a chair and what once was desk the room was completely empty with no windows at all.

As he paced back and forth in his emply office he read the bio again of the target. "Positive blood match. High Value Target." was stamped on the front page that held a picture of a common-looking boy. The file had a psych profile on him detailing all his mannerisms, like, dislikes, and temperament. h.e.l.l the man knew more about who the boy was then the boy did himself. "To the h.e.l.l with it, I guess Lady Susannah needs to get involved, better then getting killed by that demon or worse being fired." The man said to himself as he pulled out a mobile phone and made a call.

In a mansion on a different section of the station laid a girl about eighteen years old. On trait that stood out was how skinny she was. Not that it took away from her beauty. It just made her seem fragile and made those who saw her want to protect her.

She was sunbathing as the light was arifial she had no fear of being burned or for that matter tanning at all but she still like the feeling of sunbathing. It was not something she dare to do back on earth. She was a ginger thru and true. Her long curly red hair and bleach white pale freckled skin was not fake.

As she reached for her drink and the butler that stood by her side answer the com device. "My lady, Mr. Jacobs seems to be in a difficult situation and has decided to use up his only favor." he said with a bow.

"Explain further M." The redhead who is Susannah said as she turns to lay on her stomach.

"Yes, the operation that the board decided on, you know the one you had rejected but was overruled on had become complicated. Mr. Jacobs was a.s.signed as the agent in charge by Lady Victoria. If he fails I'm afraid it will look poorly on us." M paused.

"Ah, little sister did that how clever of her. How come I'm just now hearing about this." She asks as she stretched her arms over her head.

"One month ago you were briefed. I believe your exact words were I quote 'Jacobs efficient in retrivies, a good pick. I already gave my opinion so I'm good for when this s.h.i.+t blows up in those old farts faces.' end quote." M said.

"Ok explain the complication part" Susannah inquired.

New Freshmen At Summoner High 20 End Of First Day.

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New Freshmen At Summoner High 20 End Of First Day. summary

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