Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1264 - Arriving First

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Chapter 1264: Arriving First

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“That’s right. After that, my mother noticed that my father coveted this memory crystal copy and he intended to use it as bait. She wanted my father to help her venture into the Turan Holy Mountain to prepare for the temple’s restart. Hence, she tampered with the memory crystal copy.”

Ice Storm said, “First, my mother used witchcraft to transfer all the sounds and images from the memory crystal to her own brain. Then, she erased the most critical parts in the memory crystal and placed it in a place that seemed to be hidden. However, with my father’s ability, there had to be a way to steal it.

“After my father stole the memory crystal copy and left without saying goodbye, my mother raised me by herself. When she taught me all kinds of weird witchcraft, she also imprinted the sounds and images from the memory crystal copy into my brain.

“It’s hard for people who haven’t experienced it themselves to understand what it’s like.

“It’s as if… every night feels like a year. I will have a nightmare where I turn into a human soldier of the Holy Light faction from three thousand years ago. I will follow the main forces and sweep into the depths of the Turan Holy Mountain like a tidal wave. Then, like bubbles on the tide, I will be lost in the unpredictable spatial gaps and vortexes.

“Although the images and sounds stored in the memory crystals had become mottled and blurred after three thousand years of erosion, the soldiers were still alive.

“However, when the soldiers were squeezed into meat pies by the s.p.a.ce gaps or torn apart by the s.p.a.ce swirls until they turned into bone powder and blood mist, the crystal retained the bone-piercing pain, and I felt it all as a little girl!”

Ice Storm’s voice gradually became low.

The corners of her mouth and eyes twitched in pain.

Her seemingly transparent pupils emitted a chill that was -100 degrees Celsius.

Not only were the surrounding shrubs and the ground covered in frost flowers, even Meng Chao could not help but s.h.i.+ver.

Ice Storm was wrong.

If there was only one person in this world who could understand her feelings…

It would definitely be Meng Chao.

Although Meng Chao had never tried to forcibly compress the information in the memory crystal into his brain using witchcraft, in a sense, the Kindling had the same effect as the crystal.

In fact, it was an upgraded version of the memory crystal.

When he unlocked the Kindling’s power, he had also clearly experienced the feelings of Dragon City’s people, who had nowhere to escape when the end of the world came. They could only face destruction in despair.

It was as if he had died a thousand times in a short span of time.

It was really hard to imagine what kind of mother would let her child suffer such inhumane torture.

No wonder Ice Storm was like a statue that had been dug out from the bottom of an iceberg. Even the scorching sun at noon in summer could not melt her soul at all. It had been frozen for many years.

Meng Chao speculated that Ice Storm’s parents, the ruthless witches and orc adventurers, probably wanted to breed such a double-cursed hybrid. It was not just to challenge the Holy Light Temple’s authority.

Perhaps Ice Storm was also the “secret weapon” they used to explore the Holy Mountain Temple.

However, Ice Storm’s mother had not expected to die so early.

Meanwhile, Ice Storm’s father had apparently revised his plan and completely abandoned her after embracing “Jackal” Ka.n.u.s.

In her previous life, she was buried in the long river of history.

It was like waves. .h.i.tting the sh.o.r.e, creating bubbles that later disappeared.

And in this life?

Ice Storm realized that she had lost her composure.

She took a deep breath and hid her expression behind her hard ice sh.e.l.l again as she coldly said, “Forget it, these are all things of the past. Perhaps I should thank my parents. No matter what their original intentions were, the nightmares that I had day and night opened up my brain region and tempered my spirit power, allowing me to use the Holy Light’s power and totem power simultaneously as a mixed-blood. That’s why I’ve been able to survive in this cruel world alone.

“In short, I know how to walk in the depths of the Holy Mountain, so I won’t be sucked into the spatial gaps and vortexes.

“But this isn’t enough.

“All the scenes in the memory crystal didn’t mention what the next step should be after climbing to the peak of the Holy Mountain.

“The temple isn’t at the peak of the Holy Mountain.

“When the army of Holy Light from three thousand years ago finally reached the peak of the mountain after sacrificing countless lives and resources, all they saw was an empty peak. There was no temple, no large fireball remains, and there were no signs indicating where the temple, as well as the large fireball remains, were.

“They even dug three feet into the ground and dug dozens of holes that were as deep as a hundred arms. Even after they dug through the entire floating mountain range, they still could not find any mysterious hidden s.p.a.ce.

“The army of Holy Light, which had lost many soldiers and run out of ammunition and food, had no choice but to retreat to the Land of Holy Light.

“Therefore, based on the clues that I know of, we can only reach the highest point of the Holy Mountain of Turan at most. There are reasons to believe that it is not the Holy Mountain’s true summit, which is described in countless ancient war epics.

“Speaking of which, my father, ‘Jackal’ Ka.n.u.s, the Horn of Destruction, and Violent Blade should all be very clear about this issue. It is useless to just find the highest point of the Turan Holy Mountain.

