Cold-blooded Undercover Master Volume 1 Chapter 700 Assassination Of Luming

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Volume 1 Chapter 700 Of Luming

"We'll be hiding in the capital first. I think Divine Serenity will go to the main The universe in a very short period of time. As long as Divine Serenity leaves, our chance will come. During this period of time, I will contact some relations.h.i.+ps. You just need to cultivate in the inn." After Divine Cloud finished speaking, he looked at Kong Yun.

"What are you looking at me for? I have no objections." Kong Yun waved his hand.

"Alright, let's decide. Try not to go out. The aura of Luo Mingpan will be sensed by Divine Serenity within a certain distance. You have to pay attention to this." Divine Cloud continued to instruct Kong Yun. Kong Yun nodded, indicating that he already knew.

The two of them stayed in a very ordinary inn. This inn was located at the edge of the imperial capital, and there were basically no people. This was exactly what the two of them wanted.

A speechless night

The next day, after disguising himself, Divine Cloud left the room.

Kong Yun did not ask where he had gone or what he was going. This was his trust in Divine Cloud .

Kong Yun released the fire phoenix and asked him to guard it beside him. Then, he began to study the Flying Spirit Sword Technique. This set of sword techniques was extremely mysterious. Although he had already mastered the first three moves, Kong Yun felt that there was no meaning in it. This made Kong Yun feel a headache. Kong Yun began to slowly observe the sword manual.

Suddenly, Kong Yun noticed that the characters on the sword manual were moving. They began to practice one move at a time. Kong Yun unknowingly followed this person and started practicing swords. He was infected by the artistic conception within the sword manual, and for a moment, he had reached the state of ecstasy.

"Master, what are you doing? Why are you dancing?" Huo Feng was puzzled, but she didn't dare to disturb Kong Yun.

During Kong Yun's cultivation, Divine Cloud still left early and returned late. The two of them did their own things, and neither of them delayed the other.

Kong Yun was still comprehending swordsmans.h.i.+p. Divine Cloud returned to Kong Yun's room at night.

"Kong Yun, stop practicing. There's a bright future ahead of us." Divine Cloud 's expression was extremely excited.

"Really? Tell me." Kong Yun put down the sword in his hand and looked at Divine Cloud , wanting to hear Divine Cloud 's method.

"I've been contacting my faction for the past few days. Almost all of them have already been contacted. As long as Divine Serenity dies, the throne will definitely be mine. Divine Serenity must die." When Divine Cloud finished speaking, his words became harsh.

"What's wrong with you? This isn't like you." Kong Yun felt a little strange.

"Kong Yun, did you know that there were many people who supported me when I fought for the throne with my brother? As long as I wanted to, the person sitting on the throne would definitely be me. However, my brother threatened me with my mother and told me to give up the fight for the throne. I am a filial person. I will not give up my mother because of the throne. In the end, I compromised and gave up the throne." When Divine Cloud finished speaking, his expression became somewhat resentful.

'"During my brother's reign, my factions were excluded. They even compressed my cultivation resources. Otherwise, my strength would not be at the sixth level right now. I would be at the ninth level just like my brother. I didn't say anything. My subordinates said I was weak and incompetent. I know all about it." Kong Yun began to sympathize with Divine Cloud .

"I behaved like this to rea.s.sure brother, but brother is still unwilling to let me off. For example, I can endure this framing. However, he shouldn't be harming my mother after knowing that I'm dead. This is something I won't allow. Therefore, Divine Serenity , he must die." After Divine Cloud finished speaking, his eyes were red and tears were still in his eyes.

"I can understand you, but I hope you don't lose your mind. Otherwise, we won't have a chance of winning." Kong Yun was reminding Divine Cloud not to be dazzled by hatred.

"I understand, I understand" Divine Cloud actually started crying at this moment. This was how the royal family fought. Whoever was heartless would gain the upper hand. Whoever was indecisive and cared about friends.h.i.+p would die. The royal family had no family.

"Alright, Kong Yun, let's get down to business. Shen Youming has a military counselor called Liuming. He is the head of the Liu Clan. His brain is very smart. Shen Youming has made reference to his opinions on many things. I hope that you can him in the next few days. It would be best if he dies naturally. For example, he might accidentally eat some spirit fruit and shatter his muscles and veins."

Divine Cloud looked at Kong Yun, wanting to know if he understood.

"Isn't this a little difficult? I can kill him, but how can I do this?" Kong Yun was in a difficult situation.

"What you can do is just like the method you used to intercept me. His strength is not very strong. He is around the fifth level of the Sage Stage, so it is easy for you to deal with him." Divine Cloud was very confident in Kong Yun.

"I know, but how can I let him die naturally?" Kong Yun's dilemma lay here.

'"I've already prepared this for you. It's a Netherworld Fruit. It's very similar to the Green Netherworld Fruit. Ordinary people don't recognize it. It's fine if Luming consumes the Netherworld Fruit, but as long as he consumes the Netherworld Fruit, there's only a path to death. So as long as you give him the Netherworld Fruit and guide him with your cultivation technique, his muscles and veins will be broken and he will die completely."

