Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want Chapter 784 - A Greeting Gift

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Chapter 784: A Greeting Gift

In the seven years since he had seen her, the young girl of days past had grown up into a fine young woman, possessing elegance and grace.

As a young girl, few could match her beauty. Now that she was all grown up, her beauty exceeded his wildest imagination.

His gaze fell on her bulging belly. She could not have been much older than a regular college student, and yet…

“You shameless scoundrel!” Qin Feng roared, glaring fiercely at Fu Tingyu.

Fu Tingyu received Qin Feng’s indignant glare with cool indifference. The feeling was mutual.

Qin Shu regarded Qin Feng silently. He had casually taken the seat opposite hers without waiting for an invitation.

There was no need for introductions; they already knew one another.

The longer Qin Feng stared at Qin Shu, the more he felt embarra.s.sed, strangely enough.

Perhaps it was because of how they met, the process by which they became better acquainted with each other, or the way she saved him when he was poisoned. His feelings for her were a complicated tangle of knots he did not know how to unravel.

One thing was certain, however. The young girl dwelling in his memories had grown up, maturing into a fine young woman.

Blurting the first thing that came to mind, he said, “If I had known you were Ling Bao when I first met you, I would have brought you away and made Fu Tingyu, this despicable man, cry bitterly and pay for what he has done.”

Fu Tingyu had just sat down beside Qin Shu when he heard Qin Feng’s words. Sneering, he sent Qin Feng a withering glare.

Qin Feng ignored Fu Tingyu. He only had eyes for Qin Shu, and it showed the dazzling smile trained at her.

Qin Shu did not expect Qin Feng to say such words the moment they met. It was endearing, the way he wanted to protect her.

Unfortunately, she had no recollection of this junior martial brother of hers.

Although she did not remember learning martial arts on Mount Qi, she had heard many things about the mountain and the time she was said to have spent there.

From what she could gather, Qin Shu learnt that she was the first disciple accepted, and therefore, was called Senior Martial Sister by those who joined after her.

Despite Fu Tingyu and Qin Feng being several years older and more successful than she was, they still had to address her as Senior Sister. It felt great.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember my time on the mountain.” Qin Shu was referring to her time spent on Mount Qi.

Not remembering what happened on Mount Qi was a sore point for her.

Qin Feng smiled. “It’s fine if you don’t remember. Who knows? You might remember in the future. You need only know one thing. Fu Tingyu, this despicable man, is a bully and he enjoys bullying those weaker than him. Just say the word, and I’ll help you get back at him.”

Fu Tingyu laughed coldly. “I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you. There is no one worth bullying except my wife. I have no time for anyone else.”

Qin Feng chuckled mirthlessly, retorting, “I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you. You have the blackest heart I’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing.”

In the past, Fu Tingyu’s martial prowess might have been second to none. Now? Hehe! He could defeat the pride of the Celestial Sect with one hand!

The tables had turned. Fu Tingyu was not his match, and they both knew it.

“Humph! No matter how black it may be, there will always be an untainted spot within it for my wife.” Fu Tingyu emphasised the two words, ‘my wife’, in his pa.s.sionate declaration.

Dazed, Qin Shu did not know how to react.

Fu Tingyu’s gaze s.h.i.+fted from Qin Feng to Qin Shu. The frigid pinp.r.i.c.ks of obsidian immediately thawed, turning into mellow pools of comforting warmth. “My wife, let me peel some fruits for you.”

No sooner had he said so than Fu Tingyu got up, disappearing in search of fruits for his wife.

Qin Feng’s eyes trailed after Fu Tingyu’s departing form. Only when he was sure the other man would not hear him did he ask Qin Shu seriously, “Do you want to get away from him? I can help you. I guarantee he won’t be able to find you.”

Qin Feng’s expression was solemn. He did not seem to be joking.

Qin Shu offered Qin Feng a wan smile. “I only want to know now, who made me lose my memory?

“I don’t know. I only found out about your memory loss recently.” Qin Feng replied apologetically.

His fury was palpable as he apologised. “I met Fu Tingyu in Nan Yue. That villain did not mention you at all! How could he be so treacherous!”

Qin Shu listened quietly. Once he had finished venting, she said, “It’s not just you. He lied to Han Xiao and Hua Wuyan too. He… he should clear the air once and for all.”

While they were in the capital, Fu Tingyu had said they were two different people because they did not share the same speech patterns. Obviously, he had been lying through his teeth.

