I Have A Super USB Drive Chapter 320: Message

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Chapter 320: Message

Having obtained the information, Chen Chen returned to the Bugatti s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p.

As he looked at the ruins of the city flas.h.i.+ng by the window, Chen Chen could not help wearing a rueful look.

To think that one day he would be able to solve the mystery of a civilization’s demise. Although all of this would happen sooner or later, as he got closer to the truth, Chen Chen felt that a crisis was gradually closing in.

This feeling did not arise from “Thuds”, but rather, it was as if he was on a chessboard, observing a giant hand that controlled all of fate.

Why did the USB drive send him to these worlds of destroyed civilizations? Did it want to tell him something or was it all just a game of chess?

Chen Chen shook his head. This was not the first time he had thought about this issue and it would not be the last time. It was just that as Chen Chen continued to grow stronger, he was gradually approaching that truth.

This time, the mystery of a human dimension’s destruction was successfully solved, which was further proof.

“And who knows if that Gantz server had cured me of that ‘Thuds’ mysterious phenomenon...”

Chen Chen murmured in a low voice. If the Gantz server had cured him, that would be the best, but if not, then it was hard to tell what would happen.

The reason Chen Chen did not believe that it could resolve the strange phenomenon for him was simply an issue of logic.

According to the data, the Gantz server had no ability to utilize the mysterious phenomena. In other words, its only power was to bewitch people.

Chen Chen did not know if this was a deliberate restriction put in place by Alien Civilization A or a flaw in its manufacturing. Regardless, since the Gantz server could not use this power, how could it erase this for Chen Chen?

After all, there was a saying that an ability would go both ways.

If the Gantz server did not erase the mysterious phenomenon of “Thuds” for Chen Chen, then he could only resort to other solutions.

This was also why Chen Chen was certain that the Gantz server had not absorbed X-112 because it did not know about the conversation Chen Chen had with X-112, nor did it know that Chen Chen still had one last loophole to rely on, and that was the USB drive.

The USB drive’s portal might be able to wipe out this mysterious phenomenon for Chen Chen.

These thoughts flashed across his mind. At this time, the Bugatti s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p that Chen Chen was in had flown out of the atmosphere again, returning to its previous position using the flight path of a ballistic missile.

However, when Chen Chen inadvertently looked at the porthole at his side, something white suddenly darted past the window.

It seemed to be a thin, pale arm...

Chen Chen instinctively looked at the alt.i.tude gauge on the s.p.a.cecraft.

At this time, the Bugatti s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p had entered the exosphere, with an alt.i.tude of more than 500 kilometers. The atmosphere here was extremely thin and the air density was only one hundred millionth that of sea level.

Not only that, but at this time the Bugatti s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p was also flying at a speed exceeding Mach 25. Chen Chen believed that no one in the world could have been lying across the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p to follow Chen Chen up until now.

Since it was not a human being, then the thing outside the window would soon be revealed...

Chen Chen turned gloomy. Sure enough, the Gantz server’s words were not wrong. The mysterious phenomenon plaguing him was about to reach the outbreak phase. As the deadline drew closer, the mysterious phenomenon would only become more malicious and absurd...

Still, fortunately, it was just an arm flas.h.i.+ng past and it did not do anything unpleasant to Chen Chen. After all, considering the environment outside the s.p.a.cecraft at this time, if something really happened, even the protagonist of Chronicle would not survive, let alone Chen Chen.

After half an hour, the s.p.a.cecraft reappeared in the sky above Tokyo and successfully found the pa.s.sage that had been opened.

At this time, the black portal was still suspended in thin air atop a ruin. From the front, it looked like a black vortex, but the more one went closer, the more one would notice the peculiarity of this black vortex.

This was because this black vortex would not be illuminated by any light and at the same time, from a certain angle sideways, one would find that it had no thickness at all.

This was a phenomenon beyond the scope of science known to humankind.

The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p slowly landed beside the portal. Chen Chen deliberately glanced at the hull of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p after getting off, but this glance caused his pupils to contract.

He saw that there were a few five-finger palm prints on the hull of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p...

Yoru Kamidera who got off the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p also noticed this, but he just looked at Chen Chen without saying anything.

After that, Chen Chen turned his head and looked at the pa.s.sage in front of him, but he did not return at once. Instead, he said, “X-112, compile all the information here and send it over.”

As he spoke, Chen Chen took out a Rubik’s Cube again, pressed a few b.u.t.tons with familiar gestures, then spoke into the Rubik’s Cube, “X, this is Chen Chen.”

“By the time you’re seeing this holographic recording, I’d already be caught up in something strange.

“I can’t say what kind of thing it is, but you can understand it as a virus. However, unlike regular viruses, it’s a virus that spreads using ‘information’ as a carrier.”

As he talked, Chen Chen silently placed the Rubik’s Cube on the ground. “This is something that doesn’t exist in our dimension. No, it may also exist, but it has never appeared on Earth. At the same time, it spreads in so many different ways. X-112 will tell you all about this. I won’t repeat those points. I’ll only talk about two things now.”

Here, Chen Chen turned completely serious. He raised an index finger. “First, close the pa.s.sage and create a Faraday cage. This magnetic cage must not only cut off all information signals, but also all substances on the material plane.

“It must be completely sealed and extremely strong. At the very least, it must not be opened from the inside. There mustn’t be a single crack and no sound must pa.s.s through from within. After it’s built, put the computer and the USB drive in, then use a Black Knight to open the portal again in there.

“At last, I’ll come back through the pa.s.sage and seal myself inside.

“I’ll keep myself there for seven days. During these seven days, no matter what happens in the Faraday cage, you shouldn’t open it. If nothing happens in these seven days, then I’ll give you the order to open the Faraday cage.”

Having said that, Chen Chen paused for a while and then raised two fingers. “Secondly, if I die in the Faraday cage, destroy all the information I pa.s.sed to you, then clone me and use that clone to donate everything under my name to the Mainland authorities. After that, build a rocket and cast the USB drive out of the Earth, the farther the better...”

“Lastly... Take care.”

Having said all this, Chen Chen squatted again, pressed the end b.u.t.ton on the silver Rubik’s Cube, and gently tossed the Rubik’s Cube into the black channel in front of him.

At this point, the message would be received by Little X on the other side of the portal.

I Have A Super USB Drive Chapter 320: Message

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I Have A Super USB Drive Chapter 320: Message summary

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