After Divine Cloud finished speaking, he was extremely proud of this plan. After all, this was not a plan that ordinary people could come up with.

"Alright, leave this matter to me." Kong Yun knew that this matter was extremely easy for him.

"Alright, I'll be waiting for your good news. You can continue cultivating." Divine Cloud left this place and returned to his room.

Kong Yun could tell that Divine Cloud was tired lately. He had to go out every day to get in touch with others. He had to be careful not to let others discover that this was very exhausting. After Divine Cloud finished speaking, he did not stay here any longer and went back to his room to rest.

The next day, Divine Cloud went out early as usual. Kong Yun waited quietly in the inn. When night fell, Kong Yun started to attack.

"Finally." Kong Yun flashed and left his room. They arrived at Liuyun's residence.

Kong Yun did not go in directly. Instead, he chose to observe carefully outside to see if there were any formations or other things that could prevent his s.h.i.+p from capsizing in the sewer.

Kong Yun saw that the defense inside was very tight. Kong Yun released his soul force and slowly infiltrated it. He discovered that there were several Sage-level experts inside. "The people of the Ghost Rakshasa Clan are so strong. There are so many experts in such a clan. If it was the Imperial Palace, how many experts would there be? It's really unimaginable."

This time, Kong Yun was very surprised. If the Ghost Rakshasa Race truly started a war, the fate of humanity would only be said to be extinction.

According to Divine Cloud 's description, Luming was a fifth level sage, so this aura was in a secret room below the main hall, where Luming cultivated. It was not so easy for Kong Yun to hide outside the main hall. There were too many soldiers patrolling around, making it impossible for Kong Yun to find an opportunity.

Just as Kong Yun was in a hurry, an opportunity came. Kong Yun saw a soldier carrying his stomach to the toilet. This soldier was the patrolling soldier.

Kong Yun flashed and arrived at the toilet. With a single palm strike, he knocked the soldier unconscious.

Then, he placed the soldier on the top of the toilet so that no one would discover him. Then, Kong Yun put on his clothes, found his team, and started patrolling.

This pair of soldiers patrolled very regularly, from the front to the back. Each team was like this. After patrolling for a while, Kong Yun finally waited for the opportunity to patrol the main hall.

Kong Yun walked slowly with the soldiers. Kong Yun was the last soldier. He wasn't afraid that someone would find out that he was missing someone after he dodged. These people didn't have any special circ.u.mstances, so they wouldn't look back. Their discipline was very strict.

Kong Yun walked to the outside of the main hall, feeling that the distance was appropriate, he teleported to the secret room where Flowing Cloud cultivated.

Liuyun suddenly opened his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, he said, "s.p.a.ce fluctuation." Kong Yun decided to stay where he was.

With a flash of Kong Yun, Liuyun lay on the ground, unconscious. Kong Yun was calculating the time. He had to return to the team the next time he patrolled, or something unexpected would happen.

Kong Yun took out the Netherworld Fruit and swallowed it. Luming was unconscious and could not use his cultivation. Kong Yun held onto Luming's wrist and began to use his cultivation. He guided the medicinal power of the Netherworld Fruit to flow through Luming's muscles and veins. Just as Divine Cloud had expected, Liu Ming's muscles and veins were broken and his heart meridians were broken. He was already dead.

After Kong Yun finished, he still felt a little worried. He checked again and confirmed that after Luming died, he began to wait for the patrol team to arrive.

While Kong Yun was waiting, Kong Yun discovered that this secret room was a little unusual, but he didn't feel anything unusual for a moment. Kong Yun spread out his soul power and discovered that there was a hidden s.p.a.ce inside the secret room. There seemed to be something inside the hidden s.p.a.ce. There was a restriction inside that separated the soul power.

Kong Yun still couldn't restrain his curiosity. He walked over and opened the secret compartment. He discovered that there was a map inside. However, this map wasn't complete. It was an incomplete map. Kong Yun couldn't see what it was used for. He just felt that the material of this map was very old, not like modern things. This aroused Kong Yun's interest in taking it away.

"Not good, I almost missed it." Kong Yun arrived in the group in a flash, followed the group, and returned to the toilet.

Kong Yun carefully put on the soldier's clothes, then used the power of law to wake him up, leaving the mansion in a flash.

Kong Yun had successfully completed the mission this time, and he hadn't been discovered by anyone else. He still had an unexpected harvest.

When Kong Yun returned to his room, he discovered that Divine Cloud was waiting for him inside. Seeing Kong Yun return, he walked over to him.

"How are you getting along?" Divine Cloud was very concerned about the result of Kong Yun's action. If he failed, then Divine Cloud would not be able to obtain the throne, let alone save his mother.

"The matter has been settled. No one noticed." After Kong Yun finished speaking, Divine Cloud heaved a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Kong Yun was almost impossible to miss, he was still worried when he thought that if he was discovered by someone else, it would be no different from a mistake.

Cold-blooded Undercover Master Volume 1 Chapter 700 Assassination Of Luming

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Cold-blooded Undercover Master Volume 1 Chapter 700 Assassination Of Luming summary

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