Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 238 - It Was Only True Growth When She Fought for Experience Herself

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Chapter 238: It Was Only True Growth When She Fought for Experience Herself

s.h.i.+ Beiyu could not help but laugh. “Don’t you normally get off work early?”

Mu Siyin blinked. “From today onwards, I might have to start working overtime too.”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu frowned in response. “They’re not letting you get off work early?”

She was speechless at his words.

“In your eyes, am I such a pushover?”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu felt rather helpless. “That was not what I meant. Do you have a project now?”

Mu Siyin smiled and nodded. “Yup.”

After being in the office for days, she finally had a real job. Otherwise, she would just be sitting around and playing dumb all day. What a bore!

s.h.i.+ Beiyu could tell that Mu Siyin was in a good mood, so he asked, “What project is it?”

“I will tell you when I see you.”

“How much longer do you need?”

“Give me five minutes. I will start packing up.”

Since s.h.i.+ Beiyu had personally come to pick her up today, she could not make him wait for long.

Once she went downstairs and stepped out of the office building, she immediately saw a familiar car parked by the roadside.

The corners of her mouth curved up into a smile as she ran over.

s.h.i.+ Beiyu opened the door from inside. When he saw her out of breath from running, he helplessly pulled her into the car. “Just walk over slowly next time. It’s just a matter of two minutes.”

Mu Siyin took a deep and long breath before she smiled at him and said, “I got an order today, so I’m happy.”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu raised his eyebrow. “What order is it?”

Mu Siyin replied, “Mrs. Laura from Country Xia. Do you know her?”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu paused for a while and then nodded. “Yes.”

Mu Siyin continued, “She cooperated with Mu Corporation for a million-dollar order, and that Old Hag a.s.signed the order to me today.”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu raised his eyebrows. He was skeptical. “You?”

Seeing s.h.i.+ Beiyu’s expression, Mu Siyin frowned. “Don’t you think I can handle it?”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu laughed in response. “That was not what I meant. Why would she give the order to you?”

Mu Siyin sighed. “Actually, she has a grudge against the chief designer and wants to use me as cannon fodder.”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu lost his smile. “What do you think about this?”

“I definitely wouldn’t let her put me in the spot like that. She said that if I can complete this order, she’ll give me a promotion.”

“Do you need my help?”

Mu Siyin replied, “No need. Let me try.”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu wanted to ask her if she could actually handle it, but he swallowed his words when they were at his lips.

Since she had some confidence in herself, it would be best to let her try.

If he arranged everything for her, it would all be meaningless to her.

It was only true growth when she fought for experience herself.

“What are your plans?” He reached his fingers out and tidied her messy long hair.

Mu Siyin blinked. “I’ve run a background check on Mrs. Laura. Her company specializes in luxury clothing, and all her customers are aristocratic ladies.”

“When she decided to venture into the jewelry industry, she must have thought to match the jewelry with the clothes that she was selling. If she can sell these together in a set, she can definitely earn more profit.”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu heard her a.n.a.lysis and nodded with a smile. “Good a.n.a.lysis.”

Mu Siyin continued, “If I can come out with designs that are compatible with her fas.h.i.+on line, she should be satisfied.”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu nodded. “You are right. That is exactly her plan.”

Mu Siyin asked in surprise, “How do you know?”

s.h.i.+ Beiyu chuckled in response. “She wanted to work with Emperor Dynasty Corporation at first.”

“What?” Mu Siyin was stunned.

s.h.i.+ Beiyu continued, “Her quotation was rather low, so I recommended Mu Corporation to her.”

Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 238 - It Was Only True Growth When She Fought for Experience Herself

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Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 238 - It Was Only True Growth When She Fought for Experience Herself summary

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