Op System 31 Chapter: Sexual Appeal Your Ass

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-February 23, 2024 73th Floor Main City-

A hooded boy is walking on the street he is carrying a big red Claymore on his back and at his side a delicate youngester who wearing black cloths walking with him.

"Did you just came out from the boss dungeon" The delicate youngester.

The hooded boy replied "yep i want to solo the boss sadly i couldn't find the boss room ays.... the Boss room is getting more and more harder to find now"

The delicate youngester sweat drop when he heard The hooded boy saying about soloing a boss.

"Turtle i think you really should join a party" The youngester said in serious tone.

"Kirito y-" Shen Tian and Kirito stopped walking because they see a guy begging on his knees in the middle of the street the crowd is surrounding him to watch a show.

"Plsss Help me!!! i beg you!!" The guy said to the frontliner players as he kneeled to the ground but they ignored him.

A pa.s.ser by who is watching the show said to his friend " this guy is still here begging..?"

"what do you mean?"

"That guy arrived here yesterday"

Shen Tian walked towards the guy who is on his knees while Kirito followed him.

The crowd exclaimed as they pa.s.sed them.

"Thats.. MadG.o.d..."

"The one following him blackswordman..?"

"They seems going towards here"

The crowd made a way for the two of them.

"Hey do you need help?" Shen Tian said in gentle tone because he felt pitiful to this guy begging here on the street all day.

The guys looked at Shen Tian as if he was his savior but the guy widen his eyes when he see the Red claymore on Shen Tian back.

"MadG.o.d..." He said in shocked tone.

"Oh you know me?" Shen Tian asked while kirito at his side elbowed him.

"Fvck who wouldn't know you!?" Kirito said in amused tone.

"Yes sir MadG.o.d" The guy said respectfully.

"Ehem lets get back to the topic here" Shen Tian said

The guy seems just remember what he was here for he suddenly grabbed Shen Tian legs "Please help me!!"

The frontliners in crowd who is watching the show at first dumbfounded then their face paled while they thought 'this guys is dead he dare to do that to madG.o.d' But they where even more shocked at what happened next.

"Ok ok just let me go ill help you if its not some excessive request" Shen Tian said as he pulled the guy away from him

The guy didn't let go of his legs he looked at Shen Tian with expectation "really?"

"Yes.. so let go already! " Shen Tian said

Kirito at the side teased " Turtle it seems your s.e.xual appeal improved now its even working on boys now"

Shen Tian thoughts 's.e.xual appeal your a.s.s!'

The guy let go of Shen Tian legs kneeling to him he said in sobbing voice "Please help me revenge my guildmates....."

"revenge your guildmates...? Tell me the details.. "Shen Tian eyes sharpened because if its about killing a player it means the orange guilds is involved here. He really hate this orange guilds because of what happened to Griselda that day.

The guys was about to talk but kirito stopped him

"Lets not talk here look" Kirito said as he pointed at the crowd around.


Inside the 73th floor restaurant Shen Tian is sitting there alone. The guy already left after saying his tragedy story its seems he is a part of a guild called Silvers Flag their guild was wiped out 8 days ago by Orange Guild t.i.tans hand and he is the only survivor. Shen Tian promised him that he will help to punish this orange guild.

Kirito also left while saying to me 'you don't need my help right? so im going now i have something to do' fvck he left like escaping for his life.

Shen Tian was alone there drinking some wine while staring at the window absentmindedly.

"d.a.m.nn that kirito leaving me alone to do this ays... i already promised that will help so it can't be helped..." He said while closing his eyes.

"Eh Turtle what a coincidence meeting you in a place like this" feminine voice

When Shen Tian opened his eyes he see Asuna staring at him with a beautiful smile.

" oh.. h.e.l.lo Asuna longtime no see want some drink? " Shen Tian asked in normal tone while smiling at her.

Asuna blushed when she see his smile, she felt her heartbeat quicken she thought 'ah! Its that smile again.... '

In this past Days After his pa.s.sion nights with Nanami Shen Tian changed he doesn't easily get fl.u.s.tered anymore when meeting a beauty his bearing changed as well like a calm water and he matured a little? because of his changed. The girls around Shen Tian become more attracted to him.

Seeing Asuna is standing there in daze Shen Tian t.i.tled his head.

"Asuna is there something wrong?" He said in confused tone.

Asuna recovered her face blushed even more sitting at the chair that is near her when she looked at his face she started to remember her first kiss in Shen Tian house... so in this past days she have been avoiding Shen Tian but she still observe him from afar like a stalker ~.

"Nothing... " she said in low voice

"Asuna sorry about the that day i kissed you accidentally" He said while feeling guilt because he noticed her akwardness when meeting him this days he thought 'it must be about the kiss...'

Asuna expression frowned a little "you mean its just accident?..!"

Shen Tian is surprised he thought ' she's become more upset...? About what..? '

" um... "

Asuna frowned even more she thought ' when he kissed me that day its just accident..? he didn't felt anything about me? im really annoyed right now'

"Turtle its really just accident..? if you lie even a little im leaving" Asuna said as she lowered her head.

Shen Tian he thought 'fvck what the h.e.l.l is her problem hays.. i don't undertand it..'


Op System 31 Chapter: Sexual Appeal Your Ass

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