Becoming Rich In A Beast World Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Cain's Jealousy

The female sneered, “Then don't eat a single fruit during the cold season!”

Old Nick instantly smiled sheepishly. “Since there's no meat lying around in the cold season, I naturally have to eat fruit!”

Red Fruit turned to look at Su Tang. She found Su Tang unfamiliar, so she asked quizzically, “Who's the girl?”

The team was already gathering in the forest when Meng Ze was injured, so they knew that he was taken back to the tribe for treatment. However, they did not know that Cain had brought Su Tang back to the tribe.

Before Old Nick said a word, Cain interrupted, “This is Su Tang. I found her in the forest. From now on, she will stay in the tribe!”

Red Fruit noticed that they were holding hands and smiled teasingly.

Su Tang tried to be friendly. She smiled as she greeted the other females, “Hi! I'm Su Tang. Nice to meet you!”

Her soft voice resembled that of a newborn beastman!

Since beastmen were typically candid and many of the females had kids of their own, they could not help taking a liking for Su Tang.

“I'm Red Fruit! This is Green Gra.s.s, Yellow Fruit, Bu Sen…”

Su Tang smiled and waved. “h.e.l.lo!”

Everyone was very friendly. They did not resemble the beastmen that Su Tang had read about in fiction books that were selfish and violent. Hence, she liked the place even more!

When the males noticed no Beast Ring on Su Tang's right hand, they instantly got excited!

They energetically stood upright and wanted to get Su Tang's attention!

Since the beastmen were 1.9 meters tall on average, Su Tang was genuinely short at 1.6 meters!

The females were typically over 1.7 meters tall. Some of them were even as tall as 1.8 meters!

Hence, it was no surprise that Su Tang was mistaken for a kid!

Cain's face turned livid when he saw three males strutting around in front of Su Tang!

He yanked Su Tang away immediately!

Old Nick smiled awkwardly. “Go on gathering. We are going to get some herbs for Meng Ze's treatment!”

After the three of them had gone far, Red Fruit chuckled as she glanced at the males around them.

The three males eagerly stared in the direction that Su Tang had left and could not wait to go after her!

“You should just stay put. Can't you see how angry Chief is?”

Bu Sen asked stupidly, “Why would he be angry?”

Yellow Fruit reached out and hit his head disappointedly. “Why are you so dumb? Can't you see Chief holding her hand?”

Bu Sen held his head indignantly. “But she isn't wearing a Beast Ring! Although she is too skinny, she is the fairest female I have ever seen!”

Red Fruit laughed out loud and threw a freshly plucked red fruit into his arms.

“Can't you see him holding her hand? Bu Sen, do you want to challenge Chief?”

Bu Sen went quiet briefly and seemed to be contemplating whether it was possible before he replied, “That might just work. Even though I am no Divine Warrior, I am a pretty good fighter in the tribe!”

All the females shook their heads helplessly as they continued to gather fruit!

They did not have much time left since the rainy season was halfway through. Before the priest headed to Antelope Tribe to exchange for salt, he once divined that heavy rains would come!

Only males can go out when the time comes, while females will have to stay in the caves.

Becoming Rich In A Beast World Chapter 18

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Becoming Rich In A Beast World Chapter 18 summary

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