I Lost Everything But My Will 11 You're The First I'll Practice With

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-A few minutes later at the market-

"Well now Amber, don't get all mopey about that house now, or do you want me to remember that demons existence," Jena said giving Amber a slight nudge. "Jena that's not the reason for my att.i.tude. I fear you are becoming the monster you believe to have vanquished" Amber said.

"Amber return," Jade said immediately amber made that statement, the clear rage in her eyes were visible and she continued strolling down the busy market, calmly walking without uttering a word to anybody until she got to the clothes store.

As Jena walked into the unkempt store, the storekeeper suddenly noticed her presence. The store was built like a cabin styled building, and even that was considered luxurious. It had just three rows of clothes and an old reception desk and a door behind it that probably led to the storekeeper's living s.p.a.ce.

It wasn't everyday people walked into her store, the people here were just too poor, but this was her only means of livelihood, plus she had nothing and nowhere else to go, so when she saw this one customer, he was ecstatic.

"Young woman why do you frown, I bet my clothes could cheer you up, they are the best in the whole market," said the storekeeper, he was a brawny man with an unshaven and unkempt beard. Jena who wasn't even paying attention to this man and his self-praise completely ignored him and went straight to the clothes aisle.

'This girl seems very well off, what is she doing in the slums, well this is going to be easy picking then' the storekeeper whose name was Jing thought with a wry smile on his face as he secretly sent a message to someone before getting up to a.s.sist Jena and brag about his product constantly, but Jena just kept ignoring him and continued her search.

"I'll take these two" Jena finally said after browsing through this man's poor cloth collection, that he kept on bragging about constantly, as though he had the world's best set of clothes. "Well nice choices young woman, that'll be 10 credit points, you took the most exquisite ones," said Jing with a smile on his face, that exposed his yellowed teeth. What's your user ID so I can transfer them to you or do you have a communication device?" Said Jena Irritated already by this man's incessant ramblings.

"I have a communication device, here it is," said the storekeeper, as he raised it up Jena just tapped it with her ring and willed her ring to transfer the credits to him and immediately exited his store.

Jing was already ecstatic having received that meager amount of money for just two cloaks, that weren't even worth 5 credit points and he was sure there was more where that came from, and he was going to get every last bit, "h.e.l.lo, are you guys trailing her already, she's just a rich brat, probably from the middle district running from home." Said Jing to someone on the communication device before cutting the transmission.

'Really, sending someone to trail me, to rob me, it's such a pity, this fool is making me want the destruction of this place even more' Jena thought and sighed when she sensed the presence of the people sent to rob her. "Well I might as well test my blade with these idiots, play along and kill them' Jena thought as a smile suddenly crept up Jena's face as she purposely walked into a dark abandoned building, with a large hall.

As they all headed inside the building Olive had Drake guard the door and then asked that everyone else spread out to look for Jena. The person in question was quietly seated in the hall room waiting for these sparring partners to arrive.

-A few minutes later-

"Master is that you that you, have you found the br…" said Drake before his throat was slit swiftly and cleanly, he didn't realize until his throat suddenly spurted out blood and he fell down and died with a look of utter confusion, fear, and shock on his face.

-In one of the rooms-

"Well I hope we find this girl quickly, this place is much too scary and eerie for my liking," said Slade to his friend spike whom he had decided to partner up with when olive had asked them to split up. "Slade, what's that thing glowing over there," Spike asked scratching his head in confusion. "Dead men shouldn't speak," Said a voice suddenly. The last thing they saw before their heads were cleanly chopped up was a glow and the figure of a woman.

-In the hall-

"Finally I found you," olive said as he summoned his servant to go capture Jena. Immediately his servant was about to strike her, Jena just s.h.i.+fted to the side and stabbed accurately at his heart, not forgetting to charge her weapon with death energy. As Olive's servant, Viper felt that something was piercing him, it was already too late, and Jena's movement was Just to swift and fluid.

As the blade pierced through, vipers heart, he refused to give up so easily and utilized this opportunity with the blade in him to tilt his body and make Jena stumble, but immediately he did that and his blade was about to strike her, she suddenly flipped and in the air without letting go of the sword, she let her weight push down and stab viper deeper into his heart, and he coughed up blood, and let go of his daggers, Jena somehow twisted herself in the air and landed. forcefully ripping the sword out of Viper's heart completely destroying it, she landed still holding the sword with a smile on her face.

Olive watched all this mortified and frozen on the spot, Jena suddenly said "I'm cool right, I know, don't worry I'll make you cool too". Suddenly Olive felt something hit his head and he pa.s.sed out.

I Lost Everything But My Will 11 You're The First I'll Practice With

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