Casanova Of The Argent Clan 23 Law Of The Jungle

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Asher and Dawn woke up the next morning having an even closer relations.h.i.+p than before.

Asher got up from the bed, with his s.h.i.+rt still off from last night since he doesn't like sleeping with one on, his perfect athletic body type and broad shoulders were revealed to Dawn who also awoke and was staring at him in a daze.

He activated his storage ring and dozens of clothes appeared, one brand that made clothes that he especially liked was called Reya.

It was a Designer brand exclusively sold to the richest n.o.bles, the clothes were made comfortably out of rare materials and had self cleaning properties with defensive abilities the same as Earth Ranked Armor, all whilst keeping the elasticity which caused the clothes to be one of the best Earth Ranked Spirit Artifacts in the G.o.d Realm.

He couldn't wear above Earth Ranked since the Spirit Artifacts had a cultivation cap to use. You can imagine how expensive these clothes costed.

Spirit Artifacts had four ranks


Asher picked out black fitted jeans and a dark blue Reya s.h.i.+rt that had their renowned s.h.i.+ny silver eagle insignia on the left breast of the s.h.i.+rt.

Asher truly enjoyed the material items that came with the lavish life of a G.o.d Realm Ruling Clan.

He donned on the black fitted jeans and was about to put on the s.h.i.+rt before his door shot open.

"What's taking you so lo—-."A girl's voice rang out but soon stopped as she witnessed Asher with his s.h.i.+rt off and Dawn staring at him while she was still on the bed.

"WHAT THE h.e.l.l."

Sarah the Nature G.o.d Princess yelled out angrily which attracted the other five members who quickly gathered to see what was going on.

"W-w-what are you two doing." Sarah asked pointing at them with her trembling index finger.

"Oh, we just slept together. Is there a problem?"

Asher put on the Reya s.h.i.+rt and said casually, unfazed by the attention, he further said

"Alright, let's get going, we should all eat a good meal before going further in the jungle, we only fought E and D ranked beasts yesterday, we should be able to get good practice with C and B ranked G.o.d Beasts today."

Asher walked out leaving an awkward silence between everyone who were still there.

The girls blushed at the thought of what 'sleeping together' implied, but Dawn who was on the bed quickly got up to explain.

"W-we didn't do anything." Dawn quickly said with a red face

Sarah glared at her

"I can't believe my little niece is such a s.l.u.t."

Sarah who was actually her mother's sister, was born a long time later, she was only fourteen and Dawn's grandfather was her father.

Sarah spat out and turned around angrily

Asher's cousin the Black Dragon G.o.d Princess also glared at Dawn before leaving.

The Asura Princess didn't seem to care and said to Dawn

"Come on Dawn, lets go eat!"

Dawn nodded and followed everyone out to sit at the large rounded table.

Asher activated his storage ring once again and eight nutritious meals appeared before they all started eating, but if you paid attention, there was a strange tension in the air which caused them to want to finish their food quickly, but Asher didn't seem to notice as he was scarfing his food down without a care in the world.

When breakfast was over they walked out of the make-s.h.i.+ft house and summoned it back into the array.

Asher led them deeper into the jungle in hopes of finding C and B ranked G.o.d Beasts.

They would travel by practicing their movement techniques many kilometers away, taking a short rest, then continuing on.

Like this a few hours pa.s.sed before loud howls resounded out


It sounded like a fairly large pack of wolves were extremely close to them. The howls were very strong and shook their souls.

G.o.d Beast's were very frenzied in nature, when they especially smelt humans, they would always attack.

"Zephyr Wolves" Asher called out as he noticed that when they howled they infused wind intent into their voice to make their enemies tremble.

They all turned toward the howls and found twenty large wolves staring at them with savage expressions.

"Finally, C Ranked G.o.d Beasts, though this might be a bit of a problem."

Asher said as he searched the area with his Spirit Sense.

He noticed the twenty wolves had the strength of around the seventh or eighth stage of the Soul Spirit Realm, but were much stronger.

The G.o.d Beasts Ranks correlated to the Human's Cultivation and were far stronger on the same level.


Nascent Spirit Realm-E

True Spirit Realm- D

Soul Spirit Realm - C

Earth Spirit Realm- B

Sky Spirit Realm- A

Sovereign Spirit Realm (Lords)- S

False G.o.d Spirit Realm (Overlords)-SS

Tribulation Spirit Realm (Trial G.o.ds)-SSS

Spirit G.o.d Realm (Origin G.o.ds) - SSSS


They were all born with G.o.d level const.i.tutions and their G.o.d Beast Bloodlines gave them overpowered abilities.

