Road To Immortality 5 Touring The School

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After that, all the people were finished testing. All the people with less than copper rank talent were rejected and sent back. Then there was an announcement for all pa.s.sed students including common people to gather in front of the gate.

After another 30 min, all people gathered in front of the gate. The gate opened slowly revealing a path into the school.

"Congratulations everybody for pa.s.sing the test. Please go inside, after going inside please get into your respective groups according to lists shown over noticeboard there will be a teacher for every group who will be teaching you next few years till you graduate". With this everybody went into the school.

Inside the school was like a city itself. There were shops everywhere selling stuff like pills and artifacts. There where huge buildings with names like 'Artefact Forging Technology', 'Alchemists union', 'Martial Arts Hall', 'Sparring center', 'Administration Office', 'Teachers Hall' etc. They stopped in front of the teacher's hall and administration office which was side by side. In front of these two was a big screen with the name 'Notification Screen' in that, the list mentioned before was there. It was shown that silver and above were divided into 27 groups from Z and a special group called the '0' group. The copper group was considered the same cla.s.s. Unlike the other groups '0' group had six members. Alex saw that his name was on the '0' group along with Michael, Kyle, and three other names, Olivia green, Karen Baker, Mich.e.l.le Collins. From what he knew '0' group should have all the platinum talents. Along with their names, the name of the instructor was also written below ' Harry Wilson'. On seeing the name Alex immediately thought of the old man on the plane. 'Maybe he was really the' The question rotated in ales head and then he thought 'If he really is the maybe I should apologize to him'.

While he was thinking about this the fatty came from behind and said" Hey we both are in the same group! It's going to be lotto fun"

Even Michael came up and said "Hey, looks like all the talents are gathered up huh"

Alex nodded to both of them and continued seeing the lists. Then he noticed something before he was about to say something, Michael said "Huh, What's this? everybody got a location with their lists and we don't"

And the Fatty said "Maybe we should wait at the canteen"

Both Alex and Michael facepalmed themselves for asking this fatty.

And then Alex suggested "Maybe it means that we have to just stay here"

"We will wait till other groups disperse and see if there is still no change we will go directly to the's room"

Both fatty and Michael nodded and they were discussing and getting to know each other in the meanwhile.

Slowly one by one group of people left until they and three other girls remained.

Among the three girls, two were wearing commoner clothes and one was wearing n.o.ble clothes. She had a very beautiful face and she had a graceful and powerful aura.

This puzzled Alex as he was present at the n.o.ble testing and he never saw her.

Seemingly noticing his thoughts she said "The is my grandpa so I didn't test with the others before, Hi I am Olivia green"

Alex replied with a smile "Hi, I am Alex Fahler"

And then she said "Oh, Grandpa went to visit your dad huh"

Alex replied while scratching his head "Yes, I think so, I am not sure of it though"

Michael also introduced himself "Hi My name is Michael Connor"

Fatty also introduced himself excitedly "Hi, My name is Kyle Jones. You can call me little fatty"

While one of the girls who was the shortest out of all and also looked like an innocent puppy and had a cute appearance also timidly introduced herself "I…I…I am Karen baker, nice to meet you"

And the only one left was Mich.e.l.le Collins who looked beautiful as well but she had a very cold aura she looked like an ice beauty. She introduced herself as coldly as possible "I am Mich.e.l.le Collins"

After they were done with the introductions when they suddenly saw someone coming. As the person came closer they saw it was an old man. When Alex saw this old man he instantly recognized him as the old man from the plane.

The old man came to the group and said "h.e.l.lo everyone, I am your Harry Wilson"

"It seems you have gotten to know each other and while you were coming you may have also noticed the buildings. I will explain each one of them and then we will take care of where you will be staying."

And they started touring around the campus while the was explaining.

"This is artifact forging technology department and that is the alchemist union, as you all know for cultivation you can slowly cultivate but you can also speed up the process by using resources such as heavenly treasures. But how will you get heavenly treasures? There are mainly two ways to this. One search for them yourselves and two buy them from someone else. For the first option, all you need to have is the strength with the strength you can go to dangerous locations while trying to get the resources. But for the second option, you need to have money. But cultivator's currency is different from mortals. The name of the currency is the same but cultivator's currency is linked with their cultivator bank account. The weight of the currency is completely different. If you used 10000$, you may still not be able to buy cultivator money. Can you tell me why?"

Seeing that n.o.body was answering he was about to explain when Alex replied: "Because cultivators have no use for mortal items."

Suddenly everyone was enlightened and the saw this and nodded "yes because cultivators do not have any need for mortal items, it is the correct answer."

"So can anyone can tell me how to earn money?"

"You can earn money by doing jobs, like being a bodyguard, etc., you can sell heavenly treasures if you are an alchemist you can make pills, and if you are a blacksmith you can forge artifacts"

Replied Alex.

