Plagiarism In Another World 33 Tour-Guide/Next Job

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As Mu walked around the giant city he started noticing a group of people gathering around one of the s.h.i.+ps.

Mu walked over to see what was going on and saw a man yelling for people to quiet the f.u.c.k down.

The man then went on to explain why he had gathered the people here. He was a tour guide and was willing to give newbies to the island a tour of the city for free.

Everyone here thought this was a scam so they cleared out. Except for Mu he was talking to the abyss about how good their luck was to find a free tour of the city.

;)You can't really believe this guy right.

"What does he have to gain off of us," Mu asked the voice.

;)I don't know our f.u.c.king money, clothes, supplies, boat do I need to continue.

"No but where else are we going to find a person to show us the city," Mu thought to the voice.

;)Just pay somebody and they will probably do it.

"Yea but they wouldn't be qualified," Mu thought to the voice.

Mu and the abyss had been talking so long that Mu was the only one left in the courtyard. The man noticed Mu and started walking towards him.

"h.e.l.lo Sir, Names Alexander Tour-Guide my father before me Tour-Guide Sr. was a tour guide for fifty years he pa.s.sed that experience down to me and now I pa.s.s it to you where in this fine city do you wish to go." Mr.Tour-Guide said real fast.

;)Does this guy talk in run-on sentences.

"Looks like it,"Mu thought to the voice.

"Yea if you could just show me where the bard guild is on this island that would be great," Mu said to Mr.Tour-Guide.

"Sure diddy two t.i.tty," Mr.Tour-Guide said.

Mu and Mr.Tour-Guide were like two long lost friends you could make their journey around the dirty city into a royalty free music montage.

;)Huh maybe I was wrong about this guy.

"Yea he's a cool dude," Mu thought to the voice.

"We'll just skip this part of the city and then end at the bards guild," Mr.Tour-Guide said looking at his map of the city.

"Why would we skip that part of the city," Mu asked Mr. Tour-Guide said," Trust me you don't want to go there."

Mu was about to ask why again when Mr.Tour-Guide looked him dead in the eye and said," You.Do.Not.Want.To.Go.There."

"Alright," Mu said.

;)Wonder what's over there.

"I don't want to know," Mu thought to the voice.

Mr.Tour-Guide finally showed Mu the bards guild and finished the tour.

Before he left, him and Mu clasped hands and looked into each other's eyes.

They both said,"Brother," and let go walking in different directions.

;)The f.u.c.k was that?

"You wouldn't get it," Mu thought to the voice as he walked into the bards guild.

What Mu saw inside rocked him to his core it was him he's back.

"h.e.l.lo Mu what can I do for you?" The Receptionist asked.

" how how are you here did you follow me you b.a.s.t.a.r.d you've rated me enough," Mu screamed at the monster behind the counter.

"I am everywhere and nowhere Mu you cannot escape I'm just kidding I got transferred over here," The Receptionist said.

"I..I need a place to sleep," Mu told The Receptionist while slowly walking towards him and handing over his bard card.

"We always accommodate guild members," The Receptionist said with a wink.

"Oh and you might want to look at the job board there's a new one up there that might interest you," The Receptionist said while signing Mu in and handing back the bard card.

Mu backed away from the counter hesitant to show his back to The Receptionist but he hit the job board and turned around to look.

Quest type-World-Wide

Requirements-A part of rank's or an S-rank

Description-Find and Kill the Pirate King trust me I'll know when he's dead and you will get your reward.

Mu ripped the job off the wall and slammed it on The Receptionist's counter.

Mu looked at him and said in his deepest voice," I'll take it."

Plagiarism In Another World 33 Tour-Guide/Next Job

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