Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 129 - Make Lots Of Babies

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Chapter 129: Make Lots Of Babies

The thought had just set in Mu Siyin’s mind when Leng Jiao snorted. She then walked towards Huo Sikai’s direction and placed her hand on his shoulders with a slap. Mu Siyin could see Huo Sikai trembling.

“What is in your brain?”

Huo Sikai immediately smiled with his eyes squinted. “I’m just joking.”

“You can’t joke like that in front of a girl! Do you know how embarra.s.sing it is for Siyin?”

Huo Sikai started to give in to the pressure and lifted his hands to surrender. “I’m sorry, your royal highness. Can’t you just sit and talk nicely?”

If Leng Jiao got mad, she would really flatten Huo Sikai, like a pancake, with nothing but a slap, and he could not strike back.

That was why he was afraid of her.

Upon hearing this, Leng Jiao instantly pulled out the chair next to Huo Sikai and sat there. Huo Sikai really wanted to slap himself to death at that moment.

Out of all things, why did he tell her to sit next to him?

Great. How was he going to go through this night peacefully with her next to him?

s.h.i.+ Beiyu pulled Mu Siyin to their seats. He faced her and whispered, “Do you see that? That’s how a mouse looks when it sees a cat.”

Mu Siyin did all she could to suppress her laughter. She nodded her head. “Yeah. This is really entertaining.”

So this was what the legendary quote, ‘everything has its vanquisher,’ meant.

“Don’t neglect us by whispering to Sister-in-law, Brother. Today is the day you went public with your relations.h.i.+p. Come! Let me give you a toast.”

s.h.i.+ Ran held the wine gla.s.s as he stood up. It was obvious that he was using this opportunity to make s.h.i.+ Beiyu drink more that night.

Huo Sikai was still coming up with an idea to escape from Leng Jiao’s violent grip. However, s.h.i.+ Ran’s words instantly threw his worries to the back of his mind as he stood up with the wine gla.s.s in his hand. With a smile across his face, he said, “Yeah, little Beibei. We won’t leave until we get you drunk tonight. Come!”

Since two of the gang had stood up, s.h.i.+ Ran and Leng Jiuchen naturally followed suit and lifted their Leng Jiao had no choice but to follow them as well. “Yeah, Ah Yu. Hope you and Siyin get married and make lots of babies.”

Huo Sikai immediately darted his eyes to glance at Mu Siyin the moment Leng Jiao said that.

He still remembered how much he had frightened Mu Siyin when he mentioned babies the last time.

However, there was nothing unusual about Mu Siyin’s reaction now. On the contrary, she even seemed… a little bit embarra.s.sed?


Upon hearing this, s.h.i.+ Beiyu’s spirits lifted. “I’m counting on your blessings.”

Meanwhile, in the s.h.i.+ family manor.

A grey-haired Old Master s.h.i.+ was having dinner with Mother s.h.i.+ at the luxurious yet elegant dining room.

A few servants stood next to them, carefully heeding to their master’s needs. Their heads were kept low, and no one dared to look up.

Old Master s.h.i.+ placed down his cutleries. He creased his forehead slightly as he looked at Mother s.h.i.+, who was sipping on her soup at the moment. His voice filled with curiosity. “I heard that Ah Yu has a girlfriend now. Is that true?”

Mother s.h.i.+ put down her spoon and dipped the corner of her lips with a handkerchief. She smiled as she replied, “That’s right. He seems to like her a lot too.”

Old Master s.h.i.+ did not seem excited about it. He simply nodded his head in response. “Okay. Which family is the Young Lady from?”

Mother s.h.i.+ let out a soft sigh. “I asked him about it, but he won’t tell me anything. He even said that he will bring her back for a visit when the time is right. However, he did say that she isn’t from a n.o.ble family.”

The crease on Old Master s.h.i.+’s forehead deepened when he heard this. “Then what is it? I spent so much time finding a suitable match for him. They were all of n.o.ble birth and ladies from respectable families, but he did not even cast them a glance. Yet, he found a match for himself now? The s.h.i.+ family is not a place for a promiscuous woman!”

Noticing that Old Master s.h.i.+ was a little mad, Mother s.h.i.+ added on defensively, “That is for sure. But he also said that the girl came from a decent family. It just doesn’t live up to our expectations.”

Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 129 - Make Lots Of Babies

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Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 129 - Make Lots Of Babies summary

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