I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey Chapter 319: Eruption

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Chapter 319: Eruption

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A voice on the other end of the communications device clearly froze up for a moment before shouting in panic as well. "He's left the bookstore! Attention all departments! He's left the bookstore!

"d.a.m.n! Why did he suddenly decide to leave the bookstore?!

"Did some sort of problem pop up?!

"Dammit! What the heck is the Intelligence Division doing!"

The first half was informing others, while the latter part was more of a panicked rave.

However, everyone was well aware that the Intelligence Division was currently swamped due to the recent incident with Joseph and might not have too many resources to handle bookstore matters at present.

Another reason could be that things were much too stable for the bookstore owner. There hadn't been any folks running to get themselves killed in recent times, and the bookstore owner hadn't done anything that would cause an upheaval for the past period.

Everything had been peaceful.

There had only been three things of note during this time.

Ji Zhixiu had visited once more with gifts, but it was known that she was a regular, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. She had made a few more visits but only left with books, so it seemed that it was just a routine purchase or loan.

The second and third matter occurred at the same time.

The owner of the second-hand bookstore opposite the street had handed Boss Lin that mysterious book which could also be considered something that wasn't out of the ordinary.

At the same time, the bookstore owner's cat (its original form was still unclear, but according to the Sun's Faith, it was likely to be the Moon Child left behind by the Church of the Dome) and the a.s.sistant Mu'en had gone out at around the same time.

According to the duty personnel at that time, they had just gone to catch pigeons... It wasn't certain whether this was done for the bookstore owner's entertainment.

This uneventful routined, coupled with the growing conflict between Secret Rite Tower and the Corpse Devouring Sect, led to everyone’s attention being placed on Joseph and Wilde.

…Even the Logistic Division’s duty personnel here had gotten sloppy.

As a result, n.o.body had expected the bookstore owner would make such a huge move out of the blue—going out!

This, to the whole of Norzin, was as alarming as the entire Central District being fired on by the Aether Annihilation Cannon!

Thomas slammed the main door of the house open, sc.r.a.ping his fingers in the process as he stumbled out, almost in a tumble.

A strict voice on the other end of the communications device asked with urgency, “Thomas, report the current position of the bookstore owner at once as well as the direction he’s headed in! You will lose your knighthood if you tell me you can’t catch up!”

Theft is never good, try looking at shorturl.at/mCEOX.

Thomas bellowed into the communications device as quickly as he could, “I’m currently in pursuit! From what I ju…

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey Chapter 319: Eruption

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey Chapter 319: Eruption summary

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