The Forgotten Otsutsuki 33 Chapter 32

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Boring was the one word that best describes the rehabilitation sessions. A slice of terrifying here and there because my attending physician was Sakura. I still didn't have the full use of my legs so I had to move around in the wheelchair. Kakas.h.i.+-sensei was long gone training Naruto on his chakra nature manipulation and I was left with paperwork that was piling on the hospital bed. Since I had regained my full upper body function, I had been working non-stop and bickered endlessly with the nurses along with Sakura when I stayed up too much to work when I should have been resting. I couldn't afford to sleep yet, Hitori's funeral isn't done, Senpai was sending troops to catch a team of Akatsuki that had attacked the Fire Temple. That was dangerously close to my liking and all I got from Itachi was Sanbi had been captured. Enraged, I slammed the table. We aren't making any headway, Itachi position might be compromised if he sniffed around too much and with they constantly occupying themselves with sucking in the Bijuu, I doubt that Itachi had a window to send messages. I looked out of the window for something to cool down my head in this afternoon. I didn't notice how much time had flowed by.

"You been looking out there for five hours straight. Something in your mind? Here, take this and eat," Sakura said as she put a small bowl of pills and a cup of warm water on my desk before she sat down near the table next to the bed. She was writing reports on my progress so I used the time ingesting the medicine.

"Huh, I just hate sitting around doing nothing. How is my progress, Sakura?" I asked after I drank the water.

"You're doing great. We'll start your physiotherapy tomorrow. Tsunade-s.h.i.+shou had approved of it just now. She is still the head physician on your case, you know," she explained. I laid down on my back and stretched my body while yawning.

"This is seriously damaging my ninja skills. I need to start training," I complained.

"Stop complaining and listen to me, dumba.s.s," she replied and I merely snorted at her comment.

"Tyrant," I muttered under my breath and I could tell she was annoyed. "No, nothing, Sakursama."

Suddenly the window of my bedroom was cracked for no apparent reason and my eyes narrowed at it.

"Did you do that?" I asked and a sliver of worries slowly creeping up my spine.

"No," she answered looking at the said window. I got a bad feeling about this. It was just about the end of the daylight that the dreaded news came to me. One of my ROOT operatives appeared kneeling near my bed.

"Director. I'm sorry, Asumsenpai was killed in action," he said. Anger now was rising to the top of my head. Sakura could just hold her mouth in despair, no doubt thinking of our dear trio, Ino-s.h.i.+kCho. In a burst of anger, I wiped all of the things on the d.a.m.n desk. I turned my body to the side and tried to stand up.

"I will kill you all!" I gritted as I took a step forward and fell miserably to the hospital floor. In agony, I punched the h.e.l.l out of the floor. "Why am it stuck in here?! f.u.c.king useless leg!"

I clawed my way to the doors crying over my good friend and company, my sensei's son--Sarutobi Asuma. My fingers bleed during my struggle and Sakura that was seemingly recovered from her despair, had knocked me out from it.

The third day, Sakura, Naruto, Hinata, and Sai had been waiting for me to wake up. That day was the day of memorial for two of Konoha clans; the Hyuuga and the Sarutobi. Hinata had brought me the black Kimono to wear to which, Naruto and Sai helped me wore it. When I was finished, I took a seat in a wheelchair and Sai pushed me towards the cemetery. In the hindsight, this moment of despair had brought something good, at least. Naruto had finally seen it as he was holding hands with Hinata all the way to the cemetery.

There, I was greeted by Hias.h.i.+-sama, Hanabi, Neji, and Kurenai-sensei who took over my wheelchair and brought us to their final resting place. Tears that we withheld for two whole days were let go and I really wanted to give in to it. I place the bouquet of flowers on their grave and silently prayed for them. After a while, only Kakas.h.i.+-sensei and me that was left there since he promised to bring me back to the ward.

"How's Naruto doing?" I asked, monotonously.

"Well, he succeeded," Kakas.h.i.+-sensei answered and that finally brought a smile to my face.

"I knew he could do it," I said and silently, I renewed my promise to Hitori and I will defeat these guys. He then pushed me back to my ward. Before I slept that night, I promised to myself that I will get better in no time at all and then I will bring h.e.l.l to Akatsuki.

