Casanova Of The Argent Clan 18 Prince Asher

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When they finished eating, the new maid who was a.s.signed to Asher when Ashley and Isabella couldn't do their duties told him that his father and mother wants him to go to the throne room.

Asher sighed as he wanted to eat another thing other then his food, but he had to further put that thought in the back of his head.

Asher quickly made his way toward the Star G.o.d Palace's throne room.

It was a very large room that had large metal doors blocking it off, a line made its way towards two magnificent looking thrones that were erected onto a platform.

Upon these thrones were the Star G.o.d Emperor and Empress, his parents, Clark and Leah

"My sweet little baby is finally here, why haven't you asked your mother for breast milk in such a long time? I'm starting to feel like you don't love me anymore" Leah who was known as an extremely fierce character to everyone who knew her, pouted and asked Asher.

"Hmm I don't min—-"

"QUIET!" The Star G.o.d Emperor voice boomed in Asher's ear making his ears ring and cut off his voice.

Clark collected himself than said

"We called you here today to discuss your plans before taking the selection tests of the G.o.d Domain Academy where all your brothers and sister's are at."

The G.o.d Domain Academy only accepts new disciples who turn sixteen.

"Your personal servants Ashley and Isabella have turned sixteen and qualify for going through the selection test since they have talent and are of n.o.ble families, they will be taking it very soon."

Asher already saw this coming and thought for a moment before saying

"I want to explore and kill G.o.d Beasts at the G.o.d Domain Jungle for four years, then I will come back home for the academies selection test."

"Very good" The Star G.o.d Emperor called out

It was normal for youths to temper themselves in the outer parts of the G.o.d Domain Jungle, maybe even stumble upon a few lucky chances.

"I will contact other G.o.d Emperor's and see if any other children would like to train with you"

While Leah was nervous for him, since there were so many untold dangers and unexplored places in the vast G.o.d Domain's Jungle that even top experts have disappeared there forever, but it shouldn't be so bad if he doesn't go very far out.

"You will have to come back to visit us" Leah ordered Asher with a serious and doting expression, then handed him a golden ring that was inscribed with ten teleportation arrays that connected to the Star G.o.d Palace, he would be able to set it up and go to and from where he initally placed and activated it.

The arrays lasted only a day and were so expensive and hard to inscribe that the ten arrays given to him were a fairly large chunk of what they had stocked up even as the strongest and most resourceful G.o.d Realm Planet.

"Of course, mother" Asher handsomely smiled.

"Make sure he gets the best shadows to guard him" Leah whispered to her husband in anxiety.

Clark only nodded like it was an obvious thing.

Shadows were the Argent Clan's personal bodyguards and, they were also perfect at collecting different types of valuable information and other important jobs.

Once everything was settled Clark and Leah saw Asher quickly vanish like he was in a hurry to do something, Clark lightly chuckled and shook his head while Leah just closed her eyes.


Asher appeared in his bedroom only to see Isabella cleaning the bed

Her long s.h.i.+ny and smooth black hair swayed back and forth as she tried to scrub the mattress clean. She was wearing a short skirt that perfectly show-cased her snow white thighs and long legs and was bending over to clean which gave Asher the perfect view.

Isabella was dutifully cleaning until she felt a tall and strong body come behind her and felt a bulge press against her back side that slightly lifted up her skirt.

"Ahhh—-" Isabella was gonna scream until her mouth got covered and she saw who it was.

"You should really be aware of your surroundings" Asher spanked her perky b.u.t.tocks as punishment and whispered huskily in her ear, he has been holding back twice now and when he finally saw Isabella's alluring and curvy figure and the short skirt that perfectly fit her he loss any ounce of will power.

Asher slowly pulled away and thought about something with a devious charming smile on his face.

"Pull up your skirt and take off your panties."

Asher ordered with a commanding voice to Isabella.

"W-W-What?" Isabella stuttered in surprise

"Just do as I say, I won't ask again."

"Y-yes" Isabella, still with her back to him, bent over as she rested her abs and upper body on the bed with her long legs and a.s.s still standing. She lifted her skirt up and slowly slid down her panties with her dainty snowy white arms. She didn't fully realize, but the commanding tone and actions Asher were making her do were making her exceptionally wet down there.

Asher couldn't take it anymore, he pulled down his shorts to reveal a large and girthy weapon which was throbbing in excitement. Asher stepped closer to Isabella as he put the tip at her lower lips. Asher moved the head of his weapon up and down seeing her wetness gus.h.i.+ng out and glistening on his weapon's head 'f.u.c.k....' was the last thought Asher had before plunging deep into her from behind.

Isabella let out a deep moan as he entered. She felt Asher put his large hands on her waist as he forcible thrusted against her bubble b.u.t.t making her skirt go up and down. Her smooth and soft a.s.s slapped against his pelvis as they both continued to moan in pleasure. Asher wrapped his arm around Isabella's collar bone and then pulled on her hair to get a good look at her beautiful face as he continued to thrust from behind for who knows how long, he saw Isabella's eyes roll to the back of her head in pleasure "mmmmmmfffff" Isabella was letting out incoherent phrases before she started spasming and contracted even tighter which made Asher explode inside her as he gave one last deep thrust.

They crumbled like sand as they fell on to the bed.

About thirty minutes of them catching their breath in blissful silence went by before Asher spoke up

"Where is Ashley?" Asher asked Isabella as they hugged each-other naked on the bed

"Her family called her, they must be preparing something for her upcoming test, as we can't let your reputation down as the Prince's servants we must increase our strength and do well."

Isabella said absent-mindly clinging onto Asher still basking in the after glow.

Asher seemed to sense something when he heard Isabella talk about family, he cuddled Isabella closely to him and said

"You know....your problems are mine, tell me what is going on so I can help you."

