I Beg You All, Please Shut Up Chapter 294

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Chapter 294: She has been a grandma

More than ten minutes later, In Li Hongxia’s villa, Chu Tian and Song Xiaoya walked in an underground wine cellar together.

The huge underground wine cellar was at least twice the size of the wine cellar in Chu Tian villa, and, as far as the eye could see, it was full of all kinds of red wine.

Li Hongxia turned around with a smile to glance at Chu Tian and said, “These are the red wines that I s.h.i.+pped over from the home country. Don’t worry, Boss Chu. Every bottle of wine here is an original red wine from the main wineries in the home country.”

“Naturally.” Chu Tian looked around, “To be able to achieve the scale of Boss Li, it must be genuine.”

Li Hongxia smiled, and while taking Chu Tian and Song Xiaoya to the depths of the wine cellar, she said, “According to the time, I have been in the Fa Guo red wine business for almost 24 years, and I started in 1997.”

“At the beginning, it was just a small business. I never thought of achieving this scale. Moreover, the sales volume at that time was not good. More than 20 years ago, everyone’s life was not as rich as it is now. At that time, domestic general acceptance of red wine is not too high.”

“Actually, I planned to change to another business in the middle. I opened a machinery manufacturing company on a small scale. I lost a sum of money and owed some foreign debts. Then, I became old again. Come back honestly and continue to do the wine business. At that time, I didn’t expect to be able to achieve the scale it is today.”

“That was in 2001. Didn’t our country officially join the World Trade Organization? The national economy began to take off, and rich people also sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.”

“From 2002 to 2003, I felt the huge potential of the domestic red wine market.”

“Because when people have money, they often start to pursue the enjoyment of life and physical health.”

“Red wine sets itself apart from ordinary wine. It offers great benefits to people. Rich in organic compounds, vitamins, and antioxidants, red wine not only protects the heart and brain but also delays aging and enhances one’s complexion. It is particularly popular among women.”

“Anyway, from 2002 to 2003, the sales of red wine here have almost doubled.”

“As a result, until today, it has achieved the current scale. Although I dare not say all of them, as far as it is concerned, 60% of the domestic star-rated hotels have relatively high-end original red wine in their stores. , basically took it from me.”

“Besides, because of the red wine business, I also met a lot of rich friends. Although they don’t ask for much in private, they still ask for one or two batches of good red wine every year.”

After listening to Li Hongxia’s family history, Chu Tian nodded and asked curiously, “Um, Boss Li, can I ask a personal question? How old are you this year?”

Li Hongxia looked like she was only 40 years old at most, maybe even less than that. However, she started this business early enough. How old was she 24 years ago? A 16-year-old girl had the courage to do international trade?

When asked by Chu Tian, Li Hongxia smiled and said, “Boss Chu thinks how old I am this year?”

Huh.” Chu Tian thought for a while and said, “Thirty-eight or nineteen years old?”

Giggle…” Li Hongxia said with a giggle. “Do I really look so young?”

“It’s about the same.” Chu Tian said, “Boss Li’s age does not seem very old.”

“It’s a bit worse.” Li Hongxia laughed, “Actually, I’m fifty-two years old this year.”


52 years old? Hearing what Li Hongxia said, Chu Tian’s eyes widened.

Chu Tian thought that Li Hongxia might be older than she looked, but he never expected that she would be so much older.

I really couldn’t tell. It looked like she was only 40 years old at most.

Seeing Chu Tian’s surprised appearance, Li Hongxia continued to smile and said, “Think about it. My eldest daughter is already 33 this year. At that time, it was generally earlier for me to get married and have children. I was born when she was 19 years old. My eldest daughter, at the beginning of 1988, happened to be just after the Chinese New Year, and on the third day of the Lunar New Year, I was already a grandma, and my grandson had just entered the first grade of elementary school this year, and he was exactly 6 years old.”

Chu Tian stared blankly at Li Hongxia, suddenly smiled, and said, “I really didn’t see it, I didn’t expect Boss Li to be a grandma, and you look really young.”

Giggle…” Li Hongxia giggled, “I do look younger than my age. My friends all say the same. When I was with my elder daughter, they all said that we were like sisters. They couldn’t tell that we were mother and daughter.”

“I think this should be mainly due to two aspects. One is that I have a better mentality. Compared with ordinary people, my life has been smooth. I have never encountered any ups and downs in my life, and there is nothing bad about it.”

“Secondly, I think it has something to do with the fact that I often drink red wine because, in this line of work, I gradually fell in love with it. For more than 20 years, I basically have had two or three gla.s.ses of wine every day, about half a bottle, not too much.”

I Beg You All, Please Shut Up Chapter 294

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I Beg You All, Please Shut Up Chapter 294 summary

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