Pokemon-A Surprised Adventure 5 First Trainer Battle And New Town

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It past 1 month from the day our hero started his surprising journey in this new world known as pokemon world.

His pokemons Ralts, Starly and Gyrados both were trained both physically and mentally. Our trainer wanted to challenge nearby gym, it was in nearest town Blue Lake Town. On the way he saw a trainer and he challenged him for battle to see how much his pokemons were improved.

Trainer named Ron accepted his challenge but he told Jose that he is experienced trainer and already have gym badge from Blue Lake Town.

They agreed on Two on Two battle,

Ron sent his first pokemon Elekid,

Elekid is an Electric type Pokémon and When its horns s.h.i.+ne a bluish white, that's the sign it's fully charged. You'll get a shocking jolt if you touch it! Thats what data shown in pokedex.

Jose sent out Ralts for battle,

"Use thunderbolt" said ron

"Use psychic to move that bolt against elekid" Said Jose.

After a few attacks both pokemons were tired and trainers were aware that any final move could be the last for both.

"Use thunderstorm"

"Use magical leave cutter"

Magical leave cutter is a move mixed with psychic power and the leaves can cut down big stone in two.

A dust formed and when dust settled elekid was down and ralts was too tired that it can fall anytime.

This round was won by jose. Jose recalled ralts and said few motivating words to its pokeball.

Jose next sent his starly, Ron sent out his pinsir. Jose ordered starly to attack wildly without any order. Pinsir was physically so strong and its horns were able to smash a big rock or cut down a tree in half easily.

After few attacks starly started glowing in white, Jose was aware of this process its evolution.


It was staravia. Staravia hit ponsir with steel wing and next was aerial ace, that was final blow and pinsir fainted.

Jose won both rounds, but his both pokemons were tired from that battle. Ron thanked Jose and they touched their trainer card as the winner gets prize money from looser through trainers cards.

Sharon Government were best in whole world, they were so protective about their trainers. Trainers were getting enough money to train their Pokemon and give them healthy food. Pokecenteres were also free and accessible anytime. Prize money distributed to them was for extra things like medicines and pokeb.a.l.l.s.

Jose called out his pokemons and gave them berries which made them feel better. He told that this was first battle but it was tough because they were lacking in training and need to train more harder because becoming a master is not easy like eating. All pokemons nodded in yes as they saw light of confidence in their trainer's eyes.

Jose and team moved towards the blue lake town to get their first gym badge. After entering town he first went to pokemon centre and deposited his pokemons for regular check-up and went outside to see the town. It was a big town with around 100 house around, he asked around for gym and went to gym for registeration of his battle with gym leader. He got appointment of next morning at 10:00am.

After returning back he collected his polemons from Nurse Joy and thanked her, than he had his dinner and went to his room for sleeping. He was excited about his battle tomorrow as he wanted to see how gym leaders battle.

What will happen next? Will our hero be able to get his first badge or not? Stay tuned for more.

To be continued.....

Pokemon-A Surprised Adventure 5 First Trainer Battle And New Town

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