The next morning, I was visited by Tsunade-senpai who was excited to see that I was doing the walking exercise today with Sakura. She had told me that Kakas.h.i.+-sensei had gone out of the village to a.s.sist s.h.i.+kamaru's team to continue their manhunt for the task force that was formed to hunt the Akatsuki in Fire country. I was making good headway in my rehabilitation and the strength was slowly coming back to me.

"You're showing good progress, Hikari-kun," Tsunade commented to announce her arrival and I perked up, grinning at her.

"Morning, Senpai, s.h.i.+zune-san. It's thanks to all of you," I beamed and follow through my exercise. Senpai took a seat near the bed as she continued to watch me walking shakily while holding the bars.

"How's Naruto doing?" she asked.

"From what Kakas.h.i.+-sensei told me, he's starting to get the hang of it. Though he did say that it might be a while longer to perfect it," Sakura explained and I bit my lip to try to steady up my hip as I begin the next set.

"I see..." senpai answered.

"The fact that Kakas.h.i.+-sensei joined team 10, means that team 7 would work well with team 10. Our team should be the reinforcements, is that right?" Sakura probed and I was eager to go to but I doubt that I would be useful for now.

"You're sharp. That's to be expected of you," Senpai said.

"But we don't know if Naruto-kun's new jutsu will be completed. We should send a different team," s.h.i.+zune-san interjected.

"He will complete it. Trust me but count me out for now. I doubt I can be at use until two weeks later, I hoped," I said while gritting my teeth as my back suddenly cramps up due to the strain.

"Sakura, go tell Yamato to complete Naruto's new jutsu in 24 hours! And that if they can't do that, we'll send a different team!" Senpai ordered and Sakura immediately said yes. "s.h.i.+zune, in case they don't make it. Check the schedule to form a team that would work well with the team 10!"

"Understood," s.h.i.+zune-san answered and my interest piqued.

"Who is Yamato?" I asked.

"He's filling in for Kakas.h.i.+ when the man was recovering from Sharingan use," Tsunade-senpai explained. "You know him, didn't you? Tenzou?"

"Oh, Tenzou-san?! He's good that man is! So, you tasked him for us? Good choice!" I said and that was my undoing as I fell down on all four. "Ahh!! It hurts!!"

"Well, that's enough for today. Let's get you up and rest. I got somewhere to be," Sakura said as she quickly picked me up from the floor.

"I concur, Sakursama!" I said as I was being carried and she just had to give me a knock on my head.

"Knock it off, idiot!" She yelled and I couldn't do anything but whined in pain. The two women just laughed at me as they went out of the room and on time, Hinata came in with the whole family to visit me.

"Good Afternoon, Hikari-Nisan. Brought you Omurice!" she greeted and my eyes immediately lit up at the sound of my favourite dishes in Konoha.

"Oni-chan!!!!!" Hanabi ran in and immediately help me sit on my bed.
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"Hanabi-chan, I miss you! My, you've grown!" I rubbed her head and smiled at her to which she blushes beet red. She had grown into a teenager and that had slipped through my notice.

"How are you feeling?" Hias.h.i.+-sama greeted me and bowed at him.

"Great, Hias.h.i.+-sama. I would be training with you again in no time," I beamed at him. Hias.h.i.+-sama turned away and scratched his chin.

"Uhmm, you can call me Tou-sama," he said and my heart soared, "I kinda like it."

I immediately stood up and hugged the man in gratefulness. There was goodness in all of this after all.

"Thank you, Tou-sama," I cried and then fell limply but he caught me in time and set me back on the bed. That day I felt truly happy that I spent my time with my loved ones. Two days later, I got a visit from the person that I least expected.

"Hikari-kun?" Kurenai-sensei greeted as she entered the ward after she knocks. I had been given crutches as a subst.i.tute for my trusty wheelchair, finally.

"Ah, Kurenai-sensei, how have you been? Come in," I said as I rose from the bed to sit properly. I noticed that she was wearing a loose casual dress for the day, I wondered why that is.

"I've been well, considering..." she said, solemnly. "Say, I'm going to the cemetery, wanna come with? Already asked G.o.daime-sama."

"Oh, sure! Wait up for me, okay?" I said as I hastily fetch for my now trusty crutches and stood up before I went to the doors.

"How's your progress?" Kurenai-sensei asked as we made our way to the cemetery.

"Well, Senpai said that I could get out of the hospital in a day or two and start training after I lose the crutches," I answered. We were greeted by people all of the way to the place. It seemed like the whole village was mourning for our loss and it made a smile on my face.