“Yet, despite knowing this, they are still willing to spend so many resources and even gamble everything. This is enough to prove that ‘Jackal’ Ka.n.u.s has found a new clue and knows how to complete the thrilling leap from the highest point of the Holy Mountain to its true summit!

“Then, the rest is up to you!”

Ice Storm’s gaze moved from Meng Chao’s face to the Ancient Dream Saintess behind him. She was in a deep sleep, and her ugly face was still twitching.

Meng Chao nodded and carried the Ancient Dream Saintess to a mandrake tree before he sat down.

He asked Ice Storm to create a few pieces of ice, wrapped them in a cloth bag, and placed them on the Ancient Dream Saintess’ forehead and neck. It was to cool down her brain and the blood that was being injected into her brain.

Then, he fed the Ancient Dream Saintess some secret medicine that he had mixed with honey.

Next, he gently ma.s.saged the Ancient Dream Saintess’ temples with his hands that vibrated at an extremely high speed. In the meantime, he injected a few streams of gentle spirit power into the depths of her brain.

Thanks to him, the Ancient Dream Saintess’ furrowed brows loosened slightly.

The burning red spots on her face also faded a little.

Meng Chao then leaned over and whispered, “Listen, Ancient Dream Saintess, I know that you’re having a hard time right now, but I’m afraid that we’ll have to do it again for the Great Horn Army’s sake and the rat people’s future.

“You did very well the past few times. You successfully helped us see through ‘Jackal’ Ka.n.u.s’ eyes, thus helping us grab his tail.

“Now, we’re only half a step away from ‘Jackal’ Ka.n.u.s. Take another look. As long as we can see his vision again, we’ll know where he is, what kind of conspiracy he’s plotting, and how to stop him!”

While the Ancient Dream Saintess was still in a deep sleep, her eyeb.a.l.l.s were rapidly trembling and rotating under her eyelids.

The speed of the rotations made one suspect that it was not her eyeb.a.l.l.s but the core rotor of some signal amplification device.

As her eyeb.a.l.l.s rotated at an extremely high speed, the Ancient Dream Saintess’ brain began to heat up again.

The ice cubes that had just been applied to her head and neck melted into ice water at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In a few short breaths, the ice turned into misty water vapor that looked like it was hiding the Ancient Dream Saintess’ deformed and swollen head.

Meng Chao wanted to test the Ancient Dream Saintess’ body temperature.

However, the Ancient Dream Saintess suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Compared with Meng Chao’s steely bones, the Ancient Dream Saintess’ arms and ten fingers seemed as thin as twigs.

However, the strength of her grip caused Meng Chao to subconsciously frown as he was unable to break free for a moment.

At that moment, the Ancient Dream Saintess slowly opened her eyes.

She revealed her grayish-white eyeb.a.l.l.s that were missing pupils.

No, it was not due to the rotation of her eyeb.a.l.l.s that her pupils had s.h.i.+fted to the inner side of her eyelids.

It was more like her pupils and eyeb.a.l.l.s had all disappeared. Right then, two bottomless white vortexes were embedded in her eye sockets.

Meng Chao’s consciousness was sucked into the deepest part of the white vortexes.

It was like pa.s.sing through a long forest path in foggy weather. After an unknown period of time, a mottled and s.h.i.+ning shadow appeared in front of him.

That was what the Ancient Dream Saintess had been trying her best to show him. At that moment, he was seeing “Jackal” Ka.n.u.s.

In the past twelve hours, they had used the same method many times to spy on “Jackal” Ka.n.u.s’ field of vision and determine the Wolf King and Tiger King’s location. From there, they would try to find the Lion King before the Wolf King and Tiger King.

In the beginning, it had been relatively easy to pry.

“Jackal” Ka.n.u.s seemingly never thought that not only would the Ancient Dream Saintess still be alive, but she would also retain her spiritual connection with him. She could even invade his brain port through the her greatly enhanced ability.

However, after the first pry had been discovered, “Jackal” Ka.n.u.s appeared to be on guard.

On several occasions, Meng Chao’s consciousness would just entered the Wolf King’s brain through the amplification of the Ancient Dream Saintess’ brain.

Before he could see or hear anything, a powerful force would push him and shut him out.

There had even been a time when “Jackal” Ka.n.u.s had deliberately set a trap and pretended not to notice Meng Chao spying on him. Then, he activated some secret technique and tried to cut off the connection between Meng Chao’s consciousness and his brain by “locking” Meng Chao’s consciousness in his own brain.

If Meng Chao’s soul had not been baptized by the flames of the apocalypse, which had gradually awakened, Meng Chao’s soul would have become “Jackal” Ka.n.u.s’ slave.

Perhaps, Meng Chao’s soul would become his slave, while his body, which had been trained until it was as hard as steel, would become a muddle-headed, walking corpse!

Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1264 - Arriving First

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Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1264 - Arriving First summary

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