I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey Chapter 324: Your Method Is Wrong

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Chapter 324: Your Method Is Wrong

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Fitch stood rooted to the spot, feeling the chill of the night air. That chill was as if a bucket of cold water had drenched him from head to toe, seeping into his bones and dousing whatever excitement he had.

These words echoed in his ears for a long time and he could clearly hear the faint sarcasm and helplessness in Lin Jie’s sigh.

At any other time, such a sigh would be warranted because they had seen the glamor and glitz of those other guests and mocking the doorman who only had eyes for guests dressed in luxury. Given that Lin Jie and Fitch were both a bunch of poor guys, it was understandable that they would feel a little self-defeated upon seeing how poor and insignificant they were in comparison.

But that wasn’t the case now.

The clearly different invitation that Lin Jie produced had actually been verified to be genuine by the doorman, who even seemed to treat him with even greater respect while inviting him into the estate. Perhaps others couldn’t see it clearly, but Fitch, who was right next to him, could intuitively sense the doorman bowing slightly more.

This in itself was the greatest honor, even more so than other guests that wore the most luxurious and expensive clothes. There was simply no reason for him to be ridiculing the inconstancy on show here.

What's more, Fitch had tried using his ability only to realize it wasn’t effective, and the person he had been targeting, who should have made a fool of himself, had given Fitch a smile and told him to stop staring.

Wasn’t that the same as telling him to stop wasting time, for his powers wouldn’t work?

Thus, there could only be one possibility.

The meaning of the words and the irony contained in that smile were mocking Fitch’s ignorance and overconfidence.


Fitch heard himself swallow nervously. For a moment, his heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest as he saw the young man approaching him.

H-he wouldn’t really be that displeased, would he? Lin Jie could only sigh. He felt a sense of camaraderie with this fellow with him. They were both in the same boat, both poor fellows… Attending such a high-end banquet really required courage.

Who, not for circ.u.mstances, wouldn’t wish to be a freeloader?

And although the doorman was professional and well-mannered, Lin Jie had still caught the momentary change in his expression.

When Fitch had handed over his invitation, the doorman had pursed his lips slightly and given a look as he saw the former’s ill-fitting attire.

This vaguely signified that the seemingly impartial doorman also had some disdain and arrogance toward the poor.

And with Lin Jie, it had been even more obvious. Before Lin Jie handed over his invitation, the doorman had treated him only slightly better than a nondescript like Fitch, completely unlike those more dignifiedly dressed guests.

But once Lin Jie handed over the invitation, the doorman had even lowered his head to bow.

These changes before and after were truly an apt descri…

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey Chapter 324: Your Method Is Wrong

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