"Eh, good news then," she said indulgently. She was different now, no, not because of the death but she was softer and the fiery eyes she used to had had simmer down now. Not too much though. I knew not to mess with the genjutsu mistress of Konoha. Talking was a good way to heal ones pain as we did a lot of that all the way and even at their grave. That day, tears were not seen on our faces as we honoured their sacrifice to the village.

"Should you really be walking around like this?" someone said from behind of us.

"Tsunade-senpai gave me approval," I answered as I turned around and saw s.h.i.+kamaru was standing behind of us. I wondered how long we stood here.

"Not you, idiot. Kurenai-sensei," he said. I turned to look at her and when I saw it, she was blus.h.i.+ng lightly.

"It's okay," she answered. I wondered why. Geez, wondered, wondered, it seemed that everything was a guess these days. Well, yeah, but... s.h.i.+kamaru walked forward to place a pack of cigarette on top of Asumsensei's grave and kneeled down in silence.

"Your shougi partner isn't around anymore..." Kurenai-sensei asked. "You were his favourite student, you must get lonely, no?"

"He taught me both very important things and complete rubbish. Shougi was only one of those things," s.h.i.+kamaru explained. "Saying I'm not lonely would be lying but I belong to a generation needing to grow up now. So, I can't just lie down crying forever. I was always complaining and trying to avoid my responsibilities"

My eyes turned to Hitori's grave. He's right, grieving won't get me anywhere and it's best that I moved forward.

"That child, I'll protect him when it's born," s.h.i.+kamaru said and my eyes darted towards Kurenai-sensei. "Until then, I'll have to become a cool adult too!"

"What? You're expecting? How come today did I found out about this??" I said, surprised. "Ne, Kurenai-sensei, let me be his G.o.dfather?"

"We didn't know if it is a girl or a boy yet, idiot!" s.h.i.+kamaru said annoyed. "Besides, if anyone can be his G.o.dfather, it should've been me."

"What's that? Wanna fight?!" I yelled as I held up a fist at him.

"What? Wanna try me on?!" s.h.i.+kamaru said and we were close to actually fight when Kurenai-sensei blurted out laughing.

"Thank you, both you. You all can be his G.o.dfather," she said, smiling.

"Aww, man!" I groaned.

"Troublesome dude," s.h.i.+kamaru groaned too and Kurenai-sensei giggled at our behaviour.

"Well, I got somewhere to be. Can you send Hikari back to his ward?" she asked.

"Sure thing," he answered.

"No, no more hospital!" I drew an X with my hands. "Instead, teach me how to play Shougi, would you?"

"Ah, come, let's go to my house," s.h.i.+kamaru said smiling and we made our way to his house. Well, the trip was uneventful, s.h.i.+kamaru and s.h.i.+kaku-sama were all talking cryptically and all they did was strategize, strategize and strategize. My time there wasn't long because Sakura chased me out of there with a vengeance. So, I ran away from that evil girl. A feat that failed miserably and that night I slept with a large bruise on my head courtesy of her fist.

Three days after that, I was discharged but instead of going home, I was at ROOT HQ distracting myself with work. I didn't think that I would be up for it back then. My intelligence team was making headway nowadays, information running in like crazy. Thus, working would be all too logical. Until one day that is.

"Orochimaru has been killed by Uchiha Sasuke and has been gathering allies. – Hawk"

There was no mistaking it. He did it, he killed the snake. I should have been happy for it but instead, he didn't come back, instead, he was gathering a team and I know what for. I quickly write a note for my senpai and called someone to send this to her.

"My team needs to know this, Uchiha Sasuke has killed Orochimaru and is gathering allies. His target most definitely is Uchiha Itachi. – DH"

I folded the paper and on cue, Torune entered my office.

"You need me, Director?" he asked.

"Take this to senpai, will you? I need to do some more digging," I pushed forward the note as I continued reviewing the reports.

"Yes, sir. Say, how long have you been here? Shouldn't you take a rest at home?" he asked and I quickly looked at him sharply. The guy winced at the sight of my eyes and hastily got out of the room. I brought my hands to my face and wiped them. I wondered what's gotten into me. A few hours afterwards, Torune came back from the Hokage's office.

"Director, G.o.daime-sama a.s.sembled two teams to track down and find Uchiha Itachi. They had already left the village and Sai's with them," the man said and I was surprised but then again, it was a smart move to do to lure out Sasuke.

"Very well. Uhmm, I am sorry for my actions back just now. I don't know what's got into me," I rubbed the back of my head.