Isabella bit her cherry lips and had teary eyes feeling the immense love Asher was giving her and explained.

So it turned out like this... when she turned five Isabella awakened an extreme yin type body const.i.tution that would be very beneficial for a male to dual cultivate with.

Now that he focused on it Asher checked his body and found out his Qi, const.i.tution and meridians all improved, thanks to his const.i.tution. The Dual Cultivation with the talented beauties made him further shoot up in improvement by taking their Origin Yin Qi that was released once the hymen broke.

The Lockport Family which Isabella was apart of was just a middle-ranked n.o.ble house, her parents wanted her to choose who she wanted to marry on her own, but ever since she awakened the rare body const.i.tution she caught the site of the highest-ranked n.o.ble house, the Verac family. They kept pus.h.i.+ng for marriage of their young master and Isabella.

Isabella's parents asked if she wanted to marry him, but she just shook her head immediately not having a good impression of him at all.

After they rejected the proposal the Verac Family started hara.s.sing her family in various ways. Tras.h.i.+ng their businesses, bullying their younger generation, etc.

This is what brought them further to the edge and her parents could only make the choice to enroll Isabella into the Argent clan as a Prince's servant so she would receive protection and resources even the Verac Family couldn't provide.

Clark, The Star G.o.d Emperor happily accepted Isabella knowing her const.i.tution and put her with the talented and Youngest Prince Asher which made Isabella and her family delighted for being able to be so close to a figure that will surely shake up the G.o.d Realm in the future.

Knowing that Isabella was acquainted with the Argent Clan stopped the overt hara.s.sment from the Verac Family, but it still occasionally happened.

Asher felt incomparably mad at what he heard.

He quickly got dressed and ordered Isabella to aswell as he summoned his shadow to come with him as they boarded a magical treasure that was shaped like a flying house and speeded toward Isabella's family.

Asher met with her parents and the head of the Lockport Family who were overjoyed to get the favor of Prince Asher.

Asher told them to call over the young master who was the son of the head of the Verac Family who was hara.s.sing them and they s.h.i.+vered as the Lockport Family head saw a fierce look similar to when he first saw the notorious Empress Leah in Asher's eyes.

Verac Family's young master was overjoyed when the Lockport family told him to visit them, he quickly dashed toward their residence when he finally made it there he announced with an Spirit Qi infused voice that could be heard all around and garnered a fairly large crowd.

"HAHA! So you guys are finally sensible! You have decided to marry Isabella to me since the Prince has many other beautiful maids, why would he care about some n.o.body from a middle ranked family."

He was chuckling in glee until he heard and saw something that made his expression and heart drop.

He saw an otherworldly handsome young man next to a ethereally beautiful young women, looking like the heavenly couple told about in legends. They were floating in mid air next to a unrecognizable figure covered in all black that seemed to be helping them float despite them not being at the Sky Spirit Realm.

"You f.u.c.kING trash dare to try to marry my servant?!"

Asher angrily yelled as he put his arm tightly around Isabella's waist

"Oh my G.o.d, isn't that the youngest Prince Asher?"

"He's so beautiful"

Some experts eyes widened as they noticed his cultivation

"Second level of the Earth Spirit Realm! At twelve years old....amazing"

Verac Family's young master trembled as he noticed who it was and was about to kneel and profusely apologize to Prince Asher until he started falling down for some reason.

His eyes and mouth opened wide in fear by what he saw.

He looked down only to find that his left leg was completely missing and started screaming out in pain and horror.

Asher used a skill called 'wind blade' to swiftly cut off the leg.


"Stop squealing you f.u.c.king pig"

Asher looked at him with disgust

Asher sealed his mouth by flickering his finger and making the water element in the air transform into ice and blocking off his speaking hole.

"Since the Verac Family has been loyal and serving the Star G.o.d Palace well for many years, I will not kill you out of respect for them."

"Though you are not allowed to regenerate your missing leg for five years as punishment of your blunder."

"I will ask an Argent Shadow to keep an eye on you and if you ever do regenerate your leg before the time is up, your entire family will be implicated."

Verac Family's young master went pale at this statement

With a missing limb, his cultivation will not be able to flow through his body normally and he will inevitably and slowly get crippled

this is.....this is....worse than death

He would have to hop around everywhere getting ridiculed and reminded by everyone that he only had one leg because he was punished by the Star G.o.d Realm's youngest Prince for trying to marry his servant.

This was the first time everyone saw Prince Asher's wrath.

"Just know that the Lockport Family is under my protection and no harm will come to it, you and the Verac Family must apologize for the hara.s.sment you caused them by allocating 30% of your n.o.ble house's monthly resources and business earnings to the Lockport's for one hundred years."

"Go back and tell your father this. I will be putting my shadow here with you to make sure everything goes smoothly."

Asher left these final words before leaving.

Isabella and Asher said goodbye to her parents and boarded the Spirit Ark and left, leaving behind the dumbfounded expressions of everyone who witnessed the scene.

30% resources of the highest-ranked n.o.ble Clan for one hundred years....while not having to pay anything in return. This will surely make the Lockport family a high-ranked one maybe one of the strongest, especially now that she has Prince Asher's favor...ah.... Prince Asher... what a lucky women.

The women in the crowd sighed in jealousy at Isabella's luck, even the older or married women were envious.

In the Spirit Ark

"I love you so much!!!!"

Isabella truly felt on top of the world in joy at this moment, everything felt perfect like a dream. She hugged Asher and kissed him.

Asher chuckled and said with a smirk as his hand slid up her skirt "Anything for my girl"

They went at it again like beasts in heat for two hours.

Casanova Of The Argent Clan 18 Prince Asher

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