Death… And Me Chapter 3054 How Come I Don't Remember?

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3054  How Come I Don't Remember?

One of the elders helped Drefin. "Young Tana, because of the power of your bloodline, reproduction is hard. If you wait much longer, the best window to have descendants will close. You don't really need to select another Golal Shark as a mate. The bloodline is strong enough to pa.s.s in full with any other worthy Sea Demon Beast."


Tana stomped her feet on the ground. "Forget it! I don't want to be a breeding machine! I will find someone when the time comes."

Rean glanced at Yuan. 'Now I understand why you said you couldn't wait ten years in the Spiritual Canyon. This kind of thing was happening here, and your girl was about to be taken. Let me guess, you agreed to go to the Spiritual Canyon so you could improve your foundation and have higher chances of growing stronger. All so that you could have a say or something like that.'

Yuan looked away. 'I warned you in the Spiritual Canyon. My story was very, very cliche. It truly wasn't anything worth mentioning. You humans, above all, go through these kinds of troublesome relations.h.i.+ps all the time, right? Definitely much more than us Demon Beasts.'

Rean sighed and had no excuse. They truly had a lot of bulls.h.i.+t issues with relations.h.i.+ps. 'Fine, I admit we have no right to point you out.'

Still, Rean was confused. 'Explain to me one thing. Demon Beasts usually resolve their differences through strength. Why is this kind of meeting even happening?'

Yuan pointed at Tana. 'That's because she is stronger than any of those guys over there.'

'Oh...' Rean almost burst into laughter. Indeed, since she could beat them down, then she had the right to refuse any of them as her mate. 'I guess the Charybdis Bloodline lives up to its name then, even though it is so faint.'

Rean then checked the young Sea Demons before checking Yuan again. 'I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are absolutely not their match. Even the weakest in their midst could totally trash you, and that's not only because they have higher cultivations. Even if you were at the same level, I'm pretty sure you would lose pretty bad.'

Yuan bitterly smiled. 'You don't need to throw that on my face.'

'Hey, even though the difference is this big, you still haven't given up. I like it!' Yet, Rean didn't seem bothered at all.

"Enough!" Drefin's aura spread, making everyone shut their mouths. "Tana, you eventually will have to do it. These are the best prospects in our race."

"Denyu is from the Coral Spiked Shark Race and is already at Stage Eight. Clodou is from the Sea Golden Horse Race, and although he is at Stage Seven, he is very young. His Sea Golden Horse bloodline is very strong, too, so he is definitely worthy. Wippie is from the Eight-Eyed Silver Scale Squid Race. Look at his Scales; they s.h.i.+ne more than most of his race, showing the great concentration of bloodline in his body, too."

Drefin then continued to present the other candidates accepted as possible mates for his daughter for the next minutes.

"Hmph!" Yet, Tana ignored all that. She didn't want to hear anything. She was that stubborn.

"Sigh..." Seeing that his daughter didn't change her att.i.tude, Drefin could only give up for the moment. "You are just like your mother."

Tana narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything.

Drefin then he looked at Yuan. "Now, let's go back to the Spiritual Canyon issue. Yuan, how did you manage to escape? The Formation was supposed to have killed you inside."

Yuan looked at Rean. "My friend here, Garfield, is a sea Demon Beast that lived in the Spiritual Pond caves. He was the one who helped me find an exit before the Slaughter Formation activated."

Drefin looked at Rean. "Garfield, right? Someone, bring a Soul Binding Contract for Garfield to sign. The Spiritual Canyon issue must be checked as fast as possible. The contract will make sure he isn't lying."

Yuan immediately grew nervous. Everything he said was a lie, after all. If Rean signed the contract, he would have to tell the truth. That wasn't good news for him.

'Don't worry,' Rean sent Yuan a Spiritual Sense Message. Soon, the Soul Binding Contract was pa.s.sed to Rean, who signed it without thinking twice.


Everyone turned to Yuan. Rean signed the Soul Binding Contract, and they all saw it activating. Rean 'absolutely' couldn't lie. Otherwise, his soul would be destroyed. So... that had to be true, right?


The system instantly caught up to the contract and blocked it just like it did with the previous ones.

Seeing that the contract 'activated,' Drefin didn't waste time. "Alright, first of all, what did you come here for? Tell me everything."

Rean stepped forward, a confident smile on his face... which increased Yuan's bad premonition feeling even more.

"I came here for one reason and one reason only, help Yuan be Tana's mate!" Rean declared right there and then, his voice filled with utter confidence.

Silence... that was all one could hear for the next few seconds.

Tana, obviously, was just as surprised. She had no idea Yuan liked her and always saw him as just a brat she took under her wing many years ago. "Is that... true?"

Everyone turned to Yuan. Rean signed the Soul Binding Contract, and they all saw it activating. Rean 'absolutely' couldn't lie. Otherwise, his soul would be destroyed. So... that had to be true, right?

Yuan was lost. "This... I-"

"Of course!" Rean quickly cut in, not letting Yuan speak. "We even talked about how you would come back to destroy all the compet.i.tion. I still remember your determination back in the Spiritual Canyon.

Rean continued. "Ahem... these were his exact words: Garfield, a bunch of n.o.bodies think they can have my precious Tana. How could I ever let that happen?! Help me, Garfield! Help me leave this place and take my Tana back. Only I, Yuan, am worthy of her offsprings!"

Yuan wanted to die already. Did he say that? How come he doesn't remember? However, Rean signed the contract, so he must be telling the truth... right? Yuan's head couldn't process what was happening anymore.

My poor Yuan...


And as always, any Golden Tickets and Stones are welcome. ;)

Death… And Me Chapter 3054 How Come I Don't Remember?

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Death… And Me Chapter 3054 How Come I Don't Remember? summary

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