"I understand. Go home. We can hold the fort for you," he said and I nodded at him as thanks before I shuns.h.i.+nned out of the place. I didn't know where I should do so, I decided to walk around to cool off my head. Did I mention that it was raining? Nope, I didn't think so but rain helps. It helps, yeah. Though the rain wasn't long my walk had led me close to my two most valued friend and I decided to interrupt them.

"What's up senpai?" I asked them and they jumped a bit. Both of them reeks of alcohol.

"Oh? Our favourite junior? Come on, join us! We're celebrating!" Tsunade-senpai slurred.

"You guys reek," I said while pinching my nose as I sat in between them on the bench and they both laughed it off.

"How are you feeling now, Hikari-kun?" Jiraiysenpai asked and then I remembered something important to ask from him.

"I'm good though Tsunade-senpai didn't clear me for a mission yet," I explained. "Say, will I be able to use Sage Jutsu if my summon died?"

"Hmm... "he was silent as he considered for a bit. "Well, you could still use it though, it won't be as fulfilling as when we still got the contract in place."

"I knew it," I turned my head away bitterly biting my lips to withhold the sad feeling creeping up my heart.

"You'll be fine. Or, I could talk to f.u.kusaku-sama for you?" Jiraiysenpai offered.

"Oh no, it's okay," I shook my head.

"Well, I guess I should get moving," he said as he stood up and I asked where. "Amegakure, I got intel that the leader of the Akatsuki might be there."

"What? How did I miss this?" I asked surprised and that creepy feeling came back to me. "Bring me with you, senpai?"

"Nope, I work alone. Besides, it's only a scouting mission," Jiraiya said.

"Come back alive," Tsunade-senpai suddenly said. Her face was of worry and I'll say, I am too. "If I lose you too, I..."

"Are you gonna cry for me?! Haha, I'm honoured! I don't suppose I'll get as many tears as Dan did though, hahahahaha!" He shrugged it off and I frown at the man. That's not how you should treat a lady and he is older, too. Tsunade-senpai took the word out of my mouth.


"All right, how about we put your gambling skills to use? Put everything you've got on me dying. You always pick the losing bet and in return, I'll come back alive and well," he suggested.

"Are you crazy? Don't even jinx that!" I protested and he just rubbed my head.

"I'm kidding kid. Take good care of yourself and Naruto," he said and now I am really worried.

"Send one of your toads if anything happens. I'll come and back you up immediately," Tsunade-senpai suggested.

"I don't think so. You have to remain in the village," he countered.

"Not me. Notify me, here," I withdrew my own Jutsu-s.h.i.+ki gave it to him. "I'm not as good as Naruto at this but it should do the trick. You'll know what to do."

Then Juzo suddenly appeared next to us holding a scroll and I took it from him.

"This is the final message from my master," Juzo said sadly and it shocked me. Hastily, I opened the scroll.


I am hereby trusting you with the responsibility as a trust holder to Uchiha clan's secrets, lands and wealth until the day my brother came back to Konoha. I had been suffering from a terminal disease that I kept from everybody for so long. I feared that my time has come. Sasuke will be immobilized for a while so, you need to come and get him. Uchiha old temple, you know where it is. The final phase of Akatsuki planning had already been in motion. Hence, this is my will.

I, the second in command of ROOT, hereby naming my brother, Uchiha Sasuke as the heir of Uchiha Clan and my successor in ROOT. I will bring him back through Izanami and Yamanaka Inoichi-sama should be able to verify his change. Give my best to him and tell him to protect Konoha and its people.


Uchiha Itachi."

There was a storage seal underneath the letter and I trust that this must be the clan's record. I swallowed the bile that was rising to my throat.

"Thank you for your service, Juzo-san," I said and the cat poofed out of existence.

"What's Izanami?" Tsunade-senpai asked.

"It's a technique where the caster sacrifices his Sharingan in order to change or decide his target's destiny," I explained. "It was used by the Uchiha when they were plagued with Izanagi over-usage that took the life of many of their kin for the sake of altering destiny. It is to change the person to suits the caster will."

"Itachi kid. He loved the village more than anything," Jiraiya commented in awe for the man's sacrifice.

"Except for one thing, his brother," I said. "I need to go now. Call off the search team. I think Sasuke had made contact with him by now."

