Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 390: Nipping Transmigration in the Bud

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Chapter 390: Nipping Transmigration in the Bud

“So, you’re saying that the ones in the transmigration technology conference right now are the backbone of the Home Party, including the specialists and investors? As long as we killed all these people, the Home Party would basically be done for, right?” Meng Chao’s mind burned, and he could not help but ma.s.sage his temples. He gritted his teeth and asked, “Captain Ye, do you know where their conference is?”

“n.o.ble Descent Hotel,” Ye Xiaoxing said. “It’s in Starlake Region, which is far away from this place.”

Starlake Region was in the northwestern part of Dragon City.

It was half a city’s distance from the southern part of the city. They stood really far apart from each other, and it seemed to be really safe.

But Meng Chao seemed to have thought of something. He mumbled, “All the superhumans and elite squads of the Red Dragon Army have been sent to the southern part of the city. This means that right now, n.o.ble Descent Hotel has relatively weak defenses, right?”

Ye Xiaoxing frowned and asked, “Meng Chao, what exactly are you trying to say?”

“Captain Ye!” Meng Chao grabbed the tactical tab from Lu Siya’s hands and stared at him while he said seriously, “Trust me. n.o.ble Descent Hotel is about to be attacked, and that is if it hasn’t already been attacked.

“The abnormal beasts poured in a lot of their capital tonight and caused a major ruckus, but their real goal isn’t here. It’s n.o.ble Descent Hotel!”

Ye Xiaoxing’s eyes went wide. “What did you say?”

“I might not have proof, but too many coincidences have overlapped with each other, and this in itself is a problem. The abnormal beasts did not choose any other time to attack but at the moment the Home Party chose to organize a transmigration technology conference, where the specialists and rich people would gather together. Don’t you think it’s too much of a coincidence?”

Meng Chao spoke like a gatling gun. “What is the goal of the abnormal beasts behind launching an ambush like this? Are they trying to destroy Dragon City’s buildings, kill a large number of humans, and create fear as well as panic among the citizens? Yeah, these are their goals, but it’s not enough. It’s far from enough. It’s not enough for them to sacrifice so much resources and tools. The real goal of the abnormal beasts is to destroy the Home Party!”

Ye Xiaoxing retreated from the battlefield and found a corner to listen to Meng Chao quietly. “Why?”

“Because controllable transmigration technology might be successfully developed, or at least, it has already achieved partial success!” Meng Chao said. “There is an expert in Project 101 called Wu Haibo, and he’s in charge of promoting the project to the people and get investments. He often comes to Blue Home to organize lectures and spread knowledge about transmigration technology. Sometimes, he reveals some of the newest developments in Project 101. I heard that transmigration technology is beginning to take shape.

“Of course, I won’t exclude the possibility that he did it to get more investments for Project 101 and to bring more members to Blue Home, and, thus, exaggerated the truth. But the early investors are quite satisfied with the development of the project, and if these rich people are willing to throw a large amount of money in this, this means that they must have developed something!

“Captain Ye, do you know what is the most terrifying thing for the monster civilization? Is it their devastating defeat at the northern offense or the appearance of a few new Deity Realm superhumans in Dragon City?

“No. These things might be terrifying to them, but they won’t necessarily destroy the hopes of the monster civilization’s victory.

“Monster Mountain Range is vast. Even if they lost Raging Waves, they have other treacherous and rugged mountains. The abnormal beasts’ biochemical technology is also developing nonstop, and it’s not impossible for them to create existences more terrifying than Apocalyptic Beasts who can fight against humans’ Deity Realm superhumans.

“But there is one thing that will mark the end of the monster civilization or complete domestication if it succeeds, and that is the successful development of transmigration technology, which leads to the activation of the tunnel leading from Dragon City to Earth.

“Once the tunnel between the Other World and Earth is opened up, it doesn’t matter how many resources both parties are able to send in the beginning, because sooner or later, the steel army from Earth will pour into the Other World. Earth would very likely launch a deciding attack on the Other World.

“If that’s the case, no matter how much the abnormal beasts wrack their brains and how many momentary victories they obtain or even if they take over all of Dragon City, it’d be useless, because there will come a day when Earthlings would crush the monster civilization!

“In the past, the monsters didn’t have sufficient intelligence. Even the Apocalyptic Beasts as big as mountains didn’t. And they didn’t understand the importance of transmigration technology.

“But since you said that the abnormal beasts might have obtained the help from human satellite cities and humans whose souls were corrupted by the environment after they transmigrated. Then, these humans who have deformed souls and bodies would definitely let the abnormal beasts understand just how fatal transmigration technology is to them.

“That’s why, it’s impossible that they would just sit by and watch us develop transmigration technology so that they will be sent back to Earth in shackles to be judged!”

Ye Xiaoxing fell silent.

Meng Chao struck while the iron was hot. “I believe that the abnormal beasts have been deliberately planning on how to destroy transmigration technology and Project 101. This is their true goal for infiltrating Blue Home.

“Corrupting Lin Chuan and Gao Ye’s minds so that they will end up as their puppets were just secondary goals.

“But Project 101 is located deep in the Supernatural Tower, and there are plenty of Deity Realm superhumans cultivating or conducting research in the Supernatural Tower. Aside from exploration of the ruins and development of Project 101, there are other top-secret projects ongoing there at the same time, so defenses are really tight and it’s impossible for the abnormal beasts to rush into the Supernatural Tower to destroy Project 101.

