Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 922 - if he wants to acknowledge Mu Siyin, I'll divorce him! 1

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Chapter 922: Chapter 922 if he wants to acknowledge Mu Siyin, I’ll divorce him! 1

Translator: 549690339 

When old General Leng heard this, he immediately frowned and chuckled. “Yiru, everything that happened tonight was because of you! You Don’t have any say in how your father and mother decide about Mu Siyin!”

When Yue Yiru heard this, she immediately held her hands and shut her mouth.

Old General Leng’s anger flared up again. “As the daughter of the Secretary of State, you actually brought some illegal drugs to the state banquet and even drugged Mu Siyin and Yiming!

Yiming is your biological brother. How could you do it? Yiming, you’ve really disappointed us!”

Yue Yiru didn’t have the face to make another sound.


“Fortunately, the incident tonight didn’t turn out to be a big mistake. Your father also felt that you’ve gone too far with Mu Siyin, so he announced her ident.i.ty. From now on, you’re the elder sister. No matter what, you’re not allowed to compete with her for ah domain anymore, and you’re also not allowed to use your dirty tricks to harm anyone!”

As soon as old General Leng finished speaking, Yue Yiru couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Grandfather! Mu Siyin is just like her mother. She likes to s.n.a.t.c.h other people’s men. I took a liking to ah domain first, but I don’t know what methods she used to seduce him!”

“You are simply impudent!”Old General Leng said angrily.

The old general’s sudden anger frightened Yue Yiru so much that his shoulders trembled.

“What happened in the previous generation has nothing to do with you! “Besides, when did you own Ah Yu? “From the beginning when I mentioned you and Ah Yu to the s.h.i.+ family, he has been refusing. That day at the Yue family, he even said that he has someone he likes in front of everyone. So, don’t say what you just said. I don’t want to lose my face because of you guys anymore!”


“Go back to your room and reflect on yourself. Your mother and I have something to talk about!”

Old General Leng’s temper had been rising recently because of their tempers. Yue Yiru was too unreasonable, so he didn’t have much patience to lecture her.

Yue Yiru looked at old General Leng and Leng Yunfeng with red eyes, frozen in place.

Leng Yunfeng also knew that the old general was very angry because of what Yue Yiru had done tonight. She was also angry. No matter what, she could not drag yiming into this.

She could only say, “Yiru, you go back to your room first.”

Yue Yiru frowned and looked at the two of them. He could only snort lightly and turn around to run out.

Old General Leng looked at Leng Yunfeng. “Yiru has changed. She is no longer as sensible as before.”

Yue Yiru was as elegant and generous as before. She was both beautiful and intelligent. Now, she was an unreasonable and insidious person who did things without thinking.

Leng Yunfeng also knew that Yue Yiru did something wrong tonight. She said in a low voice, “Then isn’t she still doing it for s.h.i.+ Beiyu? All of this is because of s.h.i.+ Beiyu!”

Old General Leng sighed deeply and said, “It’s also my fault. I shouldn’t have set her up with Ah Yu. I let her have hope and disappointment. That’s why she has become like this!”

Leng Yunfeng was speechless.

Old General Leng continued, “As for the matter between you and Ah Xiang, don’t make a fuss anymore. If he comes to apologize to you tomorrow, you can just forgive him. Don’t hurt your relations.h.i.+p with him because of Mu Siyin.”

Speaking of Mu Siyin, Leng Yunfeng was so angry that she wanted to go crazy!

“If he wants to acknowledge Mu Siyin, I’ll divorce him!”

Old General Leng frowned. “As long as he doesn’t announce it to the public, what does it matter if he admits it in private? In any case, she’s his daughter. No one can change this fact.”

Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 922 - if he wants to acknowledge Mu Siyin, I'll divorce him! 1

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Pampered By Mr President! Chapter 922 - if he wants to acknowledge Mu Siyin, I'll divorce him! 1 summary

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