Reincarnated As Vampire Queen 7 An Unknown Threa

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I was walking towards garden, when a familiar voice called me-" Alex, Alex where have you been?" I turned around it was my uncle. I looked at him but I was thinking to tell him or not about what happened in building. I thought he will get worried, so I said-" Nothing... I was walking around". He looked at me and said-" Oh really, why didn't you show up in the meeting, all were asking about you". I smiled and said-" Oh no, I forgot about meeting.What was the topic of the meeting?" He said-" Nothing special, it was about a party that is going to be held this evening. Every future King and queen has to say few words tonight". I said-" Oh no, what is the topic?" He said-" Nothing special just an incident,you heard and know about.." I said-" it's like oral test, what story I should choose". He said-" I can help you". I looked at cat and he gave me a smile. I said-" Uncle, I will prepare something up". I went to my room.

I sat on a chair and looked at the cat. I said-" Hey Rick, you said you were here for a pretty long time. You must know story of people". He smiled and said-" Of course I know but whose story you want to know about?" I said-" I don't know..." He said-" How about your father, I know just an interesting incident". I smiled and nodded. I listened to his story carefully.

The night had arrived for the party. I dressed a blue white beautiful gown. I was about to open my door and was about to meet unknown people but first my eyes looked at the ring I was wearing which was actually sword. But right now I have to attend the party. I walked down the stairs and everyone was looking at me. I gave them a fake smile. Uncle Adam came near to me and said-" You are looking beautiful. Don't worry I trust you, you will do good" A man in a suit who was host for tonight, welcomed everyone for the party. He said-"Beautiful Ladies and handsome gentlemen , we are gathering here for the occasion of annual royal reunion. We are here to enjoy and look how much our little future King and queen had improved their English... I am just kidding, today our future King and queen will tell you a story, let see how much of you will sleep and how much of you will enjoy". So, everyone was called one by one and everyone told about their childhood incident. It was my turn. I was nervous but I took a deep breath and walked towards the stage. I first as everyone and started my story-" I am going to tell you story about my dad, my dad was very energetic and a person who love to do prank when he was a teenager and his best friend was wizard king of Adora, king Arthur. One day they decided to do prank on my mom. My mom was really a nerd and loves nature. She was tremendously scared of spiders. So one day they decided to scare her with a spider prank. Dad took Mom outside by lying to her about he saw an unknown beautiful flower in the garden. Here near this palace. My mom agreed she came out and as she came out. King Arthur threw a spider and turn him giant and added some smoke. The spider was toy spider. She didn't knew and she freaked and became unconscious. Dad and King Arthur thought they were in trouble. Mom woke up immediately and started flirting with him. She acted really weirdly. Dad got scared and started running and yelling. When grandpa and grandma heard the noise and came near the place. My mom tripped dad and he fall on king Arthur.They had a lip to lip contact. My mom took the picture and grandma and grandpa saw that , they thought dad was into king Arthur. He tried to understand grandma and grandpa noone listened and when they gone without listening them and warned them not to pull prank on anyone". All started laughing and clapping hands. I enjoyed the story too. I came down the stay to my uncle and said-" Did you like the story ?" He laughed and said-"Of course, it was good but who told you the story". I winked at him and said-" My friend..."

It was turn for the last person to say story, it was future King Derek, the one who broke, Alex's heart. He came up on stage and I was shocked. He was the same person who I wished for good life in the morning. I did a mistake, I was so embarra.s.sed. I wanted to hide somewhere. But I pretend a fake smile.

When Derek ended the story, suddenly an earthquake started to shake whole palace. All were scared of the earthquake, they were scared because they know something bad is going to happen. Rick came running and I went near him and said-"What's going on?" "Something bad is going to happen, it's an unknown threat. This is not an earthquake but side effects of dark energy wave. It will turn everyone towards the dark side, if they come in contact with it". I asked, " There is nothing we can do about this". He thought for a while and said-"Wait... your sword. Now I remember it's the sword of light. It can stop the dark energy wave but it need lot of energy and focus. Can you do it". I said-"I will try but what I have to do". He said-" you need to put your sword at the center of the hall that is that blue red line is meeting, focus the energy and the work will be done". All were scared and shouting. I know I can't focus in the noise. I gathered all my guts and went at the center. I shouted, -"Enough, stop yelling". All became silent and looked at me. They were about to say something to me. But I took my ring and turned it into the sword and put the sword in the center with full force. I started focusing I know my focus was working because, the light started to glow. It was like the sword was using my energy. I fully focused, suddenly the earthquake stopped, the sword drained my energy and I fainted.

Reincarnated As Vampire Queen 7 An Unknown Threa

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Reincarnated As Vampire Queen 7 An Unknown Threa summary

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