Shall I Make You Fall In Love With Me 47 The Truth Is... Part 3

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- What happened to Helen? I never saw her that daring before.

- Well, Bryan. When a woman is pregnant she turns in a hungry beast. Mike said with a mischievous smile on his face.

- Hungry beast? What do you mean by that?

- Just be careful or you'll end up eaten every day by Meghan as her pregnancy progresses.

- Nooooo. I don't want to be eaten by Meghan. Bryan screamed as he imagined himself on a silver plate and Meghan with a knife and fork preparing to eat him.

- How naive of you, bro. You have to study more about pregnant women. Mike said with a wicked smile.

- Bro, you look creepy right now. Stop scaring me. I don't have time to do that now I have to find Meghan. Can't believe that she run away again. Said Bryan with an angry look on his face.

- Bryan, don't you dare to do something bad to Meghan. She's my best friend.

- My dear sister, what I will do to Meghan once I'll find her is something that will last for a lifetime. But once I'll settle things with her I will deal with you. I can't believe that you've hidden from me the fact that she's a woman.

- Dear brother, since you want to deal with me I'm not going to tell you anymore where you can find your beloved Meghan. Jini said as she turned around and walked towards her room.

Bryan stopped himself from opening the front door and ran after Jini. As soon as he was about to reach his sister, a shadow appeared in front of Bryan which made him stop.
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- Bryan, Jini is your sister, you can't act like this. It won't do any good to act towards her this way only to find out about Meghan. You still have a long way until you'll be able to understand how women think. Don't act irrational now that you're finally in love.

- Me...? In love? How can that be possible?

- Well... Did you fried your brain since Meghan disappeared?

- ???

Shall I Make You Fall In Love With Me 47 The Truth Is... Part 3

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Shall I Make You Fall In Love With Me 47 The Truth Is... Part 3 summary

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