Sign In: Becoming A Great Spell Deity Starting From The Magic Academy Chapter 248 - The War Of The Worlds

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Chapter 248: The War of the Worlds

Alpha created the angel race, also known as the G.o.d race. They were the holy representatives and had an innate ability to sense light magic.

Lucifer created the demon race, also known as the demon race. They were the representatives of power and advocated violence. They had an innate ability to sense dark magic.

Miric created the skeletons, vampires, and ghosts. These were all known as the undead race. They were naturally immune to physical damage, proficient in undead magic, and wors.h.i.+pped darkness.

Daya created the fairies and goblins. The fairies were proficient in spiritual magic, while the goblins were proficient in natural magic and earth magic.

Boston created the sea tribe, also known as the mermaids. The mermaids were natural water mages. They had beautiful singing voices, and their speed in the water was faster than any other race.

Alanis created the fairies. The fairies had unparalleled beauty, and they were the spokespersons for beauty. They were born to be archers. They had natural magic senses, loved peace, loved nature, loved music, and wors.h.i.+pped beauty.

Audrey had created the human race. Although the human race was the weakest of all races, they were the only race that had strong learning and creative abilities.

Kana had created the spirit race, whose strength even surpa.s.sed that of G.o.ds and demons. The dragons were naturally immune to magic and had incomparably strong bodies. Their unique dragon language magic was much stronger than ordinary magic.

With the addition of the original Phoenix race, the life forms in the world had taken an initial form!

“All right. The task of creating has been completed successfully. In order to encourage everyone, I have added a new type of power to the spatial laws–the power of faith.”

“When there are many lives who wors.h.i.+p you, a portion of their power will be added to your body.”

“In a short while, I will fall into a deep sleep. After that, I will leave the management of the world to you.”

“There will inevitably be wars in this world.”

“However, there is a principle. The eight G.o.ds are not allowed to personally partic.i.p.ate in the conflicts of the world. Otherwise, your power will be too dangerous.”

“You can choose a spokesperson to carry out your orders. When I wake up next time, I will see who has the best race. There will be rewards.”

“All right! Meeting adjourned!”

It was finally completed. There was still a month before Lei Luo would fall asleep. This month, Lei Luo would have a good time.

All the G.o.ddesses will be waiting for me!

The moment they returned to the temple, Lei Luo pulled the G.o.ddesses and began playing every day and night.

This month had been awesome.

However, although it was comfortable, Lei Luo didn’t forget about the important matters.

“Kana, Alanis, Audrey, and Daya, you have to pay attention to the development of the various races. Be careful to maintain the balance between the races. I’ll leave you with something. Don’t forget to use it when you need it.”

After Lei Luo finished speaking, the four blue b.a.l.l.s of light entered the foreheads of the four G.o.ddesses.

The G.o.ddesses suddenly felt as though something had appeared in their minds.

“This is the ‘call of the creator G.o.d’ that belongs to me. If you encounter anything that you cannot handle, use this to wake me up.”

Lei Luo was still worried, so he made sure to keep an eye out.

He wanted to prevent the world he had created from being inexplicably destroyed.

Since he had accomplished everything, it was time for him to fall into a deep sleep.

After bidding farewell to the eight G.o.ds, Lei Luo entered the temple of creation.

He controlled the temple to enter a sealed s.p.a.ce.

Lei Luo planned to enter a deep sleep here. He thought about how the four G.o.ddesses had cried as if they were going to die when he left.

He really missed them.

He didn’t know how long Lei Luo would be in a deep sleep.

Forget it. He didn’t think too much. He just wanted to go to sleep.

The G.o.d of creation entered a deep sleep. A great war was slowly forming in the world.

After the eight main G.o.ds created the world, the G.o.d of creation fell into a deep sleep.

The various races also began to develop rapidly, and the eight G.o.ds also began to create religions.

They developed their own believers in order to obtain the power of faith.

However, due to the problem of doctrine, the races began to have friction, and the eight G.o.ds began to have differences.

During the period when the G.o.d of creation fell into a deep sleep, the protoss and the modular units, the two enemies, had countless battles.

Because the world between G.o.ds and demons was the human world, every war between the two races was fought on the continent.

The continent was riddled with holes, but after all, it didn’t cause too much harm to the races on the continent, and nothing happened.

Until one day…

A bearded dwarf elder held an axe and roared, “We dwarves declare war on the elf race!”

“Respected leader of the dwarves, what happened?” asked a beautiful female elf.

“Your elven G.o.d destroyed our altar!” The leader of the dwarves said loudly.

“Impossible! Our elven G.o.d wouldn’t do that!” the elf retorted angrily.

“It is! Your G.o.d is so full of bullsh*t. He causes trouble every day. Who doesn’t know that?” the leader of the Dwarves said angrily.

This sentence angered the elves.

Although Alanis was mischievous, she was still the G.o.d of the elves.

“How dare you insult the Elf G.o.d! We elves accept your declaration of war!”

Just like that, the war between the elves and the dwarves broke out.

At this time, the demons and the G.o.ds invaded the human world.

All the major races thought that this was a good opportunity to expand their territory, so they all joined in.

In the history of the continent, the cruelest, bloodiest, most partic.i.p.ating races, and the largest scale, the world war, had begun.

The, Alanis, was in the temple, receiving the scolding of the earth G.o.ddess, Daya, and the G.o.ddess of life, Audrey.

“Alanis, you’re too naughty this time! This has triggered a world war. If master finds out, let’s see how our master will punish you!”

Daya was really angry this time.

In a war between worlds, the fairies suffered the greatest losses.

This was because the fairies were naturally proficient in spiritual magic and were roped in by all the races.

In the end, the fairies declared neutrality and did not partic.i.p.ate in the war.

However, all the races were afraid of the fairies’ spiritual magic, so they agreed to deal with the fairies together before starting the war.

In the end, the fairy race suffered heavy losses under the siege of all the races.

It was as though their race had been exterminated. Only a small portion of them had escaped into the mountains to hide.

“Alanis, you’ve really gone too far this time!”

Audrey also sighed helplessly. This time, Alanis had really gotten herself into big trouble.

She had no way to absolve Audrey. She only hoped that she could minimize the losses.

He couldn’t let his master get angry.

After more than a hundred years of fighting, each race had suffered heavy losses.

The war gradually subsided. The demons were defeated and retreated to the demon world.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

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