The Zephyr Wolves specifically had wind-type abilities, they were extremely fierce foes and were super fast.

He also noticed an even larger wolf that seemed to be the wolf king standing behind them, the wolf king at-least had the strength of a Fourth Level Earth Spirit Realm martial artist.

"You seven fight the twenty wolves while I kill the wolf king, remember they are Zephyr Wolves and have wind type intent and abilities." Asher ordered then blinked behind the pack of wolves.

The other seven in his group noticed this and started to use all their abilities to defeat the large pack of twenty fierce Zephyr Wolves.

Asher appeared standing on top of the wolf king before getting thrown off.

"Haha I just wanted a ride buddy." Asher said

The wolf king showed his large fangs and growled in annoyance at this little kid thinking he was a mount. It was a extremely large wolf beast with white scales that protected its body and savage white eyes.


The wolf king pounced toward Asher


Asher quickly dodged the claws by blinking far away

"s.h.i.+t that was fast, any later and I would have gotten hit." Asher said to himself in a low angry mumble.

"You little s.h.i.+t."

Asher yelled at the wolf king who was still standing in place, stunned, the little kid it was going to rip to shreds just disappeared.

The wolf king looked toward Asher's voice and snarled again before noticing a large white lightning bolt in the kids hands and backed up.

Asher knew this Zephyr Wolf King was very strong and he also knew that seven kids vs the twenty Zephyr Wolves will definitely not end well so he wanted to end this in the quickest way possible.

"d.a.m.n, I never used my martial spirit to kill before, lets see what happens."

Asher pretty much only uses a little bit of his divine lightning when he touches women or when he calls it out and morphs it into different shapes for fun, but both were taxing to his energy so he doesn't use it all the time even though he has full control over it.

Asher held out his hand before summoning his Divine Lightning Martial Spirit, his heart pounded in his chest as he felt the stars in the sky watching his every move.

Asher could feel the immense power and hear the white lightning bolt crack, loud as a whip in his hand.

He could tell his Divine Lightning Martial Spirit was causing spiritual pressure on the wolf king as it was getting closer and closer to falling and then Asher smirked.

Asher took a deep breath


Asher triumphantly grunted out as he threw the white lightning bolt like a fastball.

The white lightning flashed with immense power and absolutely decimated the ground on its path toward the wolf king. The sound of thunder immediately followed its heels battering the ears of everyone present.


A large explosion roared and a faint whimper could be heard before it disappeared.

Asher was panting and kneeling on both knees as he thought

'd.a.m.nit I used way too much energy by just throwing it once, i'm about to pa.s.s out.'

Asher's eyelids were getting heavy

He noticed that the wolf king literally disintegrated from existence, a large crater appeared where it was standing and then he spread out his Spiritual Sense to check on the others.


Asher noticed that they weren't doing too hot.

They were all young and didn't have much fighting experience and were similar in level to the wolves, though Chloe, his cousin was an Earth Spirit Realm martial artist she was fighting the most out of all them.

'I can't fall asleep' Asher said to himself before using his last blink to appear next to Chloe.

"Asher!" "W-what was that noise?!" Chloe yelped getting startled by his sudden appearance, Chloe had scratches on her clothes and skin, She looked like a pitiful beautiful woman in need of saving, but was healing it due to her special domain that specifically strengthened and healed her body, she was getting cornered by six wolves after killing four of them and thought she was going to lose until she saw Asher appear, but then noticed his exhausted appearance.

"Don't worry about me, kill them!" Asher said before slas.h.i.+ng out

Asher used his last bit of energy to summon an Earth Rank Sword from his storage ring and slashed out multiple times in a second with 'wind blade'

The wolves, noticing that mesmerizing lightning blast and their king's aura gone were stunned before quickly getting split in half by a sword and even higher wind intent than theirs.

*plop* sounds of flesh dropping onto the ground could be heard and all six of the wolves that were attacking Chloe died.

"ahh" Asher sighed and sat down in exhaustion after that, trying not to fall asleep.

Chloe looked on amazed at how easily he killed those before noticing that he was tired and holding him up.


She raised her dainty white arm and fingers trying to feed him a recovery pill with a faint blush on her face.

"Go see if they need help."

Asher ordered and then took in the pill and meditated to absorb it quickly.

Chloe looked toward the rest of the group who were fighting the Zephyr Wolves, six to ten, pretty equally.

'they should be fine' Chloe was tired too and sat next to Asher staring at his handsome face in a daze.

Casanova Of The Argent Clan 23 Law Of The Jungle

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Casanova Of The Argent Clan 23 Law Of The Jungle summary

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