Casanova Of The Argent Clan 44 Asher Vs Dexter Ii

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Asher looked toward Jade's alluring devilish body and angelic face and smiled.

Ever since he saw her and found out she had a Fiancé he knew he had to have her.

A devious plan formed in his mind as he purposefully offended Dexter to make him furious and challenge him in front of everyone...

Asher swiftly appeared on the stage stunning everybody

"He can teleport?"

"Well the Argent's do have bloodline talents, he probably got really lucky and unlocked one that allows him to travel through s.p.a.ce."

Asher cleared his throat as he pointed toward an average looking outer court disciple with the strength of the ninth level of the Earth Spirit Realm.

"Me?" The outer court disciple was stunned, he was one of the top-ranked outer court disciples, Asher could have chosen anyone else other than him to make it easier.

Asher recently made a breakthrough in cultivation from the seventh level to the eighth level of the Earth Spirit Realm on the Sacred Steps, in fact, every part of his being had a ma.s.sive breakthrough.

"Mn, yes you, hurry and come up." Asher lazily said

The outer disciple just sighed and went on top of the stage to fight Asher.


There was a referee who watched over the compet.i.tion and called out.

They both nodded then the referee announced


Asher hasn't had much human vs human fights, he did have a lot of battles in the Deva G.o.d mind trials, but they were just illusions that couldn't compare to the real thing even if they felt incomparably natural.

Asher decided to test out his divine white lightning martial spirit, he could barely use it for attacks because it drained all his spiritual energy, but once his cultivation rises it means the more spiritual energy his body holds and the longer he can use his martial spirit.

Beautiful white lightning arcs flashed in Asher's hand as a ma.s.sive bolt of white lightning appeared in his right palm.

He looked like the G.o.d of Lightning ready to cast judgment as the outer court disciple started trembling in fear without Asher even attacking him.

Booming and crackling sounds resounded in the air, causing everyone to widen their eyes at the immense power coming from Asher's martial spirit.

Asher didn't want to kill him so he decided to see what would happen if he commanded thousands of lightning snakes to surround the outer court disciple who was already s.h.i.+vering in anxiety.

Asher threw his ma.s.sive white crackling lightning bolt in the air as it broke into countless thundering slithering snakes that derived an extremely oppressing aura as they surrounded the outer court disciple.

Before anything else could happen the Domain Academy's outer core disciple tensed up and fainted like a scared goat, stunning everyone. You could even see wet marks leaking from his pants.

"H-he fainted just like that? He didn't even get hit!"

"How embarra.s.sing."

Asher had his hand on the back of his head as he snickered, that was pretty pathetic for a G.o.d Domain Academy disciple.

"You." Asher was getting bored from these small fry and pointed to a Inner court disciple.

As the referee announced them to fight, Asher decided to use his martial spirit again.

The divine white lightning bolt shot towards the now quivering inner court disciple and then stopped inches away from his face which made his heart finally beat again, only to shoot out a small spark of lightning that fried him and made him look like a paintbrush as he fainted as-well.


The crowd smiled wryly.... how can they compare to a G.o.dly Ranked Genius? There were only about 100 in the academy for a reason but wasn't this just too exaggerated?

They didn't even have the chance to summon their Domain or any martial technique's because they couldn't even think properly! They were too scared! Too scared of the aura the divine white lightning was emitting, even though if they weren't so scared to the point of being unable to use martial techniques it probably would have just delayed their loss by a few more seconds.

Asher yawned and then asked Elder Murray to announce the results as he prepared himself to have an actual fight.

Grand Elder Murray was astounded at the ease Asher took care of those top Earth Spirit Realm outer and inner court disciples.

"Asher can now be said to be an Inner court disciple, Asher you can accept Dexter's challenge or choose whomever you want if you want to be a Core Disciple.

Grand Elder Murray said with a serious tone, Dexter will definitely not go down as easy as the others, in fact he was thinking Asher has a high chance of losing.

"I'll accept Dexter's challenge."

Asher said like he was just asked to go for a walk.

Dexter was fuming in rage seeing Asher's behavior, he appeared on the stage parallel to Asher as they eyed each-other down.

The crowd was getting more and more excited, two G.o.dly Ranked Genius's having a fight with a meaning! This is why they came here! They all decided to forget those embarra.s.sing fights from before.

"You know....I heard you have a powerful fleshy body and a vast amount of physical strength, how about we compare our G.o.d physiques, no cultivation allowed."

Asher's charming and sonorous voice rang out in everyone's ear, but was especially loud in Dexter's.

Prince Asher's words made Dexter laugh in disdain...he wants to compare G.o.d Physique's with me? DOES HE KNOW WHO I AM?

Dexter gritted his teeth at this arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d, he was suppose to humiliate him, not the other way around so why was he losing his footing right off the bat?

Everyone else thought this aswell, just with your G.o.d Physique? This is Dexter's specialty, his Golden Buddha Body not only has amazing defense against spiritual and physical attacks, it even reflects them back against the attacker.

The only way Asher would have a chance to win is if he was so powerful that he beat Dexter without getting knocked out from the recoil of Dexter's const.i.tution.

Meanwhile they heard about Asher's Black Dragon G.o.d Const.i.tution, doesn't that perverted physique have dual cultivation and amazing rejuvenation effects? Also whats so good about turning into a Dragon if its still in its infancy stage.

"Haha! Alright! But don't go crying because it wasn't fair, just know that you were the one who asked for it!" Dexter disdainfully said

Casanova Of The Argent Clan 44 Asher Vs Dexter Ii

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Casanova Of The Argent Clan 44 Asher Vs Dexter Ii summary

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