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Callen came out with a chocolate, one big enough that he had to hold with his both hands. Beside him came my arch enemy, her brother 'Kavin'.

' I see that you are standing here like a lonely wolf, bet my sister ran away from you' he said with sarcasm.

' well we did do naughty things, guess she was embarra.s.sed; I said proudly remembering the kiss she gave. His eyes were fuming WITH ANGER.

'come, Callen, let's go' I said signing to Callen. He jumped into the car and we rode off leaving Kavin glare at us till we disappeared around the corner.

I was over the skies just imagining the kiss but there was one thing troubling me. Callen kept looking at me the whole time. 'What' I asked, he just smiled and shrugged into his seat.

I went back home and my mom came busting out of the door. Even if she puts a little more strength into it, the door will come flying off, thank G.o.d dad made out of steel or who knows we would have to change it every day.

'How was it' she asked with eagerness.

'Just normal, we are dating now' I said with a smile.

'I guess it's only a few days till I see my son in a white dress' she said and I blushed…I know I BLUSHED imagining our wedding.

' Ummm…..I have pack matters to attend, I will be leaving Callen with you' I said trying to hide my embarra.s.sing face when my dad who had just walked in hugged me.

'I am proud that my son has finally matured' he said trying to wipe his fake tears. It was a complete drama company. I seriously can't imagine how they ran the pack like this. Hugging him back I said ' come on dad, I know those are crocodile tears, let's stop this, I have a pack meeting to attend'.

' How dare you refuse a hug from your lonely dad, I know when the pack meetings are scheduled, don't you dare lie to me son!!!!' he said hugging me harder. I gave in to the moment, not able to refuse.

' How are you lonely when I am with you?' my mom questioned, and I could imagine the terror my dad had to face. My parents quarrel never ended with a single fight, they keep bringing 300 years back situation to confront each other. I knew this fight would go on a whole day.

Taking this as an advantage. I slipped away silently so they wouldn't recognize my disappearance. While Callen stood there eating his chocolate not giving a s.h.i.+t about the drama before him.

I mind linked Rock to come to my cabin to report the ice-cream shop incident.

'Alpha' he bowed on entering the room. 'Did you find any information about that guy?'

'yes, Alpha. We found that he has hara.s.sed many girls in the same way, sometimes even videotaping them when they slept with him to use it a blackmail material'.

' I knew he was a shameless idiot but this is beyond forgiveness. Where is he?' I asked.' We have locked him up in the dungeon as you asked Alpha' he reported.

'Fine, I'll handle the matters' I said heading towards the dungeon's direction.


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