With that, I took off running towards the village doors in my speed. Hoping that I reached the place in time. It did take me a while but made it just in time. There was quite a lot of chakra signatures nearby, I noticed that my teammate was with Hinata's team and they were facing Obito. I bit my teeth debating whether to go a.s.sist them or not. Then I got an idea and made the necessary set of seals.

"Mokuton; Moku Buns.h.i.+n no Jutsu!" I said as I ran and wood started branching out of my body and formed into a copy of me with a reasonable chakra distribution.

"You are going to a.s.sist in their escape. Do not engage too much. We are not ready yet," I said and with that, my clone went towards my friends. Steadily I burst my way towards the temple in question. I noticed the halfling's chakra signature and I summoned more chakra to a.s.sist my speed as I flickered to the temple. When the debris was cleared, I could see them. Itachi lying down on the ground while Sasuke standing still with his dull eyes looking in the distance upon the stone slab. Both of them were bloodied and heavily injured.

"You, you're still alive!" Kuro exclaimed.

"Care to take me on, brother? Or do you want to run between your legs again?" I challenged him.

"Ku Ku Ku Ku, it won't be long now," he said as he dissipates into the building. I blew a heavy breath and took out a scroll to seal Itachi's body in it. Afterwards, I walked to my old friend to check up on him, he was still out of it. I took one of his arms and carried him out of the place. Outside, I found that Kisame was fighting with what it seemed to be the team that Sasuke had been gathering.

"Sasuke-kun!" the redhead called, fangirling.

"Oh, s.h.i.+t, Itachi's dead," Kisame bit his tongue.

"What did you do to Sasuke-kun?!" The girl demanded and one of them suddenly transformed into something hideous. I could see that he was absorbing nature energy. My Rinne-Sharingan flared as I let out my killer intent at them. All of them kneeled down scared s.h.i.+tless.

"d.a.m.n, what killer intent!" Kisame shakily said.

"I'll let you all go for now. I must bring back my friend to Konoha," I growled and Kisame immediately disappeared.

"Let's go, Karin. This one's too strong," the one who was wielding Zabuza's sword shakily said as he tried to pull his girl teammate up.

"No, I want to be with Sasuke-kun!" the girl yelled. Interesting.

"The girl may come. Leave," I ordered and the two disappeared from there. I looked into the girl's eyes and I tore into her psyche. Her body was shaking violently and she, she wet herself.

"Any funny business. I will kill you," I threatened. Seemingly couldn't speak, she's just nodded as fast as she can. I jumped from my place towards her and summoned my robe. When it poofed into existence, I tossed it to her.

"Wear that. You, err, you," I said and then look away. "You wet yourself."

Her face went profusely red and then she went kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa on me.

"Shut it, lady!" I yelled. "Hurry up and change or I will leave you here."

When the girl finished changing, I took off towards my other friends as fast as I possibly can. The girl was slowing me down. But, I still managed to reach them in time.

"You've been busy, 'puppet Madara'," I exclaimed at the man. He made no move.

"Hikari-kun is that?" Sakura immediately asked and then instantly made her way to me in order to heal Sasuke.

"Don't do it just yet. He is stable but I couldn't risk destroying Itachi's last will," I said while my eyes were still plastered at Obito. Could I do it? In theory, I could but it's too risky right now, Zetsu was still around and Akatsuki still has members. Speaking of the devil, the thing phased through the tree to reveal himself.

"Well?" Obito asked.

"Plan failed because of the kid," Kuro said.

"Then, our business is done here. Bye-bye," Obito said before he disappeared along with the plant.

"Hikari! Hinata!" Kakas.h.i.+-sensei barked but I already knew that he was gone. Both of their chakra signatures had disappeared completely.

"No, they're gone," I said and my Rinne-Sharingan closed with it. All of us breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, what're you doing to Sasuke-kun?!" Sakura yelled at the redhead that was tagging along. She was letting Sasuke bit into her arm and I could see that she was healing him.

"Who the h.e.l.l are you?" the redhead barked at Sakura. Annoyed, I glared at them both with my Rinne-Sharingan flared yet again. It did the job as they immediately flinched away from each other.

"Let's head home, I got no time to deal with brats who couldn't get over their childhood phase," I said and Kakas.h.i.+-sensei limped forward but in time for Naruto to catch him.

"Yeah, let's bring him back," Naruto smiled softly. All of us grabbed hold to Naruto before we're all transported back to Hokage Tower.

The Forgotten Otsutsuki 33 Chapter 32

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