Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 1857

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Chapter 1857: Chapter 1857 true love can transcend everything

Translator: 549690339

“Xiang Qiuci paused for a moment, then nodded again. “Okay.” ”

“Mu Siyin patted her shoulder in relief. “Good, it’s good that you understand.” ”


“When Xiang Qiuci heard Mu Siyin’s words, she suddenly looked up at her and said, “Yinyin, didn’t you hate him before?” ”

Mu Siyin’s face stiffened.

“Yes, she did hate Leng Jiuchen before. However, after this incident, she felt that Leng Jiuchen was really sincere towards Xiang Qiuci now. ”

“Therefore, she decided to… support them. ”

“”The past is the past, and now is the present. Haven’t you been avoiding your feelings for him before? Now that you’ve accepted it, I naturally have to support you. Qiuci, I hope that you and he can be happy, fiercely happy.” ”

“Xiang Qiuci curled her lips and nodded. “Mm, I also hope that I can be happy with him.” ”

“After she finished speaking, she looked at Mu Siyin with some worry. “But Siyin, is my ident.i.ty compatible with his?” ”

“Although Xiang Qiuci was not someone who felt inferior, Leng Jiuchen’s ident.i.ty was too n.o.ble, and she could not catch up to him. ”

“Mu Siyin held her hand and looked at her seriously. “True love can transcend everything. You’ve gone through life and death, so why are you afraid of a mere background? ”

“”Besides, you have one in your belly now. Who Dares to say that you’re not worthy of him?” ”

“Xiang Qiuci smiled helplessly when she heard this. Then, she raised her hand to touch her belly and sighed. “He’s very strong.” ”

Mu Siyin looked at this and nodded with a smile. “It’s right to be strong!”

“The little guy in Xiang Qiuci’s belly was her protective talisman. Even if old General Leng did not approve of Xiang Qiuci and Leng Jiuchen being together, with this little guy around, he could not not compromise! ”

“When Xiang Qiuci heard Mu Siyin’s words, she raised her head and looked at her with some hesitation. Just as she was about to tell Mu Siyin, Mu Siyin’s phone suddenly rang. ”

“In an instant, the words that were about to come out of her mouth were swallowed back into her stomach. ”

Mu Siyin took out her phone and saw that it was Ji Yang.

“She immediately said to Xiang Qiuci, “Yang Yang and my cousin have been worried about you.” ”

Xiang Qiuci smiled in embarra.s.sment.

The people who had helped her this time had all been in vain.

“Yang Yang.”

“”Yinyin, is Qiuci Back?” ”

“Recently, Ji Yang had been unable to eat and sleep well because of Xiang Qiuci’s matter. If Xiang Qiuci and Leng Jiuchen did not come back, Ji Yang planned to postpone the wedding date indefinitely. ”

“Mu Siyin smiled and nodded. “She’s back, she’s back. Come quickly, we’ve been waiting for you.” ”

“When Ji Yang heard this, the huge stone in her heart finally fell. ”

“”Okay, where are you guys? Are you at the Moon Villa?” ”

“”Yes, yes.” ”

“”Okay, wait for me, I’ll be there right away.” ”

“After hanging up the phone, Mu Siyin looked at Xiang Qiuci and said, “If you and Leng Jiuchen don’t come back soon, Yang Yang is planning to cancel the wedding.” ”

Xiang Qiuci sighed helplessly. “I’m the one who dragged them into this.”

“”Are you treating us like strangers again? Fortunately, you guys are back. Soon, we will be able to attend their wedding. I’m so excited just thinking about it.” ”

“Seeing that Mu Siyin was already a mother of four and was still smiling like a child, Xiang Qiuci said sincerely, “Yin Yin, s.h.i.+ Beiyu really loves you.” ”

“Mu Siyin was stunned. She coughed dryly and said with a smile, “I was talking about you guys. Why are you talking about me? We are already an old couple!” ”

Xiang Qiuci could not help but laugh. “Then why do I feel like the both of you are still in a pa.s.sionate relations.h.i.+p?”

Mu Siyin blushed. “No Way!”

“”Look, you’re blus.h.i.+ng. Am I right?” ”

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Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 1857 summary

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