"That is a perfect answer. Most people who don't have any talents in forging or alchemy choose the first option to make money. Whereas other people generally work by forging artifacts or creating pills, so now do you understand the importance of these two building?"

Everybody nodded in apprehension.

"Good, now let's move onto the next buildings"

"Now how do you think cultivators fight? Do they use brute force to fight? of course not they use martial arts techniques. Martial arts techniques are cla.s.sified in 3 levels. Mortal, Earth and heaven techniques. Even in their respective levels, they are further graded from 1- 10. The highest grade technique you can learn from our martial arts building is Earth grade-2. Now don't look down on it just because its earth grade-2 the higher the grade of the technique is, the harder it is to learn and also the harder to find. Even in the schools of bigger galaxies, the highest they would have will be earth grade-9. Earth grade- 10 and above is almost impossible to find for public learning and are generally considered family secrets. If you want to learn those techniques you have to get the permission of the family and pay for learning them, otherwise, you can just kill and take it from him if you are powerful enough", the old man said with a wicked grin on his face.

Everybody was shocked by what the old man said.

He continued "You may be wondering that it is murder and the police will catch you for it. You may not be more wrong. The Federation of any galaxy and their police will not interfere with any cultivators fights as longs as it does not involve the ordinary mortals. Even if you go and kill an entire sect, the federation will not involve. But you are not supposed to ma.s.sively murder innocents. If you do murder an entire sect, you need to show a proper motive."

Suddenly Alex asked, ", what if even if the person gives the motive and the government judges it unfair?"

He replied "In that case, he will become a wanted man in that particular galaxy"

Again Alex asked, "If that galaxy's federation is co-operating with that given sect?"

The old man burst out laughed and said "Why are you asking so many questions, young man? From what I know from your father n.o.body has offended since your childhood"

Alex blushed in shame.

But the old man still replied "If the entire federation is in on it, you might as kill all those corrupted people and make a new federation. But you don't have to worry about it though as federation workers are strictly kept under surveillance to stop that kind of things from happening."

"Now let's continue our tour. You will only be able to enter this hall after we finish our first cla.s.s."

"This is the sparring hall. Since you can't spend either mortal money or cultivator money in our school, we have the currency for our school known as ability points. There is also a ranking system in our college and the higher your ranking is among your peers, the higher is your amount of resources and rankers will get ability points salary for staying in that spot. Your rank on the day of salary has your respective salary. Other than that you can also have duels, and bet ability points."

"Teacher, what if someone can't fight and still wants ability points?" asked Karen

"Then you do jobs for the alchemist union or forging department"

"What if you can't do them both?" asked Alex

"If you can't do both, you still have another option but it's much more dangerous and might get you killed."

"What is it?" asked Alex

"Beast hunting "replied the old man

"I will explain it when the time comes."

And they continued their tour until they reached an area with a mult.i.tude of buildings with many rooms. They were people relaxing, but most of them were cultivating.

"these are the dormitories," said the old man as they continued walking inland where there were fewer houses but the heaven and earth spiritual qi was much richer until they reached a house the size of a small mansion.

"This will be your home from now on, while you stay in the school, "said the old man

"Generally there would be separate dormitories for boys and girls but all platinum grade talents can't have a mult.i.tude of high-end places so there will be just a single mansion, don't worry there are enough rooms and two wings and you can separate yourselves from each other. The girls can take the right wing and the boys can take the left wing."

"There will be maids taking care of your daily needs such as clothing, food, and cleaning"

"There is a refinery where you can practice forging and a clean room for alchemy"

"Adjusting who is going to use it and when, will be decided between yourselves"

"Aside from that the first cla.s.s is going to be 7 am sharp in the morning, I won't tolerate anyone who is late"

"Bye grandpa," said Olivia

As he was leaving, Alex went up to him then bowed and said" Sorry, for my behavior in the plane"

The old man laughed the patted him and started to walk away.

After the left Olivia turned around and shouted "The first one to reach the room claims it"

And started running. The fatty screamed "Hey, That's not fair I can't run fast and you took advantage first" and also started running and then everybody started running. At first, Alex didn't want to compete with kids but then he thought might as well get the best room for his own comfort and started running as well. Even though he started last he still overtook everyone leaving them to bite his dust and ran up to the second floor in which he took the largest room.

"Dammit!" said Olivia as she looked disappointed

The room had a huge bed and an attached bathroom and a closet. It also was facing a pond in the backyard and had the perfect view.

After everyone else got settled, they washed up and they were called for dinner.

There was a merry dinner and everyone was talking and laughing.

Afterward, they all returned to their rooms to sleep.

Alex also went to his room, but he didn't sleep as his soul was much stronger than his body he needed to strengthen his body fast otherwise he would have side effects and another reason was he didn't need to sleep as his soul was in the soul formation stage. From the soul, formation stage sleep was obligatory for a cultivator. Thus he continued to practice till morning and made significant progress. This was the highest body refinement progress he made from his rebirth.

Road To Immortality 5 Touring The School

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