Op System 60 Chapter: Two

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-In Omnyo prep drom-

Shen Tian and Natsume are still sleeping on the couch even the sun is already up while Arturia is watching her master at the side feeling something weird inside her heart.

When Natsume felt the sunlight her eyes twitched a bit, she snuggled more in Shen Tian embrace while feeling comfortable. Shen Tian felt her movements so he started to awaken.

"Arturia what time is it now..?" Shen Tian said because he see Arturia at the side but he is still hugging Natsume.

"Master its already time to school so you should hurry" Arturia said to him coldly while she turned her head away from Shen Tian.

"Arturia are you alright?" Shen Tian

"Master im alright" Arturia said not looking at him.

Shen Tian stared at Arturia, then he see Arturia glanced at him to Natsume with some hostile expression on her face. 'She's jealous?' He thought.

"Arturia come here and sit beside your master" Shen Tian ordered her.

"Eh?" Arturia expression turn into puzzled look.

"Just sit here besides me faster its your master order" Shen Tian said while patting the soft couch beside him 'it seems shes not aware of his own feelings...' He thought.

"Master order..." Arturia goes to Shen Tian side to sit after thinking a bit but there's still 5 inch away from where Shen Tian wanted her to sit so he pulled her to his side.

"Wah!" Arturia

"Like i said here" Shen Tian said as he hugged Arturia slender waist towards him.

Arturia felt her heart started to beat faster as a small blush appeared on her cheek 'this is just master order... master order... master order...' She thought.

"How do you feel.....?" Shen Tian whisper to Arturia ears while hugging her closer to him with his left arm.

"Um..." Artura didn't know what to say, she just lowered her head with some blush on her cheeks.

"Hmm lean your head to my shoulder and sleep" Shen Tian

"But- "

"No but i know that you didn't sleep last night so sleep now its your master order" Shen Tian said to her while looking at her eyes as if ordering her.

"Hai..." Arturia complied she leaned her head to his shoulder slowly at first she wanted to say that she didn't need sleep but seeing Shen Tian Dominant aura she felt a bit excited inside after a while she felt so comfortable and fell sleep as well, she already forgot the school.

Shen Tian sleep after her because he is too lazy to get up.


-1 hour later-

Natsume waked up from her sleep, she still felt drowsy as she opened her eyes.

"Shen...?" Natsume said absentmindedly when she see Shen Tian infront of her. Then her cheeks become redder and redder as she remember what happened last night, but she calmed down after a while and wanting to wake up Shen Tian gently, until she see someone beside him. 'His familiar....?' She thought as her expression frozed.

"Shen wake up!!!" Natsume shouted at Shen Tian irritatedly as she grabbed his collar shaking him.

Shen Tian and Arturia waked up because of her disturbance but Shen Tian is still too lazy to open his eyes so he is hanged on the air by Natsume who is holding his collar while shaking him.

"What are you doing to my master!?!?!" Arturia grabbed Natsume arm to stop her, Arturia expression turned hostile when she see her master being treated like that.

Natsume wanted to slap her hand away but Arturia was too strong for her, so she glared at Arturia.

"Shen is my bodyguard so i can do anything what i wanted to him right?"

"You can't!! I have to protect master!" Arturia said as she gripped her invisible sword, she already wanted to slash this girl infront of her because she have seen yesterday that Natsume is sleeping with her master.

"Come!" Natsume said as she irritatedly pulled a talisman in her packet, but before they could start their fight they heard a voice making them stop in their tracks.

"STOP!!" Shen Tian said while looking at them lazily, after saying that he see both of the girls are glaring at him, he couldn't help but back a bit "this is my room so you girls shouldn't fight here.

The two girls glared more fiercely at Shen Tian.

*cough* if you fight here you will be destroying omnyo prep property" Shen Tian said righteously but when he felt they are still glaring at him, he don't have a choice as he said 5 more bulls.h.i.+t reason to stop them. Its good that they calmed down after that.

Shen Tian slamped lazily on the couch as if he wanted to sleep more.

"Shen lets go to school now where already late!!" Natsume

"Ill absent today." Shen Tian

"Eh why?" Natsume who is already about to leave the door stopped as she turn her gaze to Shen Tian.

"I have some other bussiness to do, oh Arturia go with Natsume to school and protect her from danger" Shen Tian said lazily on the couch.

"Master why do i have to protect this girl?" Arturia said irritatedly.

"Because she's important to me" Shen Tian said slowly, then he see Arturia have disatisfied expression on her face and some hotile on it, he couldn't help but smiled a bit "Of course your important to me too Arturia"

After a while Natsume and Arturia left Shen Tian room with a small smile on their lips.

Shen Tian was left in the room alone, he is waiting for someone.

-After 2 hours in Shen Tian room-

*knock knock*

"You can come in.." Shen Tian said after hearing someone knocking his room door.

A man came iniside Shen Tian couldn't help but look at him the man have a long hair that have some pink color on it, he is wearing a formal suit and black boots but Shen Tian know the man infront of him is a girl in disguised using a spell.

"My name is Hirata Atsune, Nice to meet you Mister Shen Tian. "The man said with a smile on his face.

"Oya Takiko Souma why are you here?" Shen Tian said calmly but the girl infront of him who is in disguied have a shocked expression on his face.

"You... how can you see through my most powerful disguise spell?" Takiko Souma said in shocked tone.

"Nevermind the small details girl why are you here?" Shen Tian

"Im here to invite you to our organization- " Takiko Souma

"Alright i accept!!" Shen Tian said not letting him done with her talk.

"Wah!? Do you know our orgini- " Takiko Souma

"You want me to become Yakou devote right? But i have two condition" Shen Tian said again not letting her end her sentence.

"Whats this two condition?" Takiko Souma expression become serious.

"My condition is...."

Op System 60 Chapter: Two

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Op System 60 Chapter: Two summary

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