“How could he do this?” Qin Feng was so angry his face turned blue. “Memory alteration is not a technique just anyone can use. The user has to be sufficiently skilled, or the target would become a vegetable. It’s been more than ten years since your memories were stolen from you. It’ll be a challenge finding the culprit, let alone uncovering the reason for taking your memories away.”

Qin Shu frowned when she heard this. How could she find someone she did not know, someone she had not met in ten years?

How would she find the perpetrator?

Before she could voice her questions, Qin Feng continued, “Don’t worry. I’ll help you find the person who did this to you and seek answers on your behalf. Once we find whoever it is, I’m sure your memory will be restored.”

Ever since her rebirth, Qin Shu found it easier to differentiate those who treated her sincerely from those who held ulterior motives. Qin Feng fell into the former category. With grat.i.tude s.h.i.+ning in her eyes, she said, “Thank you, Junior Brother.”

Qin Feng was about to reply by saying it was a small matter and that she did not need to be overly zealous with her thanks, considering the relations.h.i.+p they shared in the past.

However, before he could do so, Qin Shu acknowledged him as her Junior Brother, causing him to choke on his saliva.

Following the customary rules of Mount Qi, it would not have been wrong for him to call her his Senior Sister. Nonetheless, it did not take away his discomfort in having to do so, considering their age difference.

Pointing at himself and then back at her, he quipped, “Do you think it’s appropriate for me to call you Senior Sister with our age difference?”

Qin Shu coughed into her hand, m.u.f.fling her laughter and said, “I think it’s quite appropriate. I’ll have you call me Senior Sister in a while, yet!”

The corners of Qin Feng’s mouth twitched. “I would prefer calling you Ling Bao to Senior Sister.”

At this moment, Fu Tingyu returned with a plate full of freshly peeled fruits and placed them in front of his wife. The fruits were washed, peeled, and then cut into cubes. They looked delicious.

Qin Feng regarded Fu Tingyu with due caution. He was a sneaky fellow who preyed on the weak and tormented those he did not like. “It seems you treat our Senior Sister quite well.”

Fu Tingyu paused. Turning around, he shot Qin Feng a look that spelt death by a thousand knives.

A chill ran down Qin Feng’s spine. Even though Fu Tingyu’s martial strength had deteriorated severely, he still had an aura about him only an expert could possess.

The scene playing out reminded her of something Han Xiao had said in the past. Han Xiao mentioned how he and Fu Tingyu had once fought because he addressed her as Senior Sister.

As for the specifics, she did not know.

Resolving to find out the truth from Fu Tingyu, Qin Shu tried to catch his eye.

It so happened that Fu Tingyu glanced in her direction just as she wanted to speak to him. When their eyes met, they both paused.

“Honey, you should eat some of the fruit I’ve cut for you.” It was as if the confrontation he almost engaged Qin Feng in did not happen. Sitting down on the sofa, Fu Tingyu snuggled closer to Qin Shu; his sheep-like eyes held nothing in their sights but her. To make matters worse, he edged into her personal s.p.a.ce and only stopped when he was satisfied that he could not get any closer.

Qin Shu: “…”

Meanwhile, Qin Feng nursed a sense of relief, having found Qin Shu at last. All he needed to do now was rescue her from Fu Tingyu’s clutches. The man was as nefarious as they come. He would not feel at ease leaving his precious Senior Sister by his side. Who knows when his horns and forked tail would appear? No. He would not allow Fu Tingyu to bully Qin Shu.

Before he left, Qin Feng gave Qin Shu a gift.

“This is a little something for you. It’s also to cash the blank check I wrote on Mount Qi.”

Qin Shu accepted the gift. It was a doc.u.ment bag. Confused, she asked, “What’s this supposed to be?”

“You’ll know when you open it and discover its contents,” said Qin Feng smiling mysteriously.

Qin Feng excused himself after bidding farewell to Qin Shu. As the door closed behind him, Qin Feng heard Fu Tingyu mutter a threat, “You had better not have given my wife anything you shouldn’t have…”

Qin Feng quirked an eyebrow mockingly, “Unlike you, I’m more than happy to give her anything she wants. Besides, what’s in there isn’t for you.”

Qin Feng left with a smile. It was more than worth it seeing the blackened expression etched onto Fu Tingyu’s face.

Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want Chapter 784 - A Greeting Gift

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Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want Chapter 784 - A Greeting Gift summary

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