Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1781

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1781 The Founder of the New Blood Alliance

The office worker with gray hair listened quietly.

As he did so, he nodded his head with a look of approval.

His calm and composed demeanor did not remind one of a super criminal facing his pursuers at all.

Instead, it felt like facing a mentor who was rather gratified about surpa.s.sing his master.


“Is that why you’re certain the Blood Alliance has two leaders?” he asked.

“That’s only one of the reasons.”

Meng Chao continued, “Remember when I said that I found the Blood Alliance’s organizational structure a little strange?

“As soon as I returned to Dragon City and discovered the tip of the scheme’s iceberg, I sensed the enormity and mystique of the New Blood Alliance. It was like an invisible monster, but it had extended its venomous tentacles to all the industries in Dragon City and even the core decision-making circles of the nine mega corporations long ago.

“However, when I confirmed that Yun Feidian, the helmsman of Thundercloud Technology, was the leader of the New Blood Alliance, I had a very strange feeling.

“Indeed, Yun Feidian is one of the best among the second-generation Deity Realm warriors in Dragon City. He’s a technical elite with countless creative ideas in his mind. He’s the leader of the young faction who wants to revolutionize the old and bring new to the world. You can’t overestimate his talent, ability, and ambition.

“Despite that, Yun Feidian’s greatest flaw is his lack of experience.

“As the son of a first-generation Deity Realm warrior, he gained control of Thundercloud Technology from his parents. Before a junior like me, he’s naturally a senior with a lot of experience.

“However, before the founders of the nine mega corporations, the first-generation powerhouses who laid the foundation of Dragon City’s civilization, Yun Feidian will always be their junior even if he’s made great contributions and increased Thundercloud Technology’s market value by three, five, or even ten times.

“As far as I know, the vast majority of the first generation powerhouses have intense personalities, and they won’t be swayed by force or persuasion.

“The intertwining scars on their bodies are glamorous medals of their strength.

“Wearing such an ‘armor of medals,’ they remain stubborn and temperamental even though their juniors have long surpa.s.sed them in terms of capability. It’s barely possible for the juniors to persuade them, much less say that they’ll be reduced to puppets using threats and promises.

“Be that as it may, judging from the series of actions that I’ve taken against the Blood Alliance, it should’ve been absolutely impossible for the Blood Alliance to rise from the ashes and develop to what it is today. It wouldn’t be enough to blow up the Golden Roc, raise a tide of rats, and shake the entire Dragon City without the protection of the older-generation experts.

“If Yun Feidian were alone, I could hardly imagine how many chips he had to offer and what kind of fancy words he had to use to convince the seniors, who are proud of their contributions. They’re unaffected by both hard and soft approaches as they’ve been through h.e.l.l and back for their entire lives to give up money, fame, status, power, and even glory. There’s a risk of being discredited and forever nailed to history’s pillar of shame by listening to a junior and coming up with the so-called New Blood Alliance.

“No, Yun Feidian couldn’t have done that.

“Only those who are more experienced and more prestigious than Yun Feidian, who have saved Dragon City countless times, could have done it. They are trusted, and others follow them unconditionally no matter what they do. Even the big shots are convinced by such old seniors!”

The gray-haired office worker’s eyes shone with a strange light.

It was as if Meng Chao’s words had brought them back to the iron-blooded era when he had saved Dragon City numerous times.

“Anything else?”

His tone was calm, and one could not detect much emotion from it.


Meng Chao added, “The Blood Alliance had been surrounded and annihilated by the predecessors of the nine mega corporations and the nine families. Lei Zongchao had also caused an internal explosion at a critical moment, which caused it to fall apart and be wiped out.

“After the Blood Alliance was destroyed, a lot of core research data and strategic resources were divided between the nine great families and the Supernatural Tower.

“Back then, Yun Feidian was just a young man who had just distinguished himself. He wasn’t qualified to take part in the decision to divide the Blood Alliance.

“He couldn’t have had a lot of the Blood Alliance’s heritage in his hands.

“Of course, his parents were involved in the operation to destroy and divide the Blood Alliance.

“But the Yun family, one of the nine cultivation families, doesn’t only have Yun Feidian as its sole heir. Like the other families, their members number in the two or even three digits. They have a complicated relations.h.i.+p due to their interests, and it’s difficult to clarify.

“So far, no other members of the Yun family have been found to be involved in the scheme to rebuild the Blood Alliance.

“On second thought, it’s true that not many parents are willing to let a talented and brilliant inheritor of the bloodline become a crazy demon at the risk of eternal doom. It may even cause the entire family to fall into the abyss.

“You should know that the Yun family is already one of the nine major cultivation families in Dragon City. They are a cla.s.sic example of people with vested interests. They have no motive or need to take such a huge risk to break the current rules of the game in Dragon City.

“Therefore, I’m more inclined to believe that Yun Feidian’s parents didn’t pa.s.s the legacy of the Blood Alliance to him or help him rebuild the Blood Alliance. They knew nothing about it.

“It was another senior who partic.i.p.ated in the Blood Alliance’s siege and division. He was probably one of the most brilliant experts among the few first-generation Deity Realm warriors. During his operation, he hid plenty of the Blood Alliance’s heirlooms and remnants before he founded the New Blood Alliance a long time ago with them.

“Even before Yun Feidian entered the Deity Realm when the war against the monsters was raging, the New Blood Alliance had already been lurking, breeding, growing, infiltrating, expanding, and infecting in the darkness for decades. That’s how it developed to its current scale.

“As for Yun Feidian, he was carefully selected as the successor and cultivated by the first-generation Deity Realm warrior, who realized that he was about to die.

“In other words, Yun Feidian is only the second-generation leader of the New Blood Alliance.

“You, the old senior who’s been unwilling to reveal your ident.i.ty, are the founder and the first leader of the New Blood Alliance!”

Meng Chao’s words were like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. Yun Feidian’s face turned pale, and he took half a step back.

His ambitions had leaked out without a trace with his rapid breathing.

The gray-haired office worker’s eyes, on the other hand, grew clearer and brighter.

It almost illuminated the entire dark cave, outlining the surrounding rocks that resembled monsters baring their fangs and brandis.h.i.+ng their claws.

“I see.”

The gray-haired office worker said, “So, you intentionally left a few super crystal bomb fragments so that Yun Feidian would be tempted to steal them and fish me out too?

“You were so sure that I would fall for it?”

Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1781

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Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1781 summary

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