Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1902 The Battlefield Is Thousands Of Miles Away!

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Chapter 1902 The Battlefield Is Thousands Of Miles Away!


The corners of Meng Chao's eyes twitched subconsciously when he mentioned the name that gave him a headache. 

He really should have killed that sinister and cunning Doomsday Wolf earlier.

Perhaps twenty or even thirty years ago?

If he had killed Ka.n.u.s right after the Dragon City civilization and Turan civilization formed an alliance, it would have certainly put an end to Ka.n.u.s' despicable tricks thirty years later and the question of s.n.a.t.c.hing the Chaos faction's throne from his hands. However, it would have also triggered many new problems.

For example, without Ka.n.u.s, a native of the Other World, to act as a go-between, the Turan orcs, ogres, undead liches, or abyssfolk would not have trusted the Earthlings so easily and formed a strategic alliance with them.

In the war against the Holy Light faction, Ka.n.u.s had also displayed the power that a Doomsday Wolf should have. He could take charge of an area alone and turn the tide. He was the deputy commander that Meng Chao could absolutely trust. After all, this orc hero was supposed to be the Chaos faction's chief commander in the original timeline. 

There was no other way. There were always some questions in this world that did not have a correct answer.

Even though he could predict the future, Meng Chao could not tell when it would be best to get rid of Ka.n.u.s. He did not know how he would deal with the aftermath after he got rid of Ka.n.u.s. 

His hesitation made Gu Shaoyu's smile even brighter.

"It appears there are still people and things that the omnipotent savior can't get rid of."

Gu Shaoyu sneered, "Since you can't even deal with a mere Doomsday Wolf, how can anyone believe that your crazy blueprint will help Dragon City survive the next thousand years or ten thousand years?"

"Alright, I'm not an omniscient and omnipotent savior."

Meng Chao retracted his extremely sharp gaze and lowered his posture, which was very rare. "Could it be you then? Could you find a more suitable supreme leader to lead the Dragon City civilization forward and propose a more reasonable solution after you get rid of me?"

Gu Shaoyu rolled his eyes.

Tilting his head, his ears trembled slightly as he listened to the dense footsteps coming from the burning and exploding headquarters of Superstar Corporation.

"I didn't expect that even you, the Palace Master, would need to stall for time to deal with a motley crew like us."

Gu Shaoyu shook his head slowly, and his smile became even more sarcastic. "I have to say that you really disappoint me, Palace Master."

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and ignored him. 

Ta, ta, ta, ta. Two rows of elite soldiers in black broke through the constantly exploding fire wall and rushed onto the burning hangar like a tornado. They were all armed with live ammunition.

Most of the Battle G.o.d Palace disciples like Gu Shaoyu were orphans who had been adopted by Meng Chao. In theory, they were loyal to Meng Chao, and he trusted them completely. 

In that case, these men in black were past the level of "trustworthy."

In a sense, they were a part of Meng Chao. 

The predecessors of the men in black were the most elite and loyal warriors under the Broken Star Club, Battle G.o.d Palace, and Superstar Company.

However, due to the countless b.l.o.o.d.y battles and the cruel battlefields, these warriors had suffered incurable injuries. Many of their organs had failed or even exploded. As such, they had fallen into a brain-dead state where their consciousness had dissipated.

Although their brains were dead, their bodies were still as hard as iron, and every cell was filled with surging spirit energy. They were like sleeping Apocalyptic Beasts, and it would be too much of a pity to burn them to the ground just like that.

Therefore, Meng Chao implanted the nervous system extracted from monster brains into the bodies of these brain-dead elite warriors. He also included a control chip that could remotely control their neural network. 

Using this method, he turned them into an extension of his will.

Usually, these brain-dead warriors slept quietly in specially made medical cabins, where they received the repeated nourishment and tempering of the gene serum.

Whenever Meng Chao needed them, they would emerge like spirits of the dead who had just returned from h.e.l.l. They would jump out of their medical cabins and rush to Meng Chao's side in individual aircraft. In the next moment, they would carry Meng Chao's murderous intent and make sure their target knew it. 

This remote control technology that was similar to controlling puppets originated from Yun Feidian, the leader of the New Blood Alliance and CEO of Thundercloud Technology, decades ago.

At that time, it was considered as inhumane technology and was extremely evil.

However, Meng Chao believed that technology itself was innocent. There was a fundamental difference between him and Yun Feidian. 

Yun Feidian was a failure who was filled with evil, while he represented absolute justice and the future of Dragon City civilization.

Dozens of corpse puppets in black clothes had lifeless faces like skeletons, but their bodies were as agile as apes. They surrounded Gu Shaoyu and his accomplices at the same time.

Gu Shaoyu laughed out loud.

"Palace Master, the defeated soldiers of the nine great families have experienced so much failure and even death. Do you think they would still be so childish and believe that a.s.sa.s.sinating you is the key to turning the situation around?"

Gu Shaoyu smiled and shook his head. "Since you're stalling for time, let's take it slow. After all, your a.s.sa.s.sination is just icing on the cake. It would've been great to cut your throat with one strike. But even if your a.s.sa.s.sination fails, it'll be enough as long as we make a big enough commotion at Dragon City's core. Everyone will see that Superstar Company's rule is wavering," he said unhurriedly.

"After all, the real battlefield is not here, but in the north."

Gu Shaoyu smiled mysteriously as he raised his thumb and gestured toward the north.

Meng Chao was slightly stunned. His pupils contracted, and his aura instantly became cold and terrifying. 

"The north…" he muttered.

"The Windhunter Defense Line?"

"That's right. The Windhunter Defense Line. Your elites—the Broken Star Legion, the Battle G.o.d Legion, and the Superstar Legion—are all stationed there. They're ready to play along with the Duke of Raging Lions' betrayal and launch the most fatal blow to the Holy Light Temple."

"It's a pity that news of the Duke of Raging Lions' surrender to the Chaos faction has been intercepted by the Holy Light Temple in advance. Even the envoy that the Duke of Raging Lions sent to contact them was killed in the sea of fire a moment ago. What kind of state do you think the Broken Star Legion, Battle G.o.d Legion, and Superstar Legion are in right now?"

Meng Chao took a deep breath. 

He looked toward the north with a complicated gaze.

It was as if he was trying to see through the horizon that was covered in black smoke and see the winding defense line thousands of miles away. He saw the three most trustworthy armed forces that he had personally established, one soldier, one saber, and one sword at a time. What a dangerous situation and what terrifying enemies they were facing!


Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1902 The Battlefield Is Thousands Of Miles Away!

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Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1902 The Battlefield Is Thousands Of Miles Away! summary

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