Pokemon-A Surprised Adventure 2 Journey Starts

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After walking for two hours both reached gate of a city. Jose turned around to thank riolu, but no one was there. Our hero smiled and thanked riolu for his help in his mind, and he walked into the city.

He enquired around for any hospital nearby as he was injured when he fall while running. He reached near a building with red top and poke centre was written outside.

When he entered he saw many kids of age around 10-11 with there parents. They were happy and talking about how they are gonna be pokemon master.

Our hero was confused but now he was clear that he was in world known as pokemon world. He went to reception nearby, the lady on reception asked him about his injuries and took him to a check-up room.

He told that lady named Joy (Normally all nurses in Pokemon world are called as Nurse joy, instead of there names) about what happend, that nurse smiled and said "Boy you must have daydreamed about you being from other world, tell me from which city you are and what is your parents name ?"

"I don't know anyone here" said Jose.

"Oh, are you an orphan kid?" Asked joy.

"Ummm, Yes."

"Ok, thank G.o.d you are safe, thanks to that riolu" Nurse joy said.

"What are these kids waiting for?" Asked Jose.

"They are going to get a starter today" said Joy while smiling.

"Can i also get a starter ?"

" Sure, but you need to complete registration. I will help in that, tell me your few details".

Jose went with the Nurse Joy and told her details, like his name 'Jose Den'

"Ok, your registeration is done, this is your trainer card, come with me"

Jose walked behind nurse joy to a big hall, there many kids were standing and few counters were there.

He was asked to choose a pokeball. He choosed one. Nurse joy asked him to come along so that she can complete other stage of registration and your pokedex.

After all process completed, he asked nurse joy for leave. Nurse joy gave him a bag and said this will help you in journey. "Don't forget to call me, i am always there to help you kid". Jose smiled and nodded in yes, he said good bye to nurse joy.

After coming out from poke-centre and thinking about nurse joy's helpful nature, our hero thought of starting his dream journey.

He was still confused about how he reached here, only thing he remember was that he was. .h.i.t by something from behind.

He went to forest side, now our hero wanted to see his starter, he threw pokeball and from white light a creature appeared. It was of humanoid structure, with green round hat type thing on the head and white body below, it was ralts.

He smiled to ralts and said "h.e.l.lo, my friend, we both are gonna train hard and become the best in this world."

Ralts also nodded "alts".

Jose also wanted to know about which location he is so he opened his pokedex as nurse joy told him that GPS was installed in it and it shows map as well, the location was showing flower forest and the city he left was flower city.

Jose started his training with his new friend and partner Ralts.

What will happen next? Where will be our hero going? stay tuned for next episode.

To be continued...

Pokemon-A Surprised Adventure 2 Journey Starts

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Pokemon-A Surprised Adventure 2 Journey Starts summary

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