Isabel - The Lightning Princess 17 Found Her 2

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"Where are you from?" The boy asked again.

"Why bother yourself with the likes of her Caspian? Let's teach her a lesson" one of the guys said.

"Yes, let's beat her and tie her up" another one chipped in.


"Any last words?".


"You don't want to beg?" Caspain asked her.

"Let's just deal with the brat already Cas" the red haired girl spoke again.

"Don't blame me if you're hurt. Last chance, drop the clothes, kneel and apologize then drop all your money, then we can let you off or don't and we beat you up".

Isabel smiles at him, "Wouldn't that be nice if it were true. Once I do that, you won't let me go. All your guys are ready to devour me, I'll take my chances and go for option three. I leave here with these clothes and pretend this never happened".

Caspian grins and the next words that left his mouth turned everything upside down. "Kill her".

With those two words, they charged at her with their weapons, while Caspian watched by the side.

Isabel fights them off, the fight continued for more than thirty minutes with no one seeming to have the upper hand.

"I guessed I've played this game far too long. Bring it on".

With that she attacked with full strength, with no one using their powers yet. In not up to ten minutes, they were crouched on the ground in pains while Isabel, though a bit wounded still stood strong against them.

The red haired girl got annoyed and in the blink of an eye unleashed a strong wind towards Isabel.

"Good thinking Jewel, continue and I'll add my water to it" the brown haired girl spoke and sent a big ball on Isabel as she tried dodging the onslaught of wind directed at her.

"Way to go Melia, Jewel" the boy whom Isabel first punched said. Feeling as though he was being avenged.

"I'll lend a hand" Caspian said as he raised his hand, and a boulder was raised from the ground, he divided it into 6 parts and threw each one at Isabel. But she dodged them all except the water ball from Melia. She just stood there and let it fall on her, pus.h.i.+ng her back a bit. Then she puts down her head, the others stop attacking her and watched her, then she lifts up her head.

"My turn" with a wicked smile on her face...


Jasper and Catherine kept on running and soon came to the open land which Isabel arrived in.

"She's not far off again Cathy".

"How are you so sure?".

"The prints are still fresh and the bead is shaking with so much force, Isabel is close I know it".

They hear a loud sound and dust spreading everywhere and slas.h.i.+ng sounds, then trees starts falling.

"I think it means, Isabel is in trouble Jasper and close. Let's hurry".

They ran with high speed and in fifteen minutes they arrived at the scene.

"Found you... " he didn't get to finish his sentence when what happened stunned Catherine and himself.

There before his eyes, stood Isabel, with three people in front of her, it felt slow but it was quite fast. The brown haired girl controlled a huge ball of water and moved towards Isabel, ready to release her hold on the water so it would hit Isabel and she did. Just as it was a few metres from touching Isabel, she raised her right hand. As her hand came in contact with the water ball, her eyes shone and she directed lightning at the water and threw it back to its wielder.

They were all shocked, and Melia was fixed on where she stood in shock and didn't have time to dodge when Isabel aimed her lightning at her and the others. In what seemed like a second, they were all on the ground as the lightning coursed through their bodies.

As she was about to attack them again Jasper intervened and shouted. "Stop".

As she heard his voice, she got herself back and turned to the sound of the voice. He rushed to her front and spoke to her.

"Stop, don't kill them".

"Out of my way. They intended to kill me, and thought of beating me just so they could bully me. Let me finish what I started."

"I can't let you Isabel. Let go of your power, take charge and control it please."

"Move Jasper".

"Isabel" Catherine shouted from the side she stood.

"Let it be girl. You did it" she moved to Jasper's side and stared at her friend.

"Hmm" she sighs, closed her eyes and took in a deep breath then opened her eyes again.

"... "

Isabel - The Lightning Princess 17 Found Her 2

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Isabel - The Lightning Princess 17 Found Her 2 summary

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