“Hence, today, during the transmigration technology conference, they will kill all of the transmigration experts and the rich people who support the development of transmigration technology. This is the best choice for the abnormal beasts.

“I know that the birth of a piece of technology will not be decided by the survival or death of certain people, but at the very least, if they kill the people in the project and the investors, they will delay the time transmigration technology will be developed. Perhaps the abnormal beasts may even be able to completely destroy us and nip transmigration technology in the bud!”

Even if it was a winter night, Ye Xiaoxing broke out in cold sweat when he heard this.

White plums of smoke came out of his head. Clearly, his mind was working at super high speeds while he nervously thought about what Meng Chao said.

“I’ve never understood something,” Meng Chao continued. “The Ultimate Sandworm that resembled Gao Ye has been lurking around for a long time. Why did it suddenly pop out half a month ago and cause such meaningless destruction? I know that the monsters over the past half a century have been doing exactly that. They show up suddenly and kill people with a single stomp. They also make houses collapse and climb up skysc.r.a.pers to howl on top of them. But we’re already used to this fighting style.

“Monsters don’t possess intelligence and a sense of self. They’re puppets controlled by their genes and killing instincts, so they don’t understand that they’re fighting in a Monster War!

“But Gao Ye has intelligence, and the abnormal beasts have intelligence too. If we continue thinking that the current monster civilization will use the fighting style of the past, we’ll definitely suffer a major loss!

“The monster that resembled Gao Ye showed up half a month prior to the attack because it wanted to attract the attention of Group 9. It occupied all of our time and energy, so we were unable to care about the Home Party’s transmigration technology conference!”

“Your speculation makes certain sense.” Ye Xiaoxing gritted his teeth. “But I need proof.”

“I just thought about this a moment ago, so how can I get proof for you? If you want it, then you’ll have to wait for another hour or two, and the corpses of the transmigration experts, investors, and politicians will be your proof!” Meng Chao shouted at the top of his lungs. “Think about it, Captain Ye, aside from destroying transmigration technology, the abnormal beasts might also want to achieve another important goal with this attack—intensifying the conflict in Dragon City.

“Do you remember the One Hundred Ways to Destroy Dragon City I wrote?”

Ye Xiaoxing paused, then said, “How can I possibly forget after seeing that sort of thing once?”

“That’s good,” Meng Chao said. “As Dragon City and the Other World fuses together and the dimension slowly becomes stable, it’ll become more difficult for monsters to be transported into Dragon City in large, organized quant.i.ties through s.p.a.ce-time rifts.

“And in a head-on clash, the monsters will have to pay a price so huge that they will not be able to bear it, because they will be using their physical bodies to fight against the defense lines formed by humans armed to the teeth. Even if they manage to break one or two bases, they will suffer.

“So, my guess is that the intelligent abnormal beasts will not use breaking into our bases with large scale a.s.saults in various battlefields as their main tactic anymore. Instead, they’ll pour most of their energy and resources into intensifying the conflict in Dragon City and making humans fight against humans.

“What sort of internal conflicts does Dragon City have? It’s simple, the very first is the conflict between normal people and superhumans.

“You can fly, but I can’t. You can spit fireb.a.l.l.s, but I can’t. You can kill h.e.l.l Beasts with one punch, but I can’t kill even a Demonic Halberd Pig. You live in a mansion, but I live in a shack. You earn ma.s.sive amounts of money every day and live a luxurious life, but even if I die from overtime, I will only earn a small bit of money every month. I don’t even have the hope of paying for my children’s school fees and let my children turn into ‘you’. How could it be possible for this to not cause conflict?

“But right now, Dragon City is not rotten to the core yet. The nine great cultivation families who control the overall situation in Dragon City have people who are heroic and willing to sacrifice their lives to fight for others. The promotion channel for normal people hasn’t been completely shut yet either. As long they’re willing to risk their lives, even if they can’t become Deity Realm superhumans, they will still have a chance to become broken-star superhumans.

“In this sort of situation, it’s difficult for the abnormal beasts to intensify the conflict between normal people and superhumans within a short period of time.

“Even the most extreme normal humans have to admit that while superhumans enjoy glory and resources, they have to face greater dangers and shoulder heavier responsibilities compared to normal humans.

“Hence, while the normal humans are displeased with the nine great cultivation families, that displeasure is not to the point where they will want to overturn things.

“If I were an abnormal beast, I would not choose to target the conflict between normal people and superhumans. Instead, I’d target the conflict between the Colonization Party and Home Party.

“The reason is simple, because this conflict involves a compet.i.tion of benefits, and it’s also clearer and more intense. There is a limited amount of resources in Dragon City, and the city’s budget is not inexhaustible, either.

“There’s only a certain amount of money. If they throw it all into the development and creation of the new superspeed armored airs.h.i.+p, it won’t go into the development of controllable transmigration technology. If they organize a new expedition into Monster Mountain Range, they won’t be able to use that money to completely upgrade the defense systems.

“When it comes to money, if you take it off someone’s hands, it means you’re practically killing him. The Colonization Party and Home Party aren’t just engaged in a battle of ideals, but hate each other because they’re ‘murdering’ each other!”

Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 390: Nipping Transmigration in the Bud

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Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! Chapter 390: Nipping Transmigration in the Bud summary

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