I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 393 - Many Thanks

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Chapter 393 - Many Thanks

The place I was teleported to was a s.p.a.ce with white walls and ceilings.

From its appearance, one could say it’s inside a room.


There was no one around.

No footsteps either.

———–I need to quickly meet up with someone.

I started bouncing my way through the path.

……Somehow, this kinda feels lonely.

Ever since joining Touka’s group, there had always been someone nearby.

I realized how much protection I had received from others.

Touka, Seras, Eve……

Liz, Slei…… Nyaki and Munin.

Just being with someone makes such a big difference.

I felt myself being wrapped in anxiety……


———-but shaking off these worries, I focused on my task.

Mulling in worries won’t do.

Rather, at a time like this, I need to be the one to help the others……!

I considered making a sound———- but decided against it.

Doing that might draw enemies my way instead.

The surroundings were filled with white walls and ceilings.

The Sacrament blocked it with the thick blade of its axe.


Meanwhile, the Sacrament’s spear attack came again.


I wrapped around Munin’s arm, expanding to act as a s.h.i.+eld.

Thanks to the increased hardness of the defensive area, we were able to block the spear.

———–It still hurts a bit though.

[Pigimaru-san…… ———-Thank you, you saved me.]

Munin took a firm stance against the Sacrament.

Meanwhile——— I was thinking.

Should I try to get Munin to safety on her own?

Or should I defeat this Sacrament together with Munin here?

Munin wasn’t incapable of fighting.

If I act as a s.h.i.+eld and sometimes as a spear, we might be able to win————


Munin fell on her backside.


[Kuh…… Pi…… Pigimaru-san, are you alright?]

We had just been trying to block the Sacrament’s successive attacks.

However, we were thrown back when we blocked it.

This Sacrament was strong.

Its strength and speed far surpa.s.sed theirs.

From what I felt just now……

It seemed that Munin’s attack power might not be enough to defeat it.


Winning might be difficult.

However, Munin has a very important role to play after this.

If that’s the case——–

If it comes to it, I’ll have to get Munin to safety.

By growing larger…… or buying time by entangling it……


Before that though, I need to make sure my intentions are clearly communicated.

Escape first while I buy time——– make it so that’s understood.

Can I do it though…… ———-No, I will do it.

For Munin’s sake…… and———-

For that person who called me his partner.

The Sacrament, who seemed to have a.s.sessed when to attack, moved.

……It’s going to be alright, Touka.

I will absolutely not let Munin die here.

Even if it’s at the cost of my life, I will protect Munin no matter what.

When we first met, Touka didn’t just give me courage.

He acknowledged the courage I showed by standing up to him.

That’s why……

He made me not his subordinate, but his “partner”.

I realized that later———– and it made me so happy.

That really…… made me happy, Touka……

…………I’m glad.

I was able to tell you that last time.

To my most beloved partner in the world————

I was able to properly convey my many thanks.

I’ve received so many “happy” moments until now.

From everyone…… from Touka.

That’s why, Touka————

[——————- < Paralyze > ——————-]

The Sacrament’s movements, trying to turn towards the voice, stopped.

[ ]

Then, as the Sacrament was easily torn apart———– The person wearing the Fly King mask spoke.

[Sorry———— I’m a bit late.]


If I could shed tears like a human.

I think I would be shedding them now, feeling so happy to have reunited.

A person who gives me so much happiness just by meeting again.

A person who gives me such overflowing relief.

The one who called me their greatest partner.



Tomorrow, on July 25th (Thursday), Volume 12 of “I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything” will be released.

For Volume 12, I spent a considerable amount of time improving the entire text (this volume also has a bit more differentiation between the early and middle parts).

However, due to page number constraints (there were plans for splitting it into separate volumes, but we decided to consolidate it into one), I was unable to include any additional newly written content (although it might be better not to mention the presence or absence of additional content from a sales perspective, I felt it was important to mention it personally).

On the other hand, KWKM-sama has provided amazing color ill.u.s.trations and artwork, and I personally believe that the book is valuable just for those ill.u.s.trations alone.

The color ill.u.s.trations feature Seras (a picture of hers would always be a must-have), the Takao sisters & Yomibito (with a quality that resembles a painting), and Wormungandr, Ars, & Yomibito (KWKM-sama also designed the three Divine Servants, and they all look incredibly cool).

The ill.u.s.trations in the book are diverse, reflecting the sense of a decisive battle (including characters like Yasu, Ayaka, Chibi Loqierra, Munin, and the Takao sisters). The quality of the ill.u.s.trations is fantastic, and personally, I especially liked the ill.u.s.tration at the “I Love You” part (which readers who just read the past few chapters might recognize).

And for the cover, Seras is prominently featured once again. Seras, in her Origin Regalia, is incredibly beautiful, with her gestures, expressions, and pose (with a hint of a little devilish charm) being captivating. Together with the background, it creates a refres.h.i.+ng atmosphere (also fitting the season).

Given the information above, I would be grateful if you consider purchasing the book.

Thanks to everyone’s support, the total series sales have surpa.s.sed 2.4 million copies. It still feels somewhat unreal to me…… and I am quite grateful for it. In that sense, I am always deeply grateful to everyone who has supported “Failure frame” all this time. I’ve received warm words such as “I bought the Light Novel with the intention of supporting you!” in the comments section and Activity Report, and as I mentioned before, many of you who didn’t post in the comments or activity reports but still bought the book contributed to these sales numbers. Thank you all so much (truly, “many thanks” to everyone).

As the author, I believe the best way to repay everyone is to continue writing as before and to complete the series. With your support as my motivation, I am determined to put more effort into the final chapters. I hope you continue to support “Failure Frame”.

The next update is scheduled for tomorrow, July 25th (Thursday) at 9:00 PM.

I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 393 - Many Thanks

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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 393 - Many Thanks summary

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