Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 1310 The Phenomena That Cannot Be Contained

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1310 The Phenomena That Cannot Be Contained

The breakthrough to the Immortal Ascension realm was not a normal affair. The effects caused by it were not something that could be hidden.

Elder Niji’s aura spread everywhere, dispelling all the other aura’s within the tribe. It was strong enough to suppress the effects of others breakthrough. If before it felt like there were hundreds of people breaking through at once, now it felt like there was just one.

But even if Elder Niji’s aura overwhelmed others, there was one person it could not move. Lin Mu laid on the bed quietly while his body changed and reached the Completion of the Five Treasures Realm.

Elder Niji’s wave of aura was like a gentle breeze to him, that wasn’t even registered.

Still, the ma.s.sive number of breakthroughs that had happened in the tribe was certainly not normal.

In fact, the sheer amount of spirit Qi that was being pulled into the area alone was causing large-scale phenomena. The five colored mist was only present in the Land of Exile, but the vacuum caused by the spirit Qi being absorbed by a hundred thousands people at once was had to miss.

Above the Land of exile, large amounts of spirit Qi could be seen moving. All the people that were present at the ports of the island were left stunned.

In the largest port of the island, there stood a tall tower that was nearly two hundred meters tall. On this tower stood a man dressed in light blue and white robes. His hair was tied in a long ponytail while his face was clean shaven.

On his back, a large s.h.i.+eld was hung and on the surface of that s.h.i.+eld, a crest was painted. It was that of a great wave that was cras.h.i.+ng upon a mountain.

p-a-n-d-a-n-0-v-e-l、(c)om This was the crest of the Great Wave kingdom!

The man in question was gazing at the sky just like everyone else, his expression complex.


“My lord, the guards are anxious about the change. The prisoners seem to be plotting something as well. This is not good. We are short on manpower this month too.” A guard captain appeared from the steps behind the man.

“I know.” The Lord spoke. “But this is indeed something worthy to be anxious about.”

“Huh? You mean to say you know more, my lord?” The guard captain asked.

“I don’t know… but I do have a guess.” The lord replied. “This is a time of unease, for sure. Something has awakened in the Land of Exile to cause such a vacuum of spirit Qi.” He added.


“My lord… if it is just a spirit Qi vacuum, shouldn’t it be fine? After all, if its spirit Qi being drained, it’s just someone below the Immortal realm.” The guard captain stated.

“If that was all, it would be fine. But the scale of this is too large for it to be simple.” The lord said before raising his hand.


The spirit Qi around him gathered into his hand before being condensed. It turned into visible vapor, before falling onto his palm like gentle rain. But it didn’t stop there. The drops of liquid spirit Qi collected together before turning into a tiny piece of crystal.

If anyone from a mortal world were to see this, they would be left stunned. After all, the tiny piece of crystal in the man’s hand was comparable to a peak grade spirit stone in purity! For more chapters, please visit

He had just made a spirit stone!

“Just this much? This is… rather severe.” The lord’s brows furrowed.

The guard captain also saw the crystal on the lord’s hand and broke out in a sweat.

‘The condensed spirit Qi crystal is that small? But… the lord is a fourth tribulation immortal. With his power, it should easily be as big as a watermelon.’ The guard was left speechless.

What the lord had just done was actually one of the methods to check the spirit Qi concentration of an area. Of course, it was a method only immortals could use. For a spirit Qi cultivator, doing this was simply impossible because one needed to have control over immortal Qi to do it.

After a minute of silence, the guard captain finally gathered his wits.

“My lord… do you think this is just the start? Will this happen to Immortal Qi too?” The guard captain asked.

“Yes… whatever it is, it is devouring the spirit Qi greedily. Even I as a fourth tribulation immortal, would find it hard to do that. Whatever it is, its capability is greater than me.” The lord answered.

“Then… why is it not doing the same for immortal Qi?” the guard captain asked.

“Perhaps it is simply consuming whatever it can. The Land of Exile is desolate and immortal perish there too. It wouldn’t be surprising that there are some restrictions there that prevent immortal Qi from being used.” The Lord replied after thinking for a bit.

“Doesn’t that mean whatever it is… it has the capability to go against these restrictions too?” The guard captain was scared.

“Eventually, yes.” The Lord said with furrowed brows.

“Can we do anything?” the guard captain asked. “A majority of our guards here are below the immortal realm. They still need spirit Qi to cultivate. If the concentration drops even more, how will they stay here?”

“I don’t think we can do anything other than wait and watch. Going into the Land of Exile is out of the option, obviously.” The Lord said in a frustrated tone.

“I see…” the guard almost sighed but held back for respect.

“Should I speed up the sending to prisoners? I think it is best we don’t keep any with us, just in case things go bad.” The guard captain suggested.

“Yes… do that. I permit you to speed track all the prisoners and send them into the Land of exile.” The lord ordered.

“As you command, my lord!” The guard captain hurriedly left to carry out the orders.

Once the captain was gone though, the lord shook his head.

“I picked a really bad time to take this post…”

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 1310 The Phenomena That Cannot Be Contained

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 1310 The Phenomena That Cannot Be Contained summary

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