Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1905 D*Mned Future

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Chapter 1905 D*Mned Future

Meng Chao returned to the deep sea that was hazy and ethereal. 

He quietly looked at a s.h.i.+ning light ball in the distance, which danced like a colorful jellyfish.

There was a unique world inside every "jellyfish," or rather, the possibility of a certain future.

What appeared before Meng Chao's eyes was the future he had just experienced. 

Now, Meng Chao could observe the d*mned future from a higher vantage point, as though he was looking at it from G.o.d's perspective. 

Meng Chao saw the remnants of the nine great families that were hiding in various parts of Dragon City. They came to the surface as explosions rose one after another. They joined forces with the frustrated people who had suffered great losses because of Meng Chao's bold and decisive policies in the past thirty years. They wanted to achieve their goals in one go and overthrow the majestic Superstar Company. 

Meng Chao saw that thanks to the traitors from the nine great families, the Holy Light Temple had complete access to the top-secret map of Dragon City's Windhunter Defense Line in the far north. 

As for the Holy Light humans who were natives of the Other World, they knew a large number of winding paths and even underground secret pa.s.sages that the Dragon City people did not know.

Therefore, when the enemy appeared behind him like a ghost, the three great battle groups that Meng Chao trusted and relied on the most—Superstar Company, Broken Star Club, and Battle G.o.d Palace—were caught off guard. They were instantly ambushed, and they fell into a desperate situation where they were surrounded by enemies from both sides. 

During this critical moment, the three legions continued to fight in the style that he had personally nurtured and inherited. Not a single soldier retreated or surrendered until the last drop of blood was shed.

Despite that, their bravery and fearlessness were not enough to change the outcome of the entire battle, except for fighting for a richer burial item for themselves.

The outcome of the three elite legions being destroyed was already decided the moment the remnants of the nine major families decided to surrender to the Holy Light Temple.

Meng Chao saw that when the Windhunter Defense Line turned into the entrance to h.e.l.l, Dragon City was completely devoured by the raging flames. 

The troops that were still loyal to him and stationed inside and outside Dragon City, along with the remnants of the nine great families and the Holy Light death warriors that had sneaked into Dragon City under the cover of the nine great families, engaged in an unprecedented and extremely tragic street battle in Dragon City.

The ten days and ten nights of street fighting not only turned the glorious city in the Other World into a h.e.l.l of corpses and blood, but also ruins and even barren land.

At the same time, it also curbed the momentum of the Chaos faction's successive victories and severely damaged the economy and faith of the Dragon City civilization.

Even though the people who were loyal to Meng Chao had won the street battle, they were still able to win. 

All that was left for Meng Chao were broken walls covered in blood and scorch marks. There were also piles of bones that had been burned into the ruins and could not be separated from them. 

Ten years of hard work had almost been destroyed.

And the remnants of the nine great families were not wiped out by him.

A large number of the remaining members, supporters, and sympathizers of the nine great families took advantage of the chaotic moment when everyone was fighting madly and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air. They fled Dragon City and spread to all parts of the boundless Other World like a plague, especially the places that had just been conquered by the Chaos faction and where Meng Chao's rule was still relatively weak. 

Meng Chao saw that his "future self" had been betrayed by his trusted subordinate and was severely injured. His rule was in danger, so he had become ruthless, perverse, violent, and extremely brutal. 

The street battle had just ended, and Meng Chao, who had regained the highest authority, could not wait to announce that the entire Chaos faction had entered a state of emergency that would last indefinitely. 

At this moment, he could not trust anyone. He only trusted the puppets that he personally controlled.

He sent the puppets out like the h.e.l.lhounds raised by the Grim Reaper and searched for the remnants of the nine major families in the ruins of Dragon City and anywhere he could see.

Due to the urgency of the situation and his mental breakdown, the search was expanded tenfold without any suspense. Not long after, it escalated into a ma.s.sacre.

Countless humans with black hair and black eyes who had Earth's blood flowing in their veins were arrested and a.s.sa.s.sinated by Meng Chao just because they were "suspected" of being related to the nine great families. 

The so-called evidence was usually just a settlement receipt of a business transaction with the nine mega corporations decades ago.

One had to know that during the heyday of the nine great families, almost all of Dragon City's people's food, clothing, and housing could not escape the supply of the nine mega corporations.

This meant that in the eyes of Meng Chao, who had fallen into madness, other than himself and his puppet, almost everyone in Dragon City was a suspect. Everyone was guilty!

After a month-long manhunt, or rather, a ma.s.sacre, a large number of remnant members of the nine great families had indeed been found by Meng Chao in the sewers where they had been hiding. He did not hesitate to execute them. 

As countless heads fell to the ground, the Holy Light Temple's infiltration of the Dragon City civilization was temporarily curbed.

However, the price was that all the people of Dragon City were shrouded in endless terror.

The gaze they cast toward Meng Chao was no longer the trust, admiration, and wors.h.i.+p they had in the past. Instead, it was filled with confusion, fear, and even hatred. 

At that moment, Meng Chao was no longer the supreme leader of a great civilization. 

Instead, as Gu Shaoyu had said, he had become a complete tyrant, a loner, and a demon!

What was worse was the reaction of his allies.

Ka.n.u.s, the Doomsday Wolf who had once fought alongside Meng Chao in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple in Picturesque Orchid Lake and had gone through life and death together with him, realized that Meng Chao already knew about his plan to ally with the other Chaos races to challenge Meng Chao's leaders.h.i.+p position. 

Based on Meng Chao's actions over the past month, he had gone completely crazy. It was impossible to communicate with him, predict his movements, or control him. 

The Doomsday Wolf, Ka.n.u.s, was worried that once Meng Chao completely eliminated the traitors in Dragon City, he would be the next one to be killed. 

Therefore, he activated his plan ahead of time and tried to take away the highest authority that Meng Chao held tightly in his hands. 

Not only did his plan gain the unanimous agreement of all the Chaos races, but it also gained the support of many humans within the Dragon City civilization. At the very least, they acquiesced.

Dealing with the sinister and cunning corpse-eating dog consumed a lot of Meng Chao's time and energy. 

In the end, Meng Chao and Ka.n.u.s were evenly matched, and both sides suffered heavy losses. 

The Dragon City Civilization and the Turan civilization parted ways.

The Chaos faction that had existed for thirty years had collapsed.

The armies of the various Chaos races were no longer willing to obey the orders of the tyrant who had clearly lost his mind. They left the front lines and returned to their comfortable and peaceful hometowns with their bountiful spoils of war. 

The Holy Light faction, which was clearly on the verge of being completely defeated or even destroyed, had obtained an extremely precious chance to catch their breath just like that.


Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1905 D*Mned Future

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Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 1905 D*Mned Future summary

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